US to Reopen Air Borders for Fully Vaccinated Visitors VOA News|COVID-19 PANDEMIC October 25, 2021 2:44 PM (source)
US to Reopen Air Borders for Fully Vaccinated Visitors
October 25, 2021 2:44 PM
Anita Powell
VOA News 搶先看
美國預計 11 月 8 日向已接種疫苗的外國旅客、免於接種疫苗者,以及來自新冠肺炎感染率較低的國家人民開放邊境,接受的疫苗包括莫德納(Moderna)、輝瑞 (Pfizer)、強生(Johnson & Johnson)、國藥(Sinopharm)和阿斯利康(Astra-Zeneca),旅客需在飛行的 24 小時內提供陰性檢驗報告,邊界的嚴格管制自 2020 年川普政府開始實施。此次的鬆綁將允許更多旅客進入美國,據白宮表示,為了讓公眾更安全,美國也在邊境搭配相關的安全措施。
The United States will soon reopen its air borders for foreign visitors who are fully vaccinated with an approved vaccine or those who can present a negative COVID-19 test within 24 hours of travel, the White House announced Monday.
The new rules take effect Nov. 8, and "only limited exceptions" will be allowed, senior Biden administration officials said during a background briefing with reporters. Those include vaccine exemptions for travelers from about 50 countries with exceptionally low vaccination rates, which include some of the world's poorest nations, many of those in Africa. Children under the age of 18 are also exempt from the vaccine requirement at this time, but will still have to present a negative test.
Accepted vaccines include the three approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration: Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson as well as those approved for emergency use by the World Health Organization: Sinopharm, and the Astra-Zeneca vaccines produced by SKBio and the Serum Institute of India.
Exemptions will include "certain COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial participants, those with medical contraindications to the vaccines, and those who need to travel for emergency or humanitarian reasons," the White House said. Additionally, those who are granted an exception must agree to be vaccinated in the U.S. if they intend to stay for more than 60 days.
"The new system also includes enhanced testing requirements, strengthening contact tracing, as well as masking," a senior administration official said. " These are strict safety protocols that follow the science and public health to enhance the safety of Americans here at home, and the safety of international air travel."
As part of the testing requirement fully vaccinated travelers will have to produce a negative COVID test result within three days of travel to the United States.
In 2019, nearly 80 million international visitors came to the U.S., according to data from the U.S. Travel Association. That figure cratered in early 2020, when the pandemic hit and the administration of former President Donald Trump imposed restrictions that barred tens of thousands of travelers from most of the world.
Unvaccinated air passengers — including unvaccinated U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents — will now need to provide a negative test within one day of departure. Children under two years old will not need to test, and accommodations will be allowed for people who have documented their recovery from the virus within the last 90 days.
Language Notes
註 1: exempt 意指免除,豁免(責任、付款等)
註 2: contraindications 意指(對某種藥物或療法的)禁忌症
註 3: humanitarian 意指人道主義的;人道主義者
註 4: protocol 意指禮儀,禮節
註 5: cratered 於本文為動詞,意指突然變低很多
註 6: barred 於本文為動詞,意指阻礙某事發生或發展
Check your comprehension!
Choose the BEST answer to each of the questions below. After you finish, highlight the parentheses to reveal the hidden answers.
1. ( D ) Which of the following is NOT one of the accepted criteria for traveling to the United States starting November 8th according to the article? (A) Special approval for entry without vaccination proof (B) Negative COVID test within a day of travel (C) Underage children with a negative vaccine test (D) Partial vaccinations of approved vaccines 2. ( A ) Who is not required to be vaccinated prior to traveling to the United States? (A) People traveling for altruistic reasons (B) The disabled (C) People with preexisting conditions (D) The elderly 3. ( B ) What does the senior administration official in the article say about the new system? (A) It requires all travelers to be vaccinated. (B) It protects travelers and Americans. (C) It mandates that all Americans be vaccinated. (D) It penalizes anyone refusing to get a vaccine.
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