臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 384 期 發行日期 2020-05-01

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  Bleached staghorn coralRead more on VOA.

Great Barrier Reef Suffers Another Massive Bleaching


The Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia is suffering its third mass bleaching event in five years, but the current global health pandemic has pushed the news of the major environmental crisis onto the back burner.

       澳洲(Australia)大堡礁(Great Barrier Reef)正面臨一場大規模的白化(bleaching,註 1)危機,這也是近 5 年來第 3 次受創,但受到全球流行病(pandemic)影響,這起重大環境危機被新聞擱置(push the news onto the back burner)。


◎ e自學空間因應疫情閉館之學習替代措施說明

由於近來 COVID-19 疫情嚴峻及校方加強人員出入管制措施,e自學空間於 3/23 起暫停開放。e自學空間暫停開放期間,本中心為使讀者學習不中斷,除推薦之英語學習資源 E-freeway 外,亦曾詢問總圖書館是否能將自學空間之書籍暫時轉至館內供讀者使用。 惜因管理不易及性質特殊(考試用書為:書+多媒體的複合型資料,總圖目前尚無此類編目設置),總圖書館已確定無法收納e自學空間藏書。 是故經中心內部討論並多方衡量疫情發展等因素,目前可行的替代措施仍建議採用網路學習方式。以下整理多項方案,敬請參考使用:請點擊


英語自學認證第二階段的報名時間已經開始了(第九週~第十二週: 4 月 26 日 ~ 5 月 23 日),認證考試的期間是第 13~14 週(5 月 25 日~6 月 5 日)。敬請大家把握時間來報名考試。 

Feature of the Week
Reader's DIgest

Reader's Digest

看到本期的標題或圖片,相信大家一定都對這個主題感到不陌生。沒錯!本期就是要介紹英文原文版的讀者文摘(Reader's Digest)。如同標題所標示的那樣,讀者文摘就是集結了讀者心得的精華,再從中選出精華中的精華。當然讀者文摘也有自行去採訪主題,或是請特約撰稿人編寫主題文章--文章內容都具有權威性與深度。此網站的主題多元,包括:健康、食物、建議、文化、真實故事、笑話與影音。其中健康、建議、真實故事與影音的主題還有許多次分類。喜歡讀者文摘的朋友或是想要一探讀者文摘世界的讀者,或是想要接觸多元有趣主題的英語學習者,千萬別錯過這個英文老牌子 - Reader's Digest。

Apps for Learning English
Andy - English Speaking Bot

Andy - English Speaking Bot

用英文聊天的機會到了:本期要介紹的英語學習程式是一款英語聊天機器人 - Andy (Andy - English Speaking Bot)。Andy 是一款友善的英語聊天機器人,它會主動打開話題,問一些生活問題,會講笑話(好不好笑就見仁見智了),甚至說它笑話不好笑,它還會生氣,要你講給它聽,若它覺得好笑,它還會表示很好笑。若問它一些問題,它還會回答,像是它的創造者、它在哪裡、天氣如何等等。除此之外,它還會提供使用者一些英文課程,學習的種類包括單字與文法,雖然基本上它所提供的單字和文法都很常見,可是若隨時想用英文來聊一下天,Andy 是一個不錯的選項。

English Learning Video
English Learning Video

Volcanoes 101 | National Geographic

火山大家都聽說過,然而,火山爆發的成因與火山類型卻比較鮮為人知。本期的影片就是要來探討一些關於火山這個 46 億年前就存在的古老地球產物。猜猜看:世界上看得到的活火山大約有幾座、陸上與海底,哪個區域火山比較多。而這些火山的分部地點大概又在世界的哪一座海洋。分部在哪裡?給你一個提示 – ring of fire,這個名詞的中文意思,相信大家求學階段都看過。火山的類型大致可以根據外型與大小分成哪四種?與太陽表層溫度一樣高的地核又在火山爆發扮演了怎麼樣的角色?一切的答案盡在影片中。

周樹華老師英語學習 Q&A


我們的英語發音都很不錯,所謂「發音不好」是謙虛的想法。在英語學習的課堂中,要學習的內容太多 (如文法、單字) ,老師面對大班學生,也沒有時間幫助同學仔細練習發音,因此有些音發不準確是很自然的。但長久下來,在與人溝通時,偏差的發音,就產生一些挫折,因而不敢開口說英語。現今有了豐富的網路資源,有心要加強發音的同學們,善加利用,不求人,就很容易就能將音發的準確。

  館藏資料:自學軟體介紹- Capstone Interactive Library

館藏資料:自學軟體介紹- Capstone Interactive Library

由於近來 COVID-19 疫情嚴峻及校方加強人員出入管制措施,e自學空間於 3/23 起暫停開放。 e自學空間暫停開放期間,建議讀者採用網路學習方式,本中心的英語學習資源 E-freeway 就是很好的學習資源。本專欄將進行一系列中心軟體的介紹,使讀者更加瞭解各項軟體的功能及使用方式。首先介紹:Capstone Interactive Library



Great Barrier Reef Suffers Another Massive Bleaching
VOA News|Science & Health
April 07, 2020 06:45 AM (source)

Great Barrier Reef Suffers Another Massive Bleaching


April 07, 2020 06:45 AM

VOA News

The Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia is suffering its third mass bleaching event in five years, but the current global health pandemic has pushed the news of the major environmental crisis onto the back burner.

New scientific data, confirmed by Australia's Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, shows ample evidence that overheating of the ocean is causing new damage along the world's largest coral reef system.

The barrier reef takes up an area of about 344,000 square kilometers in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland, Australia. A third of the corals in the reef perished after the 2016 heat wave. Another heat wave hit in 2017.

Coral live in a symbiotic unity with algae, which convert sunlight into food for the coral polyps and give the corals their distinctive color. The brightly colored coral islands, or atolls, are visible from an airplane.

When the water temperature rises by as little as 1 degree Celsius, the corals expel the algae and begin to starve. They survive for some time, but they lose color and become fragile and susceptible to disease.

The world's oceans absorb most of the heat resulting from carbon emissions produced by humans, and the oceans are warming faster than expected. The year 2019 was the hottest on record for the world's oceans. February, which is summertime in Australia, was the warmest month on record for water temperatures near the reef.

The Great Barrier Reef has had five major bleaching episodes since 1998, but the first few were further apart.

Jodie Rummer, marine biologist from James Cook University in Australia, was part of an international team of scientists who tracked wild populations of five species of coral reef fish before, during and after the 2016 heat wave. She said the team was surprised to find that water temperatures in February four years ago were much higher than expected.

"We were collecting fish in the shallow lagoon off the research station, and our dive computers read that the water temperature was 33°C," she wrote in The Conversation US online academic journal. "We looked at each other. These are the temperatures we use to simulate climate change in our laboratory studies for the year 2050 or 2100."

Scientists say the latest data show that this year's bleaching is second only to the 2016 episode. However, it was more widespread and affected the southern end of the reef, which was spared before. There are concerns that the rising water temperatures around the reef will make bleaching an annual occurrence.

In the past 20 years, much has been written about the destruction of the Great Barrier Reef and its consequences for marine life and for humanity. Environmentalists are becoming frustrated with what they see as a lack of action to prevent coral bleaching from recurring. With authorities worldwide engaged in battling the coronavirus pandemic, there is growing fear that coral reef disease may not get the attention it needs, especially among people who live far away from it.

On the northern shores of the Adriatic Sea, Croatian fishermen hold on to an old adage: "If you stick your finger into the sea, you are connected with the whole world."

Scientists warn that the coral decay is a bad omen for fish and other marine creatures that are an indispensable part of the food chain. They say many species won't have time to adapt to the accelerating rise of water temperatures.

澳洲(Australia)大堡礁(Great Barrier Reef)正面臨一場大規模的白化(bleaching,註 1)危機,這也是近 5 年來第 3 次受創,但受到全球流行病(pandemic)影響,這起重大環境危機被新聞擱置(push the news onto the back burner)

大堡礁海洋公園管理局(Australia's Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority)的最新科學數據提供充分(ample,註 2)證據,顯示因為海水溫度過高,導致全世界最大的珊瑚礁(coral reef)遭受破壞。

坐落在澳洲的昆士蘭州(Queensland)海岸,珊瑚海(The Coral Sea)的珊瑚礁面積約為 344,000 平方公里,2016 年的熱浪導致有三分之一的珊瑚死亡(perish,註 3),2017 年接連又發生熱浪。

珊瑚與海藻共生(symbiotic)海藻(algae)能轉換陽光為能量供給珊瑚蟲(coral polyps),並為珊瑚礁帶來美麗的色彩,從飛機上就可以看到環礁(atolls)繽紛的美景。

只要海水溫度上升 1 度,珊瑚會將海藻排出且餓死,雖還可能存活一段時間,但珊瑚會失去原本繽紛的色彩,變得脆弱(fragile,註 4)容易感染(susceptible,註 5)疾病。

全球海洋吸收大部分人類碳排放(carbon emissions)所產生的熱能,而海洋升溫的速度比預期還要高: 2019 年海洋溫度是全球海洋溫度最高的一年,二月正值澳洲夏季,鄰近珊瑚礁的海水溫度已來到新高。

自 1998 年以來,大堡礁出現五次白化事件,但前面幾次間隔時間較長。

澳洲詹姆士庫克大學(James Cook University in Australia)的海洋生物學家茱蒂.魯默(Jodie Rummer)曾參與跨國科學研究,追蹤分析 2016 年熱浪前後五種珊瑚魚的野生族群增長。她的團隊意外地發現了該年二月份的海水溫度遠高於預期。

「當時我們在研究站外的環礁淺湖(lagoon)內蒐集珊瑚魚,潛水錶顯示海水溫度已經來到攝氏 33 度,我和團隊夥伴彼此對望,這樣的溫度是實驗室在模擬(simulate) 2050 年至 2100 年間氣候變遷才會發生的。」她在美國線上學術期刊寫道。

科學家表示,根據最新的數據,雖然今年的白化只是 2016 年以來的第二起,但此次受影響範圍較廣,珊瑚礁南岸也無法倖免。他們擔心珊瑚附近海域持續升溫,白化事件恐怕將年年上演。


在亞得里亞海(the Adriatic Sea)的北岸,克羅埃西亞的(Croatian)漁民流傳一句古老的諺語(adage):「將手指伸入大海,就與全世界相連。」

科學家警告:許多魚群及海洋生物仰賴珊瑚作為必需的(indispensable,註 6)營養來源,由於珊瑚遭到侵蝕(decay),恐將是一個壞的徵兆(omen),有許多物種還不能適應急速上升的海水溫度。

Language Notes

註 1: bleaching 由動詞 "bleach"「漂白;使褪色」與動名詞字尾 "-ing" 組成,意指「白化」

註 2: ample 於本文指「足夠的,充足的,充裕的」;本字也常指「(身軀)肥大的,粗壯的,豐滿的」

註 3: perish 於本文指「死亡;毀滅」;本字也常指「脆裂,老化」

註 4: fragile 於本文指「脆弱的」;本字也常指「易損壞的;易碎的」

註 5: susceptible 於本文指「易受影響的,易受傷害的」;本字也常指「(尤指想法或陳述)能被理解(或證明、解釋)的」;注意重音在第 2 音節

註 6: indispensable 由表示「不,無,非」的字首 "in-" 與表示「可有可無的,非必需的」的形容詞 "dispensable" 組成;注意重音在第 3 音節


Check your comprehension!

Choose the BEST answer to each of the questions below. After you finish, highlight the parentheses to reveal the hidden answers.

1. ( A ) What can be inferred from this passage about the role of algae in a symbiotic system with coral?
            (A) Algae gives coral reefs their color.     
            (B) Algae absorbs carbon dioxide produced by coral.                                              
            (C) Algae provides coral with a shelter.  
            (D) Algae causes the water temperature to decrease.                      
2. ( A ) According to the passage, all of the following are true of many critical consequences of overheating EXCEPT?
            (A) The weakening of coronavirus pandemic.    
            (B) The disappearance of corals' color.                                                                         
            (C) A frequent occurrence of bleaching.  
            (D) A life-threatening influence on corals.                     
3. ( C ) Why does the author mention a saying from Croatian fishermen?
            (A) To show how fishermen contribute to the existence of marine creatures.     
            (B) To explain why sticking fingers into the sea is a key to combatting bleaching.                                 
            (C) To emphasize the importance of taking action to preserve the Great Barrier Reef.  
            (D) To help explain the significance of marine conservation in Croatia.                 

編譯:外語教學暨資源中心 編輯小組


