臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 419 期 發行日期 2021-11-1

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Kenya Researchers Confident Population Will Embrace Malaria Vaccine


More than 260,000 African children under the age of five die from malaria each year, including more than 10,000 in Kenya, according to the World Health Organization. The WHO's backing of a malaria vaccine, Mosquirix, for children in sub-Saharan Africa has raised hopes of preventing those deaths. The vaccine proved effective in a pilot program in Ghana, Kenya, and Malawi.

根據世界衛生組織,每天有超過 26 萬名五歲以下的非洲孩童死於瘧疾,其中更有超過 1 萬名是在肯亞,一款由世界衛生組織支援的瘧疾疫苗 Mosquirix 已為撒哈拉非洲的孩童帶來一線曙光,在肯亞、迦納和馬拉威先行試用後證實其有效性。



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Feature of the Week


Freeway to the World

New York Times Word of The Day

學習新的單字時,不知道怎麼活用在造句或文章中嗎? 紐約時報的每日一字不僅提供生詞解釋及使用頻率,甚至還會以報章中的摘錄作為例句,更好的是還附上每日單字挑戰,讓你輕鬆應用新的詞彙在日常生活中。

Apps for Learning English


Andy - English Speaking Bot

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這是一個非常適合初學者使用的日語新聞 APP。 這個 APP 裡面的新聞淺顯易懂,文章中的漢字都有標註讀法,點選單字還接連結到辭典。除了閱讀之外,也有朗讀模式,所以也可以用聽的來學習新聞內容喔。

English Learning Video
English Learning Video

Learn English through Story: Halloween history with subtitles

這禮拜天(10 月 31 日)是西方國家孩子喜愛的其中一個節日: 萬聖節 ! 大家都知道這天孩子會扮裝、去玩 「Trick or Treat」、和看跟萬聖節有關的電影。可是您知道萬聖節背後的故事嗎? 點連結了解順便測測自己的英文理解能力吧!

周樹華老師英語學習 Q&A

不存在的英語「母語人士」(Native Speaker)

不存在的英語「母語人士」(Native Speaker) 學英語不需要再找不存在的「母語人士」,有 CEFR B1 B2 是「獨立」使用英語能力的人 ( Independent User) ,可自學達到 C1 或 C2 精通英語 (proficient user) 的境界。 因此同學不需要依賴不存在的「母語人士」了。




Step by Step情境圖解 英語聽力大突破





Kenya Researchers Confident Population Will Embrace Malaria Vaccine
VOA News|Africa
October 07, 2021 12:25 PM (source)

Kenya Researchers Confident Population Will Embrace Malaria Vaccine


October 07, 2021 12:25 PM


  VOA News 搶先看 

非洲有超過 25 萬名孩童死於蚊蟲傳染,世界衛生組織(WHO)週三(按編:10 月 6 日)宣布,批准瘧疾疫苗 Mosquirix,這無疑是對抗致命傳染病的一大救星。WHO 秘書長譚德塞(Tedros Ghebreyesus)對此表示,這款疫苗是歷史性的突破,每年可以挽救數以萬計的年幼生命。肯亞經過大規模的試驗後,研究機構有信心可進行廣泛施打,保護更多孩童,使他們健康成長。

More than 260,000 African children under the age of five die from malaria each year, including more than 10,000 in Kenya, according to the World Health Organization. The WHO's backing of a malaria vaccine, Mosquirix, for children in sub-Saharan Africa has raised hopes of preventing those deaths. The vaccine proved effective in a pilot program in Ghana, Kenya, and Malawi.

On Wednesday, the World Health Organization gave the green light for the use of the vaccine for children between five and 24 months of age in Africa and other regions prone to a high level of malaria transmission.

This follows trials of the vaccine in Ghana, Kenya and Malawi. The four-dose shot was administered to 800,000 African children.

Thirty-year-old Salome Awuor allowed her son, now three years old, to take part in the malaria vaccine trials in Kisumu County, western Kenya.

The mother of four said previously she would visit her nearest clinic four times a month to get malaria treatment for him. At the time, he was 12 months old.

"My son was given three jabs, and malaria went down. I never went back to the clinic seeking malaria treatment. I feel so good my children no longer get sick most of the time. That's why whenever I hear about vaccines, I run to get them because it helps a lot," she said.

WHO chief Tedros Ghebreyesus described the malaria vaccine breakthrough as historic and one that could save the lives of tens of thousands of young people each year.

According to the WHO, malaria affects more than 229 million people each year and kills more than 400,000.

In Africa, more than a quarter of a million children die from the mosquito-borne disease.

Earlier trials in 2015 showed the vaccine could prevent 40 percent of malaria cases and about 30 percent of severe cases.

Bernhards Ogutu is a chief researcher at Kenya Medical Research Institute. He said Kenya's participation in the study proves the vaccine will work on the country's population.

"If it's safe you know it was done in your population and you know it's good for you. You are not relying on data from another population but from your own population. So that you can confidently advise the government this is safe for us, it works and its approved and it was done by us and we contributed to this development," he said.

The first three vaccine doses are given a month apart when children are babies, and a final booster is given when the child is one-and-a-half years old.

Ogutu has voiced confidence that Kenyan parents will vaccinate their children from malaria.

"People have been asking where it is now that we have been given the go ahead, we can now go for the rollout. I think it's time to get to our people and tell them now it's available and now it's a matter of procuring the vaccine and ensuring it's available and start getting it to those who need it," said Ogutu.

So far, there is no word on when the vaccine will become available to the general public.

Language Notes

註 1: prone 指「易於遭受(疾病)的」意思

註 2: transmission 於本文指「傳播」;本字也常指「(廣播、電視等的)播送」

註 3: administer 於本文指「給予」;本字也常指「掌管;料理事物」

註 4: jab 於本文指「注射」;本字也常指「刺,戳,捅;猛擊」

註 5: rollout 指「首次提供(產品或服務)」的意思


Check your comprehension!

Choose the BEST answer to each of the questions below. After you finish, highlight the parentheses to reveal the hidden answers.

1. ( B ) The word "procuring" in the second to last passage is closest in meaning to:
            (A) worrying
            (B) obtaining
            (C) insisting
            (D) declining                   
2. ( D ) According to the passage, what can be inferred about Mosquirix?
            (A) It is already available to the general public.   
            (B) It has been developed to protect adults from malaria.
            (C) It has been administered throughout Africa.
            (D) It is supported by global and national health institutes.
3. ( C ) What is the main purpose of this passage?
            (A) to show the major causes of malaria in Africa
            (B) to show how the WHO operates control measures for malaria
            (C) to demonstrate the effectiveness of a malaria vaccine
            (D) to outline the impact of malaria in Kenya



編譯:外語教學暨資源中心 編輯小組

