臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 390 期 發行日期 2020-08-01

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France Pulls Plug on Country's Oldest Nuclear Plant ( Part 2 of 2 )

法國最古老的核電廠將吹熄燈號 ( 下篇 )

'Island of prosperity'

France's ASN nuclear safety authority has said reactors can be operated beyond 40 years only if ambitious safety improvements are undertaken.


法國(France)核能安全管制機關(Nuclear Safety Authority,ASN)表示,反應爐只有進行重大的安全改善才得以運行逾 40 年。



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Feature of the Week
CNN 10

CNN 10

CNN 10 的前身是 CNN Student News,是 CNN 將每天發生的新聞濃縮十分鐘,讓你不僅可以知道世界大事,又可以訓練聽英文!第一次聽不懂沒有關係,網站還有提供逐字稿,讓你針對聽不懂得單字反覆練習,省去查字典的辛苦。網站的分類也很多元:除了嚴肅的政治議題外,也有輕鬆的運動,養身,旅遊新聞,可以每天換主題,培養閱讀興趣。現在就把它 Bookmark 起來,閒暇時間,別忘了來收聽!

Apps for Learning English


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English Learning Video
English Learning Video

ONE language, THREE accents - UK vs. USA vs. AUS English!

同樣是英語,美國人﹑英國人﹑澳洲,除了有不同的音調外,有時候連用字都會不同。例如:Swimsuit﹑togs﹑swimming costume 雖是不同的字詞,卻指著相同的事物。在英國餅乾稱為 biscuit,但是在美國若是你點了一份 biscuit 來搭配您的咖啡,那您可能就會很失望囉!因為 biscuit 在美國通常指的是鹹派!跟咖啡一點都不搭!而甜點在美國則稱為:cookies。這就是文化上帶來的差異。語言本來就是溝通的工具,所以除了拼命背單字外,也應該瞭解不同國家的使用法,才能達到溝通無障礙的地步。本片就是透過來自這三個國家的女生,來介紹這三個國家的不同用法與腔調,一起來看看吧!

周樹華老師英語學習 Q&A


本報388期貼文,談到個人對「廣泛閱讀」的看法。讀者們都熟悉語言能力分級,如國內研發的「全民英檢」,及接軌國際的歐盟協會 Council of Europe 設計的 CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference)。通常語言能力分級的目的是為提供學習者進修的方向,而「廣泛閱讀」可以使英語閱讀能力推向 CEFR 高級 C1 及優級 C2 的最高境界。

  訓練英語「說」系列:TLC互動英語 帥哥廚師教你說英語

訓練英語「說」系列:TLC互動英語 帥哥廚師教你說英語

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首先登場的是廚藝一流,顏質一流的:帥哥主廚柯提斯史東 -- TLC 互動英語 帥哥廚師教你說英語。
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France Pulls Plug on Country's Oldest Nuclear Plant
VOA News|Europe
June 28, 2020 01:02 AM (source)

France Pulls Plug on Country's Oldest Nuclear Plant ( Part 2 of 2 )

法國最古老的核電廠將吹熄燈號 ( 下篇 )

June 28, 2020 01:02 AM



'Island of prosperity'

France's ASN nuclear safety authority has said reactors can be operated beyond 40 years only if ambitious safety improvements are undertaken.

In the 1990s and 2000s, several safety failures were reported at Fessenheim, including an electrical fault, cracks in a reactor cover, a chemistry error, water pollution, a fuel leak, and non-lethal radioactive contamination of workers.

In 2007, the same year a Swiss study found that seismic risks in the Alsace region had been underestimated during construction, the ASN denounced a "lack of rigor" in EDF's operation of the plant.

Without Fessenheim, France will still have 56 pressurized water reactors at 18 nuclear plants generating some 70 percent of its electricity. Only the United States, with 98, has more reactors, but France is by far the world's biggest consumer of nuclear energy.

In January, the French government said it would shut 12 more reactors nearing or exceeding the 40-year limit by 2035, when nuclear power should represent just 50 percent of the country's energy mix in favor of renewable sources.

At the same time, the EDF is racing to get its first next-generation reactor running by 2022 – 10 years behind schedule – and more may be in the pipeline.

Local mayor Claude Brender condemned the closure of the plant, which he says has helped create an "island of prosperity" in an otherwise poor part of Alsace.

The government has said workers will be transferred to other EDF sites.


'Liberation from nuclear'

At their Fessenheim home, engineer Jean-Christophe Rouaud and his wife Cecile, director of the local creche, were packing boxes ahead of moving with their two children to another town where he found work at a nuclear plant.

As the end was approaching, "people are afraid to no longer hear the machines running,"  Rouaud told AFP, and described a "sense of waste shared by all employees."

Many others will have no option but to leave their families in Alsace and work elsewhere.

Restaurant owner Laurent Schwein said the future of auxiliary businesses in the town looked dire.

"As restaurateurs, we are entering the unknown. We don't know how long the dismantling will take," said Schwein, who is also the president of the local football club which will now close with most of its young players leaving.

Fessenheimer Gabriel Weisser is one of few happy about the town's "liberation from nuclear."

"They are defending their professional lives, me my very life," he said of the plant's diehard defenders.


法國(France)核能安全管制機關(Nuclear Safety Authority,ASN)表示,反應爐只有進行重大的安全改善才得以運行逾 40 年。

在 1990 年代和 2000 年代,費森海姆核電廠(Fessenheim Nuclear Power Plant)發生了數起安全事故,其中包括電器故障、反應爐蓋龜裂、化學誤差、水汙染、燃料洩漏和員工非致命性放射汙染等。

2007 年,一份瑞士(Switzerland)研究指出,費森海姆核電廠當年在興建時低估了阿爾薩斯(Alsace)地區的地震(seismic,註 1)風險。同年,法國核能安全管制機關也公開譴責(denounce)該國電力公司(Electricite de France)在核電廠的運作上「缺乏嚴謹把關」。

除了費森海姆,法國另有 18 座核電廠、56 座壓水式反應爐,供應該國約 70% 的電力。世界上僅美國(United States)的 98 座反應爐超越法國的數量,但法國迄今為止仍是全球最大的核能消費國。

今年 1 月,法國政府表示將於 2035 年前陸續關閉 12 座即將除役或逾 40 年使用年限的反應爐,把對核能的依賴降至 50% 以下,其餘搭配其他的可再生(renewable,註 2)能源。

與此同時,法國電力公司也趕著在 2022 年啟用首座新一代反應爐。這項進度比預期落後了 10 年之久,而其他新式反應爐可能也正在籌備中(in the pipeline)

當地市長克勞德.布朗德(Claude Brender,音譯)譴責(condemn)費森海姆核電廠的關閉。他認為,如果不是該核電廠的設立,阿爾薩斯較為貧窮的地區不會成為現今的「繁榮(prosperity,註 3)之島」。



工程師尚.克里斯托夫.魯奧(Jean-Christophe Rouaud,音譯)和他在當地擔任托兒所主任的妻子西西莉(Cecile,音譯)在費森海姆的家中裝箱整理,準備與他們的 2 名小孩搬至另一個城鎮。魯奧在那裡的核電廠找到了新工作。

魯奧向法新社(Agence France-Presse,AFP)表示,隨著核電廠關閉的到來,「人們擔心再也聽不見機器運轉的聲音,」並描述「全體員工都因核電廠的停擺感到惋惜與感嘆。」


餐廳老闆洛朗.史威因(Laurent Schwein,音譯)表示,費森海姆核電廠的周邊行業(auxiliary businesses)前景看似岌岌可危。


加布里埃爾.魏瑟(Gabriel Weisser,音譯)是少數對「從核能解放」感到開心的人。


Language Notes

註 1: seismic 由表示「地震、晃動」的 "seismo" 與用於構成形容詞的字尾 "-ic" 組成

註 2: renewable 於本文指「(能源)可再生的」;本字也常指「可延長有效期的;可展期的」;注意重音在第 2 音節

註 3: prosperity 注意重音在第 2 音節


Check your comprehension!

Choose the BEST answer to each of the questions below. After you finish, highlight the parentheses to reveal the hidden answers.

1. ( D )  According to the article, which of the following statements about France is INCORRECT?
            (A) It derives its main source of electrical energy from nuclear power.
            (B) It obtains its electrical energy partially from renewable sources.
            (C) It consumes more nuclear energy than any other country in the world.    
            (D) It owns more reactors than any other country in the world.
2. ( A )  Choose the word that describes the future of auxiliary businesses in Alsace.
            (A) Concerning  
            (B) Prosperous                                              
            (C) Steady 
            (D) Unlimited                      


編譯:外語教學暨資源中心 編輯小組


