臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 428 期  發行日期 2022-06-01


  臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報自 111 年 1 月起,改採月刊發行方式。將於每月 1 日出刊,並於每月 15 日更新本中心最新活動消息與活動花絮集錦。每期除介紹本中心最新活動訊息、E-freeway 軟體與館藏資訊外,亦提供英語學習資源與新聞時事練習,內容十分豐富多元,歡迎免費線上訂閱



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South Africa Urges Africa’s First COVID-19 Vaccine Plant to Keep Its Doors Open


South African health officials are urging COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer Aspen to keep its plant in the Eastern Cape province open. This follows a Reuters article quoting Aspen’s senior director saying they may have to shut down as there have been no orders for their rebranded COVID vaccine.

南非衛生官員正敦促 COVID-19 疫苗製造商阿斯彭公司(Aspen)在東開普省(the Eastern Cape province)繼續營業,但該公司可能會因為沒有疫苗訂單而被迫關廠。



◎ 中心活動集錦 

(一) 英語口訓工作坊:

本學期總共安排了 6 場、各 34 席次的名額,供本校學生預約。每次課堂的主題皆不同,輪流主導及講課的老師風格及模式各有不同。活動進行方式以同學們分組進行討論為主,講師負責帶領討論主題以供學生進行發想,討論中除了主導老師外,亦有其他教師在各組間關心同學的討論情況。在結束每段討論後,老師會讓一個小組上台與全班分享剛剛所討論的內容,藉此讓同學練習在眾人面前以英文發表自己的看法。除了討論外,老師亦會在每個討論環節之後會提出自己的看法,並另推薦英文歌曲供同學參考,引發學習動機。

(二) 英語小聚小組活動:

本學期總共安排了 3 場、各 15 席次的名額供本校學生預約。三場主講者及主題皆不同,前面十分鐘先由主導教師講解本周主題及進行破冰遊戲,來讓同學開始練習主動說英語。之後將同學分成三組,分別由三個教師協助活動進行,以分組方式進行活動更能讓活動聚焦在每個學生身上,教師輪流讓每個同學發言,好讓每一個人都可以有表達自身觀點的機會,各組教師也會針對同學的發音及表達能力給予意見,並不時的引導小組討論方向,讓討論順暢進行。

◎ 悅讀角

English Listening

悅讀角 Reading Corner 位於外語教學中心 3 樓 e自學空間(302 室),提供英語教學相關教材資源、各國外語學習資源以及學生外語考試檢定用書。 配合「聯合國永續發展目標」(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs),悅讀角五月份規劃展示主題為「SDG5:Gender Equality(性別平權)」,精選多部經典文學、當代小說及優質電影,鼓勵同學們多閱聽英文原文書及電影,探索不同社會角落的當代議題,歡迎大家前往參觀!










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Clear Pronunciation 2

Clear Pronunciation 2 (Speech) 是一套可讓學習者練習如何自然流利及準確地發音,也可幫助學習者辨識 IPA 音素符號。課程內容包括子音串、字間連音、字詞及句子重音和語調。

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Freeway to the World



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Apps for Learning English


Freeway to the World


Slowly 是一款設計新穎實用的交友軟體,很適合英語學習者練習用英文撰寫信件,磨練自己的英文表達能力,並和來自世界各地的筆友交流。APP恰如其名,就是要讓忙碌的現代人放慢腳步,用心撰寫一封信,傾聽並理解自地球彼端捎來的訊息。這款APP還貼心地模擬實體信件的情境,可選擇虛擬郵票,並根據使用者的位置來計算信件送達時間,還能自由設計使用者的個人頭像,設定多元興趣、語言、性別、年齡等條件,讓系統更精確地為您篩選配對筆友。趕快拿起手機下載並撰寫一封信,開始期待收到信件的那刻, 相信你會找到那個熟悉的陌生人!

English Learning Video
English Learning Video 

Learn English with Friends

《Friends》(中譯:六人行)是一部美國情境喜劇。該劇於 1994 年 9 月 22 日在 NBC 播出,於 2004 年 5 月 6 日結束,共播出十季。劇情主要圍繞著一群好友在紐約曼哈頓的生活。通過這個經典而搞笑的 Friends 剪輯版來學習英語,我們可以了解 Ross 如何喜歡用「友好的手指」來侮辱他人。本劇有助於讓您了解美國文化,還可增加各種生活英語的詞彙並改善發音,一起來看看吧!

周樹華老師英語學習 Q&A

可以學到與「假新聞」相關的英語字彙及Fake News 的各種面貌

BBC Learning English: Fake News: Fact and Fiction 系列共有八個議題,每個議題都採取同樣模式進行: 1) 節目主持人 Sam 女士講解與議題相關的實用單字; 2) 節目主持人 Hugo 訪談專家的看法 (每一個議題都會訪問不同的專家,因此會聽到不同人士的談話); 3) 兩位節目主持人評論專家的看法; 4) 主持人重複講解單字。











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South Africa Urges Africa’s First COVID-19 Vaccine Plant to Keep Its Doors Open
May 04, 2022 9:30 AM (source)

South Africa Urges Africa's First COVID-19 Vaccine Plant to Keep Its Doors Open


May 04, 2022 9:30 AM

Vicky Stark

  VOA News 搶先看 

南非衛生官員正敦促 COVID-19 疫苗製造商阿斯彭公司(Aspen)在東開普省(the Eastern Cape province)繼續營業,但該公司可能會因為沒有疫苗訂單而被迫關廠。該疫苗是阿斯彭公司在南非的子公司,3 月時與美國強生公司(Johnson & Johnson)達成協議,在非洲包裝、定價、銷售和分銷其疫苗,並重新命名為 Aspenovax,之後卻一直未有訂單。南非國家衛生部發言人莫海爾(Foster Mohale)表示,缺乏訂單的原因是非洲疫苗接種率普遍很低。雖然南非目前有足夠的疫苗,但都即將過期,加上一旦冬天到來感染人數又會攀升,所以阿斯彭疫苗廠很重要。佩特羅.特布蘭琪(Petro Terblanche)教授是南非公司 Afrigen 的總經理,該公司在非洲大陸首次利用 Moderna 的資料製成了 mRNA 新冠疫苗。她非常同情阿斯彭公司的狀況,並呼籲政府應改革政策並加強宣導疫苗接種。

South African health officials are urging COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer Aspen to keep its plant in the Eastern Cape province open. This follows a Reuters article quoting Aspen's senior director saying they may have to shut down as there have been no orders for their rebranded COVID vaccine.

A South African-owned subsidiary of pharmaceutical giant Aspen struck a deal with American company Johnson & Johnson in March to package, price, sell and distribute its vaccine in Africa.

This vaccine was rebranded as Aspenovax.

The move was hailed by many as there had been much concern about Africa's reliance on imported vaccines which were often costly and at times in short supply.

But there have been no orders for Aspenovax. South Africa's National Health Department Spokesperson Foster Mohale said the lack of orders is due to low vaccination rates not only at home, but globally.

"Vaccine hesitancy is one of the factors which contribute to these low vaccination rates or demand for more vaccines which also affect the production. Because obviously we understand that they are in a business, they can't keep on producing vaccines when they know that the demand for vaccines is very low. So, we understand the situation where they are, and we sympathize with them," he said.

Mohale said for now, South Africa has enough vaccines. He adds that in March, 100,000 vaccines expired. And more are due to expire in June and July.

However, he said that Aspen's vaccine plant is important because no one knows what the future holds.

"We will try to engage them not to rush their decision precisely because we anticipate especially our scientists, our epidemiologists, we anticipate that the fifth wave might hit the country, South Africa, during the winter season which is a few weeks away from now. As you can see the number of daily COVID-19 patients has been rising for the past seven days," he said.

Professor Petro Terblanche, who is the managing director of South African company, Afrigen, which in a continent-first made an mRNA COVID vaccine using Moderna's data — said the situation at Aspen is a tragedy for the industry.

"This is just indicating again how important it is that this continent looks at policy reform. This is about how are we going to make sure that we give preferential procurement to local companies. How are we going to make sure that we create a marketplace and eco-system that will absorb local capacity? Otherwise, we will not have capacity locally in a sustainable manner and we're going to get the next pandemic and we will be unprepared, and we will not have health security," said Terblanche.

She believes money should also be put into educating people on the importance of vaccines.

"We need to ensure that we also put effort into advocacy for vaccination. Because we now have 17% of the continent that is vaccinated. We need to get them to at least 40% to ensure that we fully arrest this pandemic," she said.

Mohale was unable to say when the Health Department would be meeting with Aspen's executives.

Language Notes

註 1:hail 於本文為動詞,意指讚揚

註 2:hesitancy 於本文為名詞,意指猶豫不決

註 3:preferential 於本文為形容詞,意指優惠的、特殊待遇的

註 4:procurement 於本文為名詞,意指採購

註 5:advocacy 於本文為名詞,意指主張、提倡


Check your comprehension!

Choose the BEST answer to each of the questions below. After you finish, highlight the parentheses to reveal the hidden answers.

1. ( B )  According to the article, which is NOT one of the reasons why vaccination rate is low in Africa?
            (A) Vaccines are expensive.
            (B) People don't like domestic vaccines.
            (C) Vaccines are in short supply.
            (D) Vaccines have to be imported.                    
2. ( C ) The word "reliance" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to: 
            (A) resistance   
            (B) faith
            (C) dependence
            (D) inclination
3. ( C ) According to the article, which of the following statements is TRUE?
            (A) Afrigen is the company that manufactured Aspenovax.
            (B) Aspen got its COVID-19 vaccines from Moderna.
            (C) The vaccine made by Afrigen is the first mRNA vaccine developed in Africa.
            (D) Most people on the African continent have been vaccinated.


編譯:外語教學暨資源中心 編輯小組

