臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 392 期 發行日期 2020-09-01

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Canada's Last Intact Ice Shelf Collapses Due to Warming


Much of Canada's remaining intact ice shelf has broken apart into hulking iceberg islands thanks to a hot summer and global warming, scientists said. 

科學家表示由於炎熱的夏天和全球暖化,加拿大(Canada)剩餘大部分完整的冰架(ice shelf)已經崩塌成了巨大而笨重的(hulking, 註 1)冰山島嶼。 



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Feature of the Week
VOA Learning English: English @ the Movies

BBC Earth 自然知性台台

小編最近迷上看紀錄片,看過 Discovery 頻道的朋友都知道,國外有關自然生態的影片都拍得十分精彩,就如電影般身歷其境。 家裡有寬頻電視的朋友,可以馬上收看,主題從野生動物、歷史文明到世界美食,內容水準相當高,而且還附有中文字幕。 心動不如馬上行動,回家一起觀賞 BBC Earth 吧!

Apps for Learning English
 Busuu: Fast Language Learning

Beelingu – The best for reading

Beelingu 是一個有趣的學習語言的軟體,此應用程式可讓您並排閱讀和聆聽不同語言的故事。使用 Beelingu 學習新語言,針對您所學習的語言閱讀文本並聆聽音頻,通過這個有趣、免費的語言學習應用軟體,同時閱讀相同的母語文本作為參考。如果您熟悉語言學習有聲讀物,按照自己的進度學習。一定會喜歡 Beelingu 推出的創新語言學習方法。

English Learning Video
English Learning Video

How to Learn English with SONGS

小編從小喜歡唱歌學英文,尤其是在家煮飯洗澡的時候,但這樣的方法真的能有效幫助學習嗎?下面這支影片就要來教大家透過簡單三步驟,輕鬆掌握邊聽歌邊學英文的實用技巧! 策略大公開:
Step I: Read the lyrics.
Step II: If you don't know the meaning of some words, look them up.
Step III: Practice pronunciation.

周樹華老師英語學習 Q&A

Test Your English – 自我檢定英語能力


劍橋英語評估 (Cambridge Assessment English) 網站中的 Test Your English 是一個免費、不需登入、非常容易使用的自我檢測英語能力的測驗。只要點開網址就可進入頁面,選擇您要測試的項目,分四項 General English, English for School, Business English, Young Learners。測驗的目的是為進修英語的學習者,提供英語課程級數的參考。。

  訓練英語「說」系列:TLC互動英語 帥哥廚師教你說英語

訓練英語「說」系列:TLC 互動英語 海外旅遊篇

想俯瞰大堡礁體驗高空跳傘嗎?還是想住進豪華酒店品嘗美酒佳餚?或是來場浪漫的小島婚禮?快跟著主持人 Janet 的腳步,一起出走到澳洲和斐濟,從體驗熱氣球,到驚險的海底探險。本書收錄 TLC 旅遊生活頻道官方授權熱門節目「瘋台灣出走特輯」,將影片內容以中英文對照呈現,讓你輕輕鬆鬆學會最實用的旅遊英語。例如︰在「凱恩斯生活」單元裡,你會知道「Flea Market」是跳蚤市場,「Bazaar」則是指手工藝品市場。而在「空中跳傘」單元裡,你會學到「Down Under」是口語暱稱中的澳洲、紐西蘭 ( 因位於南半球的澳洲或紐西蘭,處於世界大部份國家的下面,所以得來這樣的暱稱 )。



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VOA News|Science & Health
Ausust 07,2020 09:10 PM (source)

Canada's Last Intact Ice Shelf Collapses Due to Warming


August 07,  2020 09:10 PM

Associated Press 

Much of Canada's remaining intact ice shelf has broken apart into hulking iceberg islands thanks to a hot summer and global warming, scientists said.

Canada's 4,000-year-old Milne Ice Shelf on the northwestern edge of Ellesmere Island had been the country's last intact ice shelf until the end of July when ice analyst Adrienne White of the Canadian Ice Service noticed that satellite photos showed that about 43% of it had broken off. She said it happened around July 30 or 31.

Two giant icebergs formed along with lots of smaller ones, and they have already started drifting away, White said. The biggest is nearly the size of Manhattan — 21 square miles (55 square kilometers) and 7 miles long (11.5 kilometers). They are 230 to 260 feet (70 to 80 meters) thick.

"This is a huge, huge block of ice," White said. "If one of these is moving toward an oil rig, there's nothing you can really do aside from move your oil rig."

The 72-square mile (187 square kilometer) undulating white ice shelf of ridges and troughs dotted with blue meltwater had been larger than the District of Columbia but now is down to 41 square miles (106 square kilometers).

Temperatures from May to early August in the region have been 9 degrees (5 degrees Celsius) warmer than the 1980 to 2010 average, University of Ottawa glaciology professor Luke Copland said. This is on top of an Arctic that already had been warming much faster than the rest of globe, with this region warming even faster.

"Without a doubt, it's climate change," Copland said, noting the ice shelf is melting from both hotter air above and warmer water below.

"The Milne was very special," he added. "It's an amazingly pretty location."

Ice shelves are hundreds to thousands of years old, thicker than long-term sea ice, but not as big and old as glaciers, Copland said.

Canada used to have a large continuous ice shelf across the northern coast of Ellesmere Island in the Canadian territory of Nunavut, but it has been breaking apart over the last decades because of man-made global warming, White said. By 2005 it was down to six remaining ice shelves but "the Milne was really the last complete ice shelf," she said.

"There aren't very many ice shelves around the Arctic anymore," Copland said. "It seems we've lost pretty much all of them from northern Greenland and the Russian Arctic. There may be a few in a few protected fjords."

科學家表示由於炎熱的夏天和全球暖化,加拿大(Canada)剩餘大部分完整的冰架(ice shelf)已經崩塌成了巨大而笨重的(hulking, 註 1)冰山島嶼。

直到 7 月底前,位於埃爾斯米爾島(Ellesmere Island)西北邊陲的米爾恩冰架(Milne Ice Shelf, 音釋)是加拿大最後一個完整的(intact, 註 2)冰架。加拿大極冰局(Canadian Ice Service)分析師阿德里安娜.懷特(Adrienne White,音釋)注意到衛星(satellite)照片有大約 43% 的冰架坍塌,並表示該事件大約發生於 7 月 30 或 31 日左右。

懷特說,兩座巨大冰山和許許多多的小冰山成型,而且開始漂浮流動。最大的一塊幾乎與曼哈頓 (Manhattan)同樣大:面積 21 平方英里(55 平方公里),長度 7 英里(11.5公里),厚度 230 到 260 英尺(70 到 80 米)。懷特說:「這是一個巨大的冰塊,假設其中一座正朝向石油鑽井平台(oil rig)移動,除了把鑽油平台移走,我們別無選擇。」

山脊(ridges)海槽(troughs)被藍色雪水所覆蓋,他們綿延起伏的(undulating, 註 3)白色冰架有 72 平方英里(187 平方公里)大,曾比哥倫比亞特區 (District of Columbia)還大,但現在已經下降到 41 平方英里(106 平方公里)。

該地區五月至八月初的溫度比 1980 年至 2010 年的平均氣溫高出 9 度(攝氏 5 度), 渥太華大學(University of Ottawa)冰川學教授盧克.科普蘭(Luke Copland, 音釋)說:「過去以來,北極就比全球其他地區暖化更為快速,而現在速度又更快了。」




加拿大過去在努納武特地區(Nunavut)的埃爾斯米爾島北部海岸,有一個巨大連續的冰架,但由於人為造成的全球暖化,它在過去幾十年中一直在坍塌。懷特說,至 2005 年,只剩下六個冰架。科普蘭說道:「最後一個完整的冰架就只剩米爾恩。」
「北極(The Arctic)周圍已經沒有太多的冰架了」 科普蘭說:「我們似乎已經失去了從格陵蘭(Greenland)北部到俄羅斯北極圈(Russian Arctic)幾乎所有的冰架。在一些受保護的峽灣(fjords, , 註 4)中可能還保存幾個。」

Language Notes

註 1:hulking 由名詞 "hulk" 「巨大笨重的船」與用於構成形容詞的  "-ing"  組成,意指「大而重的」

註 2:intact 於本文指「未受崩解」的冰架 ;本字也常指「完整無缺 ; 未經觸動的」; 注意重音在第 2 音節

註 3:undulating 於本文指「波狀起伏的,丘陵的」的冰架;本字也常指「 波動的」;注意重音在第 1 音節

註 4:fjords 也可拼為「fiords」;源自表示「入口, 河口」的古北歐語 fjörðr 和 「穿越之地」的北日耳曼語 ferthuz


Check your comprehension!

Choose the BEST answer to each of the questions below. After you finish, highlight the parentheses to reveal the hidden answers.

1. ( C ) According to the article, what is FALSE about the Milne ice shelf?
            (A) It is 4000 years old.
            (B) It is no longer unbroken.                                              
            (C) It is 182 square kilometers.
            (D) It broke around July 31.                  
2. ( A ) What does the article say about the effects of global warming in the Arctic?
            (A) It has caused the Arctic to warm faster than other areas in the world.
            (B) It has been contributing to other ice shelves and glaciers to melt quickly.
            (C) It has changed the way people view the beauty of ice shelves in the Arctic.    
            (D) It has broken many oil rigs due to ice chunks breaking off ice shelves.                      
3. ( B ) Where does Copland say ice shelves may still be located?
            (A) Nunavut
            (B) Protected fjords                                              
            (C) Ellesmere Island  
            (D) Greenland                    


編譯:外語教學暨資源中心 編輯小組



