臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 382 期 發行日期 2020-04-01

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Half of World’s Sandy Beaches at Risk from Climate Change


Scientists say that half of the world's sandy beaches could disappear by the end of the century if climate change continues unchecked.



◎臺大外語暨教學資源中心 108學年度第二學期 混成式短期課程


課程名稱:Gear Up for IELTS – Effective Ways to Conquer IELTS Speaking 帶你輕鬆贏戰雅思口說
* 第一部分:課程將指導學生回答日常性主題(例如朋友、家庭、工作、休閒嗜好等),本階段將提供技巧及範例,短時間建立良好溝通模式。
* 第二部分:課程將著重「個人意見表達」,介紹如何有效分析主題並組織想法,提供高手範例幫助學員輕鬆得分。
* 第三部分:延續第二部分,課程將進行「延伸討論」,學習比較、評估、解釋、描述以及推測等策略,將會介紹擴展主題 (Extended topic) 的技巧,學員可觀摩高分範例。

◎ e自學空間閉館公告

因應「嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎」全球疫情嚴峻,本校強化人員管制措施, e自學空間(含e自學夜間開放時段)自 109.3.23(週一)起暫停開放,再開放日期視校方政策而定。




Feature of the Week


有多久沒有練習英語聽寫練習了呢?這次要介紹的網站就是專門為英語聽寫練習而設計的英語聽寫網 – LISTEN AND WRITE。這個網站主要有兩大分類模式、四個學習模式以及一個上傳自己英語影片的功能,另外還有群組社交功能。除了純聽寫之外,還有 Youtube 影片聽寫與數字聽寫的分類。若想要找尋其他分類,在網頁底部還有兩大分類與語言分類,像是電影、音樂、新聞、訪談、TED 等等,還可以找尋最新和大受歡迎的影音資料,甚至在註冊後,還可以自己上傳影片或音檔並設定學習內容(好比自己有播客或影片檔,想要讓它變成聽寫檔案,通通都可以達成)–系統會根據使用者設定的內容來替這部影片或音檔分級,真是一個相當有學習彈性、主題與數量又很廣的英語學習網站!

Apps for Learning English
TOEIC Essential Vocabulary

TOEIC Essential Vocabulary

想像一下學習多益必背單字的同時,還可以看到符合單字主題的照片,甚至是英英解釋,而且還可以現學現賣,又可以隨時聽考、預習單字,甚至還可以收看或收聽 TED 影片來練習英文聽力–這麼方便。沒錯!本期所要介紹的英語學習軟體就是多益必背單字軟體(TOEIC Essential Vocabulary)。該軟體打造一個純英文環境,內容除了有以上所提到的多益單字與相關的學習功能之外,還有常見的單字、片語,與主題對話,而且單字有按照不同主題分類。在 TED 影片方面,學習者可以調整演講人的語速,也可以隨時跳到主講人說的某一句話,還可以選擇不同語言的字幕;影片也有大綱介紹,每個月的 TED 影片都還會推陳出新。想要有效率的學習多益必備單字與體驗英英學習,甚至訓練英文聽力的你,千萬不要錯過喔!

English Learning Video
English Learning Video

The treadmill's dark and twisted past

相信各位都有使用過跑步的經驗或是至少聽過跑步機。在使用跑步機的時候,是否各位都會覺得跑步機使用起來很單調,而且很無聊,而這樣的感覺其實是起源於一位 19 世紀英國土木工程師–威廉 · 丘比特(William Cubit)的發明。
Treadmill 是一個複合字,由 tread(踏步)與 mill(磨坊、磨粉機)組合而成,而這個複合字最原本的意思就是腳踏的磨粉機,跟 treadwheel(踏步輪)的意思一樣。猜猜看,誰會使用這個機器。

周樹華老師英語學習 Q&A

練習聽力最有效的方法: 逐字聽寫 (Transcription Exercise)




前一期介紹聽懂 CNN,這一期要來介紹聽懂美國之音 VOA 。
本書精選 1500 字寫成的 VOA 美國之音慢速英語新聞,9 大領域、54 則新聞,5 步驟訓練您的新聞英語耳。



Half of World’s Sandy Beaches at Risk from Climate Change
VOA News|Europe
March 02, 2020 04:58 PM (source)

Half of World's Sandy Beaches at Risk from Climate Change


March 02, 2020 04:58 PM

Associated Press


Scientists say that half of the world's sandy beaches could disappear by the end of the century if climate change continues unchecked.

Researchers at the European Union's Joint Research Center in Ispra, Italy, used satellite images to track the way beaches have changed over the past 30 years and simulated how global warming might affect them in the future.

"What we find is that by the end of the century around half of the beaches in the world will experience erosion that is more than 100 meters," said Michalis Vousdoukas. "It's likely that they will be lost." 

The study, published Monday in the journal Nature Climate Change, found that the extent to which beaches are at risk depends on how much average global temperatures increase by the year 2100. Greater temperature increases mean more sea level rise and more violent storms in some regions, causing more beaches to vanish beneath the waves.

"The projected shoreline changes will substantially impact the shape of the world's coastline," more than a third of which is sandy beach, the authors wrote.

Beaches are valuable for recreation, tourism and wildlife, while also providing a natural barrier that protects coastal communities from waves and storms.

Many coastal areas, including beaches, are already heavily affected by human activity such as seashore construction and inland dams, which reduce the amount of silt flowing into oceans that's crucial for beach recovery.

Some countries will be more affected than others, the researchers said. Gambia and Guinea-Bissau in West Africa could lose more than 60% of their beaches, while predictions for Iraq, Pakistan, the island of Jersey in the English Channel and the Pacific island of Palau are similarly dire.

Australia would be hardest-hit in terms of total beach coastline lost, with over 12,000 kilometers (7,500 miles) at risk. The United States, Canada, Mexico, China, Iran, Argentina and Chile would also lose thousands of kilometers (miles) of beach, according to the study.

Andres Payo, an expert on coastal hazards and resilience at the British Geological Survey, said that while the study's methods were sound, its claims should be treated with caution.

"There are many assumptions and generalizations that could change the outcome of the analysis both qualitatively and quantitatively," said Payo, who wasn't involved in the study.

However, Vousdoukas said the amount of beach loss estimated by his team was in fact "a bit conservative" and could be higher.

The group considered two different warming scenarios _ one in which average global temperatures rise by 2.4 degrees Celsius by the end of the century and another that predicts an increase twice as high. The Paris climate accord's most ambitious target, of capping warming at 1.5 C, wasn't considered because scientists consider it unlikely to be achieved, Vousdoukas said.

The study's authors calculated that up to 40% of shoreline retreat could be prevented by reducing the greenhouse gas emissions that are driving climate change, but said that large and growing populations living along the coast will also need to be protected through other measures.

Citing the example of the Netherlands, which has battled the sea for centuries and even reclaimed substantial areas of low-lying land, the authors said "past experience has shown that effective site-specific coastal planning can mitigate beach erosion, eventually resulting in a stable coastline." 


位於義大利(Italy)伊斯普拉(Ispra)的歐盟聯合研究中心(European Union's Joint Research Center)的研究人員運用衛星(satellite)影像追蹤(track)了過去 30 年海灘的變化,並且模擬(simulate)全球暖化(global warming)對未來海灘的影響。

「我們發現到本世紀末,世界上約有一半的海灘將遭受侵蝕(erosion),且侵蝕程度高達 100 公尺以上。」研究員米卡利斯.伏斯杜卡斯(Michalis Vousdoukas)說:「這些海灘很可能會消失。」

這項研究於週一(編按:2020 年 3 月 2 日)發表在《自然氣候變化》(Nature Climate Change)期刊上。研究結果發現,海灘受到威脅的程度取決於到 2100 年全球平均氣溫升高多少。氣溫升高越多,代表著某些地區的海平面上升越多且面臨的暴風雨越強烈,因而導致更多的海灘在海浪的吞噬下消失(vanish,註 1)

研究人員指出:「目前預測的(projected)海岸線變化將大幅度地(substantially,註 2)影響世界海岸線的形狀。」受到影響的海岸線中三分之一以上是沙灘。

海灘對於休閒娛樂、觀光旅遊以及野生動植物來說很重要,同時也提供了天然屏障(natural barrier),可以避免沿岸社區受到海浪和暴風雨的影響。

許多包括海灘在內的海岸地區已經受到人類活動的嚴重影響,例如海濱建設和內陸水壩等建築減少了流入海洋的泥沙(silt,註 3)量,然而這些泥沙對於恢復原有的海灘至關重要。

研究人員說,相較於其他國家,某些國家會受到更大的影響。西非(West Africa)的岡比亞(Gambia)和幾內亞比紹(Guinea-Bissau)可能會失去超過60% 的海灘,而對於伊拉克(Iraq)、巴基斯坦(Pakistan)、英吉利海峽(English Channel)的澤西島(Jersey),以及帛琉(Palau)的太平洋島(Pacific Island)等地的海岸線變化,其預測的結果也同樣嚴重(dire,註 4)

就海灘海岸線的消失而言,澳洲(Australia)可能會遭受最嚴重的打擊,該國超過 1 萬 2000 公里(7500 英里)的海岸受到威脅。這項研究顯示,美國(the United States)、加拿大(Canada)、墨西哥(Mexico)、中國(China)、伊朗(Iran)、阿根廷(Argentina)以及智利(Chile)也將失去數千公里的海灘。

安德烈斯.帕約(Andres Payo)是英國地質調查局(British Geological Survey)沿海災害(coastal hazards)與應變(resilience,註 5)專家。他表示,儘管這項研究使用的方法合理,但對其主張應謹慎(caution)看待。

未參與這項研究的帕約解釋:「有許多假設(assumption)概括(generalization,註 6)都可能在質性和量化上改變分析的結果。」

不過,伏斯杜卡斯說,他團隊估計的海灘損失數量其實「有點保守(conservative,註 7)」,實際數量可能更高。

該小組考慮了兩種不同的暖化情景(scenario):一種是到本世紀末全球平均氣溫升高攝氏 2.4 度,另一種則是預測氣溫升高為前者的兩倍。伏斯杜卡斯說,巴黎(Paris)氣候協議(accord,註 8)最雄心勃勃的目標是把升溫限制(cap)在攝氏 1.5 度以內,但因為科學家們認為這不可能實現,所以並未納入考量。

研究人員計算出,透過減少溫室氣體排放(emission),可以防止多達 40% 的海岸線後退(retreat,註 9),這些溫室氣體也是導致氣候變化的原因。然而他也提到,仍需要藉由其他措施來保護沿海地區大量且持續成長的人口。

研究人員以荷蘭(Netherlands)為例:該國與海洋奮戰(battle)了數百年,甚至開墾(reclaim)了許多低窪的(low-lying)土地,同時進一步解釋:「過去的經驗證明,針對特定地點制定的海岸規畫可以有效減緩(mitigate,註 10)海灘侵蝕,進而維持海岸線的穩定。」

Language Notes

註 1:vanish 為動詞,意思是「(尤指突然)消失,滅絕」

註 2:substantially 由形容詞 "substantial"「大的;可觀的;價值巨大的;重大的」與副詞字尾 "-ly"「以所述的方式」組成;注意重音在第 2 音節

註 3:silt 意思為「(尤指河灣或河口處的)淤泥,泥沙」

註 4:dire 於本文指「嚴重的;危急的;極端的」;本字也常指「很壞的」

註 5:resilience 為名詞,於本文指「應變能力」,另可指「彈回;彈性;恢復力」;注意重音在第 2 音節;常見的相關形容詞為 "resilient"「有彈性的;能復原的;有復原力的;適應性強的」

註 6:generalization 由動詞 "generalize"「概括,歸納」與名詞字尾"-ation"「行為;狀態」組成,意指「普遍化,歸納陳述,給出普遍性的論述」;注意重音在第 5 音節

註 7:conservative 於本文指「保守的;守舊的」,另常見意思為「(外表上)保守的,傳統的,不趕潮流的」;注意重音在第 2 音節

註 8:accord 於本文為名詞,指「(正式的)協議;條約;一致;符合」;本字也可作動詞,意思是「(通常指恭敬地)給予(特殊待遇);授予」;注意重音在第 2 音節

註 9:retreat 於本文作名詞,指「退卻;撤退;後退」;本字也可作動詞,意即「撤退,退卻」;注意重音在第 2 音節

註 10:mitigate 於本文指「使緩和;減輕(危害等)」;注意重音在第 1 音節


Check your comprehension!

Choose the BEST answer to each of the questions below. After you finish, highlight the parentheses to reveal the hidden answers.

1. ( D ) According to the article, what can be inferred about Andres Payo?
            (A) He is one of the editors of the journal Nature Climate Change.     
            (B) He announced that around half of the world's beaches would experience erosion by the end of the                                  century, which is more than a hundred meters.                                              
            (C) He has been involved in the study of the journal Nature Climate Change.  
            (D) According to him, many hypotheses and inductions could alter the outcome of the research in qualitative                      and perceptible terms.  
2. ( B ) Which of the following statements is INCORRECT regarding the journal Nature Climate Change's study?
            (A)The authors of the study assumed that by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, up to two-fifths of shoreline                    retreat could be prevented.     
            (B) The projected changes in shoreline will have a significant impact on the shape of the world's coastline,                            more than half of which is the sandy beach.                                              
            (C) Historical experience has shown that successful site-specific coastal planning can reduce beach erosion,                          leading to stable coastlines.  
            (D) In West Africa, Gambia and Guinea-Bissau could lose over three-fifths of their beaches.  
3. ( A ) Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?
            (A) Vousdoukas' team predicts the temperature will rise triple as high.     
            (B) The journal Nature Climate Change's study found that the amount of beaches at risk depends on how                             much global average temperatures rise by 2100.                                              
            (C) Beaches provide a natural barrier that protects coastal communities from waves and storms.  
            (D) Silt plays an essential role in beach recovery.  

編譯:外語教學暨資源中心 編輯小組


