臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 435 期  發行日期 2023-01-01


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France Planning AI-Assisted Crowd Control for Paris Olympics


French authorities plan to use an AI-assisted crowd control system to monitor people during the 2024 Paris Olympics, according to a draft law seen by AFP on Thursday.

根據法國新聞社 (Agence France-Presse, AFP) 指出,法國當局在 2024 年巴黎奧運期間,為監控人潮,計畫採用人工智慧輔助的人流控管系統。



◎ 中心活動集錦

【111-1 椰林菁英計畫活動照片】
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2 月 13 日起恢復開館。

2 月 20 日開學後恢復。







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France Planning AI-Assisted Crowd Control for Paris Olympics
December 22, 2022 1:13 PM (source)

France Planning AI-Assisted Crowd Control for Paris Olympics


December 22, 2022 1:13 PM

Agence France-Presse


  VOA News 搶先看 

法國新聞社 (Agence France-Presse, AFP) 於週四(編按:2022 年 12 月 22 日)所見一則法律草案中顯示,法國當局在 2024 年巴黎奧運期間,為監控人潮,計畫採用人工智慧輔助的人流控管系統。法案指出,系統並不會使用臉部辨識科技,其用意在於讓各個安全維護單位能夠更加輕鬆地偵測到群眾騷動與潛在問題。該項科技或許能夠在本次極具野心的露天開幕典禮中特別派上用場,屆時奧運選手將在 60 萬群眾的見證之下,乘船順著塞納河航行而下。

French authorities plan to use an AI-assisted crowd control system to monitor people during the 2024 Paris Olympics, according to a draft law seen by AFP on Thursday.

The system is intended to allow the security services to detect disturbances and potential problems more easily, but will not use facial recognition technology, the bill says.

The technology could be particularly useful during the highly ambitious open-air opening ceremony with Olympians sailing down the river Seine in front of a crowd of 600,000 people.

French police and sports authorities faced severe criticism in May after shambolic scenes during the Champions League final in Paris when football fans were caught in a crowd crush and teargassed.

The draft law, which was presented to the cabinet on Thursday, proposes other security measures including the use of full-body scanners and increases the sentences for hooliganism.

Organizers and Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin have both argued in favor of using so-called "intelligent" security camera software that scans images for suspect or dangerous behavior.

The use of such a system during the Olympics is an "experimentation", the draft law says, but could be applied for future public events which face terrorism-related or crowd control risks.

"No biometric data is used, nor facial recognition technology and it does not enable any link or interconnection or automatic flagging with any other personal data system," the bill states.

The games' organizing committee said on November 21 that it needed to lift its budget estimate by 10 per cent from 3.98 billion euros to 4.48bn euros, partly as a result of inflation.

Rather than opening the games in an athletics stadium as is customary, organizers have planned a ceremony on July 26, 2024 with a flotilla of some 200 boats sailing down the river Seine.

The banks of the river can accommodate 100,000 people who will have to buy tickets, while another 500,000 are set to watch for free from the street level, according to government estimates.

The draft law is expected to be debated in parliament in January where the minority government of President Emmanuel Macron will need support from opposition groups to pass it.

Language Notes

註 1:recognition (n.):識別

註 2:shambolic (adj.):混亂的…(資源、影響力等 )來獲取新(或更好)的目標

註 3:hooliganism (n.):流氓行為

註 4:biometric (adj.):生物測定的

註 5:flotilla (n.):小型艦隊


Check your comprehension!

Choose the BEST answer to each of the questions below. After you finish, highlight the parentheses to reveal the hidden answers.

1. ( C )  What is among the ways the draft law proposes to improve safety during public events?
            (A) Metal detectors
            (B) Police presence
            (C) Severe penalties
            (D) Facial recognition                   
2. ( A ) Why did the Olympics' organizing committee most likely say it needed to increase the estimated budget?
            (A) There is a continuing rise in the general price level.                                                                                         
            (B) It needs to invest in the development of the new system.
            (C) The opening ceremony takes on a costly brand-new form.
            (D) The opening ceremony will be completely free to watch.
3. ( D ) Which of the following is TRUE with regard to the new crowd control system?
            (A)  It is developed for use specifically during the Olympic Games.
            (B)  The French parliament has voted unanimously for its implementation.
            (C)  It runs one's facial features through the law enforcement's database.
            (D)  It scans images to detect possible causes of commotions.

編譯:外語教學暨資源中心 編輯小組

