Biden Extends Pause on Student Loan Repayments 90 Days VOA News|USA December 22, 2021 2:57 (source)
Biden Extends Pause on Student Loan Repayments 90 Days
拜登延長就學貸款付款期限 90天
December 22, 2021 2:57
VOA News
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在新的變種病毒來襲之際,美國總統喬‧拜登(Joe Biden)宣布原已延至一月底的就學貸款期限將再次延至五月一日。此舉目的為給予經濟受創的民眾更多喘息空間與機會申請教育部援助的補助方案。近 4100 萬借款人將受益於應計利息的凍結,自暫停開始以來,也約有 2700 萬借款人暫時無需支付每月賬單。但即使如此拜登還是拒絕支持民主黨取消貸款來縮減美國貧富的差距的提案。
President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that his administration will extend the pause on student loan repayment in the United States until May 1, 2022, in response to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to a statement from the president released by the White House, pausing loan repayments is part of the country's economic recovery.
"Today my administration is extending the pause on federal student loan repayments for an additional 90 days — through May 1, 2022 — as we manage the ongoing pandemic and further strengthen our economic recovery," Biden said in a statement.
The Department of Education will continue working with borrowers to ensure they are adequately supported to "transition smoothly back into repayment and advance economic stability for their own households and for our nation," Biden said.
In the statement, Biden urged borrowers to take advantage of the department's resources, such as options to lower payments through income-based repayment plans and public service loan forgiveness.
This is not the first time the Biden administration has extended the loan repayment pause. In August, it was extended through January 31.
The forbearance has benefited millions across the country. According to Reuters, nearly 41 million borrowers benefited from the freeze on interest accruals, and about 27 million borrowers have not had to pay their monthly bills since the pause began.
The administration's decision has been welcomed by Democratic lawmakers. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senator Elizabeth Warren issued a joint statement applauding the announcement but also urging the president to cancel up to $50,000 in student loan debt.
"We continue to call on President Biden to take executive action to cancel $50,000 in student debt, which will help close the racial wealth gap for borrowers and accelerate our economic recovery," they said.
The president, however, has made it clear several times he does not support such an initiative. During a town hall with CNN in February, in response to other Democrats' idea to cancel $50,000 in student debt per borrower, he said, "I will not make that happen."
The extension in the loan repayment pause comes as the U.S. addresses the surge in COVID-19 cases spurring from the spread of the omicron variant. With the holidays nearing, anxieties over the virus have increased and more Americans are getting tested daily ahead of family gatherings and celebrations.
Despite worries over what the omicron variant means for the nation, President Biden assured Americans in a nationwide address Tuesday that a complete shutdown like that of March 2020 is not imminent.
Language Notes
註 1: loan 為名詞,意指貸款,借款
註 2: adequately 為副詞,意指足夠的;合格的;合乎需要的
註 3: forbearance 為名詞,意指耐心;寬容;克制
註 4: accruals 為名詞,意指(錢的)累積,增加,增多
註 5: applauding 為動詞,意指鼓掌
註 6: spurring 為動詞,意指激勵,鞭策;促進,加速
Check your comprehension!
Choose the BEST answer to each of the questions below. After you finish, highlight the parentheses to reveal the hidden answers.
1. ( D ) What is the main idea of the article? (A) The ever-worsening of the omicron variant causes another lockdown. (B) The proposal by the federal government to cancel all students' loans. (C) The mental strugglings people face in pandemic due to crippling depression. (D) The US government is pushing back the deadline for student loan payments. 2. ( B ) Which of the following statement about US student loans is TRUE? (A) The majority of Americans had already paid their student loans in full. (B) The pausing of student loan payments is motivated by the pandemic. (C) The proposal of canceling student loans is back by President Joe Biden. (D) The extension is the first time the student loan deadline has been delayed. 3. ( C ) The word imminent in the last paragraph can be replaced with … (A) likely (B) possible (C) immediate (D) impossible
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