臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 415 期 發行日期 2021-09-01

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Turkey Steps Up Efforts to Avert Afghan Refugee Exodus


With the Taliban seizing control of Afghanistan, Turkey seeks to avert a refugee exodus, with the country already hosting over four million refugees, with about 120,000 of them from Afghanistan, according the United Nations.

在塔利班奪取阿富汗政權之下,土耳其正設法避免難民入境。據聯合國(United Nations)統計,土耳其已經收容了超過 400 萬難民,而其中約有 12 萬人來自阿富汗。


◎ 國際要聞英語討論及聽力加強課

開課日期:2021年 10 月 8 日至 11 月 12 日


Course description: 本課程以引導同學克服懼怕開口說英語為主軸,上課教材主要為當週世界各地所發生的大事。內容涵蓋經濟、金融、政治、科技、軍事、醫藥、教育、文化、娛樂等各領域。先聽標題新聞,隨即進行討論,各自發表意見,上課時密集練習,由淺入深逐步訓練,積極提升同學的口語、聽力與發音。 教師將協助同學擴增詞彙量、了解語法與句構以豐富談話的深度。本課程目的為鼓勵大家積極勇敢發言,並在討論中了解跨文化的各項議題。同學自信心必獲增強,世界觀必將拓展。歡迎有意提升會話及聽力的同學參加本班。 **教師每週自備講義,同學不須購買課本。

課程費用 : 6 週課程(共 12 小時) - 共 1200 元

報名方式 : 報名一律請至外語教學暨資源中心三樓 307 室由本人現場報名。 每門課登記額滿即截止報名,最遲於開課當日截止報名登記。
報名時間與地點 :

* 110 年 9 月 22 日起每星期一至星期五 ( 上午 9:00~11:30 , 下午 13:30~16:30) (不包含連假),額滿為止

* 報名請洽外語教學暨資源中心三樓 307 室葉先生,TEL: 02-33662898



◎ e 自學空間開放入館公告

e 自學空間即日起開放入館!
上午: 9:00—12:00
( 中午12:00—13:00 午休閉館可至指定地點自習,但館藏資料不外借 )
暑假期間,e 自學空間夜間開放暫停

1.在外語教學中心大門量測體溫,並用酒精消毒雙手。體溫超過 37.5 度者(依額溫槍發燒標準),
2.進入 e 自學空間採實名制並全程配戴口罩,以維護自身及他人的健康。

本中心 E-freeway 網站提供多種英檢,托福,多益,雅思的模擬試題,在家裡亦



◎ 外語教學暨資源中心「進階英語課程免修自訂測驗」施測日期更改為 9 月 21 日(星期二)

(1)110 學年度「進階英語課程免修自訂測驗」,配合校方開學日變更至 9 月 22 日,原訂 8 月 22 日
        (日)施測日期將更改為 9 月 21 日(星期二)。
(2)報名日期延長至 8 月 27 日。原先已報名測驗的學生,如無法於 9 月 21 日應試,請逕至
(3)測驗結果及成績公告時間:9 月 27 日(一)

一、 測驗日期:110 年 9 月 21 日星期二。本測驗採網路報名,免收任何費用。
二、 限本校尚未修習或正在修習「進階英語」課程,且未達該課程免修標準之本校學士班學生報名。
三、 網路報名時間:110 年 5 月 24 日星期一上午 9 時至 110 年 8 月 27 日星期五下午 5 時,
        期間不間斷,逾期不受理。報名網址: https://if190.aca.ntu.edu.tw/aet/index.aspx
四、 學士班學生在本校就學期間共可報名兩次,每次報名後不論是否到場參加測驗,
五、 測驗結果公告日期:110 年 9 月 27 日星期一。
六、 報名請注意事項請點擊,更多訊息請詳外語教學暨資源中心網站最新消息公告,



Feature of the Week


LLN:Language learning with Netflix


每個人都有值得聽的故事。 StoryCorps 這個網站,就這麼記錄一則又一則、各式各樣的人,發生在他們身上的真實故事。 網站上除了有文字可以閱讀,也有音檔收錄人物訪談、故事主角的自述(音檔都有逐字稿)。 聽著音檔,就像這些故事的主人翁,在我們面前,不疾不徐、誠懇地道來他們的故事。 想訓練英文聽力與閱讀(還有說故事技巧!),就從這裡開始,從聆聽他人的生命故事開始。

Apps for Learning English


Andy - English Speaking Bot

BBC learning English

之前小編們已經推薦了許多 BBC learning English 學習英文的素材!有網站,有影片,BBC真是大家學習英文的好工具,各個年齡層都適合! 順應科技潮流,BBC也出APP囉!安裝這款APP,您可以選擇每天用1分鐘或是6分鐘,快速學習幾個單字或片語,同時還能收看商業新聞,提升商用英語能力。它還內建了 Tim's Pronunciation Workshop,由專業團隊透過科學角度訓練發音,讓你學習發音更得心應手!這麼豐富的內容絕對值得是學習英文必安裝的app!

English Learning Video
English Learning Video

Summer Olympic Vocabulary

因新冠肺炎延宕了一年,體育界的盛事:2020 東京奧運,終於在 2021 年 7 月 23 日至 8 月 8 日舉行,您是不是跟小編一樣每天都守在電視機旁邊看比賽呢!看比賽之餘,若是能學個幾句英文更是一舉兩得。這次就跟著 JeN's Jyugyou,來學學奧林匹克賽事的相關用語吧!

周樹華老師英語學習 Q&A


英語教學專家指出學習第二外語 (在我們的學習環境中的英語) 都會受到第一語言 (中/台文) 的 「干擾」(first language interference) ,這是不可避免的,因此寫出或說出「台式英語」是很自然的,不需要覺得不好意思。





將英語自然拼音法表格化後,所有的英文單字都有了規則,背單字也就變得超簡單了! 本書以最完整、最有系統的方式呈現自然發音法的奧秘, 可當發音教科書、參考工具書或英文單字書。



Turkey Steps Up Efforts to Avert Afghan Refugee Exodus
VOA News|Middle East
August 16, 2021 04:35 PM (source)

Turkey Steps Up Efforts to Avert Afghan Refugee Exodus


August 16, 2021 04:35 PM

Dorian Jone 

  VOA News 搶先看 

在塔利班佔領阿富汗之下,許多阿富汗難民借道伊朗前往土耳其,土耳其早已收容了許多敘利亞難民,族群間的衝突加劇社會壓力。同時,在伊朗的阿富汗難民因害怕被伊朗政府送回阿富汗,想儘早離開伊朗。總部設在土耳其的阿富汗難民團結協會負責人阿里.赫克馬特 (Ali Hekmat) 表示,預計有更多阿富汗難民前往土耳其。土耳其社會壓力加劇,政府於邊境修建圍牆阻擋難民,大多數土耳其人也希望早日難民離境。儘管土耳其已與敘利亞及塔利班進行數次會談,土耳其總統艾爾多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)仍面臨阿富汗難民人數攀升的困境。

With the Taliban seizing control of Afghanistan, Turkey seeks to avert a refugee exodus, with the country already hosting over four million refugees, with about 120,000 of them from Afghanistan, according the United Nations.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is pledging to step up diplomatic and security efforts to prevent an Afghan refugee exodus into Turkey. Erdogan, speaking Sunday, warned that the Taliban's victories in Afghanistan inevitably opens the door to more refugees heading to his country. 

Erdogan said “Turkey is facing a growing migration wave of Afghans transiting through Iran." He said,  "we will continue to make efforts to bring stability to the region, starting with Afghanistan."

Erdogan spoke with Pakistani President Arif Alvi at his side, who was visiting Istanbul. The Turkish president said Pakistan, a close Turkish ally, was key to restoring stability in Afghanistan.

Earlier this month, Erdogan said he was ready for talks with the Taliban leadership. The Taliban said last week they consider Turkey an ally of Afghanistan. Ankara has also held diplomatic talks with Tehran over the refugee crisis. Turkish officials have accused Iran of sending some Afghan refugees to the Turkish border, which Tehran has denied. 

Ali Hekmat, head of the Turkish-based Afghan Refugee Solidarity Association, said many Afghan refugees in Iran are desperate to leave. .

"I am expecting that more refugees will be moving to Turkey from Iran because lots of Afghan army and authorities escaped into Iran. Yesterday, the Iranian government sent them back to Afghanistan. So, most of the refugees are afraid [of] Iran pushing them back to Afghanistan. So, it's the best choice to arrive in Turkey, and maybe they will be near Europe," said Hekmat.

Erdogan has declared a frontier wall with Iran will soon be completed to prevent new arrivals. With Turkey already hosting over four million refugees, mainly from the Syrian civil war, analysts warn of rising social tensions in the country. 

Last week, hundreds of people attacked Syrian refugees' homes and shops in a suburb in the capital, Ankara. Recent opinion polls indicate a majority of people want many of the refugees to leave, a stance backed by the main opposition party.

Analyst Asli Aydintasbas said the prospect of a new wave of Afghan refugees poses a major problem for Erdogan.

"It's a huge challenge and an increasingly divisive issue in Turkish public opinion. There is an overwhelming anxiety in Turkish society about refugees, in general, including some 4 million Syrians. The issue is so explosive in Turkey right now; that would be huge political blow to him (Erdogan) if it were to come out that Turkey was formerly accepting Afghan refugees," said Aydintasbas. 

Ankara is expected to continue to step up its efforts to control its borders. But with another significant refugee exodus being widely predicted, time is not on the government's side. 

Language Notes

註 1: avert 意指避免

註 2: exodus 意指(大批人的)退出,離開

註 3: inevitably 意指不可避免的

註 4: stability 意指穩定時期

註 5: social tensions 意指(互不信任的人群之間的)緊張關係;緊張局勢

註 6: blow 於本文為名詞,意指打撃


Check your comprehension!

Choose the BEST answer to each of the questions below. After you finish, highlight the parentheses to reveal the hidden answers.

1. ( B ) Which of the following is TRUE of Afghan refugees?
            (A) They are all currently in Iran.     
            (B) Many left Afghanistan because of the Taliban.
            (C) They left Syria for Turkey.  
            (D) Many do not want to be in Turkey.                       
2. ( A ) Which of the following best summarizes what Ali Hekmat said?
            (A) Afghan refugees want to leave Iran because they are afraid of being sent back so Turkey is an ideal destination.   
            (B) Afghan refugees want to leave Afghanistan because they are afraid of what the Taliban would do to them if they
                 stayed any longer.                                                                         
            (C) Afghan refugees want to leave Syria because they are afraid of being targeted by civilian attacks and rising
            (D) Afghan refugees want to leave Turkey because they are afraid of the persecution by Turks and Syrians already in
                  the country.                      
3. ( B ) Why does Aydintasbas say that Erdogan finding out Turkey previously accepted Afghan refugees would be a
            political blow to him?
            (A) Because Erdogan would feel slighted that he was not informed about his country accepting refugees    
            (B) Because current social opinions against refugees would make people upset at Erdogan if people knew more
                  refugees were being accepted into the country                                  
            (C) Because Aydintasbas has little faith in Erdogan's ability to keep track of what refugee protocols have been
            (D) Because current social opinions against Erdogan would make people doubt whether he knows how to
                  accommodate more refugees               




編譯:外語教學暨資源中心 編輯小組

