臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 408 期 發行日期 2021-05-15

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Authorities in Somalia Hail Progress in Malaria Fight


As the world marks World Malaria Day (April 25), several African countries continue to battle the impact of a preventable disease claiming thousands of lives. In sub-Saharan Africa alone, malaria has claimed an estimated 380,000 lives in 2018 according to the World Health Organization (WHO). But there are some signs of hope in Somalia.

每年的 4 月 25 日為世界瘧疾日,幾個非洲國家持續為這已奪走千條命及可預防的疾病奮戰。根據世界衛生組織(World Health Organization)2018的數據顯示,光在撒哈拉以南,瘧疾就已奪走 38 萬人,儘管如此,索馬利亞仍出現希望的曙光。


◎ 防疫三步驟




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The Purdue Online Writing Lab

The Purdue Online Writing Lab

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Authorities in Somalia Hail Progress in Malaria Fight
VOA News|Africa
April 25, 2021 06:47 PM(source)

Authorities in Somalia Hail Progress in Malaria Fight


April 25, 2021 06:47 PM

Sudiksha Kochi

  VOA News 搶先看 

瘧疾肆虐非洲,索馬利亞(Somalia)已採取行動欲根除疾病,該國在2020 年只有 5 人感染瘧疾,比前年的數量還少。採取的措施包括:確保亟需的人擁有殺蟲劑蚊帳,尤其是國內流離失所者,並且在更多地區噴灑殺蟲劑。這些步驟對於衛生系統薄弱且資源匱乏的國家來說,產生極大的幫助。同時,新型瘧疾疫苗也正在開發當中,若能批准,將能幫助如如索馬利亞等國家,繼續對抗瘧疾。

As the world marks World Malaria Day (April 25), several African countries continue to battle the impact of a preventable disease claiming thousands of lives. In sub-Saharan Africa alone, malaria has claimed an estimated 380,000 lives in 2018 according to the World Health Organization (WHO). But there are some signs of hope in Somalia.

This year's theme was reaching the "Zero Malaria" target as the WHO celebrated the achievement of those countries that are on the verge of eliminating the disease.

While Somalia is still not malaria-free, the country's authorities say there has been some progress in the past three years in decreasing the number of deaths from the disease. That is welcome news for the Horn of Africa nation struggling to curb other challenges, including drought and lack of security.

Dr. Ali Abdulrahman, manager of Somalia's national malaria control department, pointed out that deaths from malaria have declined, from 31 in 2018, 22 in 2019 to five last year.

"There was a lot of interventions we have done including distribution of long-lasting insecticide nets to the target population, especially IDPs (internally displaced persons) and other vulnerable and indoor residual spraying were done in the riverine areas and also case management was going on in all health facilities in the country that was interventions done to reduce cases," Abdulrahman said.

Somalia has a weak health care system and is poorly resourced, according to the WHO. Due to decades of insecurity and conflict, the country's institutions struggle to provide access to malaria prevention and treatment to those at risk of contracting the disease, including pregnant women and children.

Falestine Mohamed Abukar, a mother of three who lives in an internally displaced persons camp in Mogadishu, said she paid $40 last year to get medicine from a local pharmacy where she was referred when she tested positive for malaria and typhoid.

She said she was very weak in bed and when she visited the nearest health center but the health care providers said they did not have the medicine. They then referred her to get it from private pharmacies and pay out of pocket.

Dr. Jamal Amran from the country's World Health Organization office says WHO is working with Somali authorities to improve access to malaria medication.

"This year will start to do rapid assessment needs of IDPs and other neglected groups like nomads to see how and what the factors are preventing them to utilize health services properly. And based on all findings, we will, along with other partners, develop [a] specific strategy for health services for these minorities, and of course, with the involvement with civil society groups and the community and also workers especially now with COVID-19,” Amran said.

Hailed as a possible breakthrough, a new malaria vaccine has shown to be 77% effective in early trials to combat the disease. And once approved for use, countries like Somalia could benefit in continuing their fight against malaria and meet the malaria-free goal.

Language Notes

註 1: on the verge 意指非常接近

註 2: curb 於本文為動詞,意指控制;限制

註 3: residual 意指剩餘的;殘留的

註 4: displaced 意指迫使 . . . . . . 離開常居地(或原位)

註 5: hailed as 於本文為動詞,意指讚揚 . . . . . . 為


Check your comprehension!

Choose the BEST answer to each of the questions below. After you finish, highlight the parentheses to reveal the hidden answers.

1. ( C ) Which of the following is FALSE of Somalia?
            (A) It has other problems apart from malaria.   
            (B) It is a country that has seen less malaria deaths recently.
            (C) It has recently eradicated malaria completely.  
            (D) It is situated on the Horn of Africa.
2. ( D ) Which of the following best summarizes what Falestine Mohamed Abukar discussed?
            (A) How sick she got with malaria   
            (B) How she lives in Mogadishu  
            (C) How much money she had to pay    
            (D) How Somalia is poorly resourced
3. ( A ) What is the plan to combat malaria according to paragraph 10?
            (A) Plan and carry out a strategy based on current needs    
            (B) Prepare to roll out malaria vaccines for the population                                 
            (C) Place all IDPs in malaria-free areas to ensure immunity  
            (D) Provide medicine to all affected by malaria fairly                

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