臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 388 期 發行日期 2020-07-01

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Kenyan Company Rolls Out First African-Made Video Conferencing App


A Kenya-based company has developed a video conferencing application, the first made in Africa, designed to be more affordable than foreign counterparts. Gumzo, which means "chatting"  in Swahili, is free to join and costs only $1 per week for users who want to host meetings. Eight weeks -- that's the amount of time it took for the first African-made video conferencing system to becreated [sic].

        肯亞(Kenya)的公司開發(develop)出一種視訊會議應用軟體(application),該軟體為非洲首創,希望能比其他國家的類似軟體(counterpart,註 1)更實惠。軟體名為 Gumzo,在斯瓦希里語(Swahili)中為「聊天」的意思。用戶可以免費加入,且每週只需付一美元即可使用軟體開會。


◎ 國際要聞英語討論及聽力加強課 ( 109 暑期短期課程)

臺大外語教學暨資源中心 外語樂學坊 109 暑期短期課程
課程名稱:國際要聞英語討論及聽力加強課 II
開課日期:2020 年 7 月 24 日至 8 月 28 日

*109 年 6 月 23 日起每星期一至星期五 ( 上午 9:00~11:30 , 下午 13:30~16:30 ) ( 不包含連假 ),
*報名請洽外語教學暨資源中心三樓 307 室葉先生,TEL: 02-33662898

Course description:

◎ e 自學空間暑假開放及閉館時間公告

e自學空間暑假期間(7 月3 日~9 月 11 日) 正常開館
開放時間: 週一至週五: 上午:  9:00 — 12:00
                                          下午:13:00 — 16:00
( 中午 12:00—13:00 午休閉館可至指定地點自習,但館藏資料不外借 )
但右列時段閉館7 月 3日~7 月 13 日(為大學指考閱卷場地)。
若閱卷提早結束將提早開放,可電詢 Tel: 33662899 轉 56。
9 月 14 日開學後恢復原白天及夜間開放時間。



Feature of the Week
The Atlantic

The Atlantic

英文能力提升的不二法門就是:每日閱讀。 The Atlantic 大西洋雜誌是美國一個有著很長歷史的雜誌,就如同 The New York Times 和 the Economist 一樣的操作模式,非常簡易上手。除了依最常見屬性作分類外,也將文章分成 popular 和 lates 兩大類,讓你吸收訊息不漏接,也可了解別人喜歡閱讀的主題是甚麼!是一個可以當作每日讀物的好地方。 The Atlantic 不像一些新聞網一樣字體太小或是排版擁擠容易有看錯行的情況發生,它的網頁整體看起來蠻舒服的。最適合等公車,搭捷運的畸零時間來閱讀。

Apps for Learning English
Andy - English Speaking Bot


準備多益考試,背單字很辛苦嗎?每回考試總敗在關鍵字聽不懂嗎? 你需要一本主題精確的單字書! 來試試「新多益核心字彙:商務實戰篇」這個 App 吧! 本 App 讓您以獨特的科學化記憶方法,完成「最具效率」與「最有效果」的單字背誦。在學習過程中,將依照您的記憶情形,智能調節學習內容,讓您花最少的複習次數,將所學習的單字都能鞏固在長期記憶中。在準備 TOEIC 考試過程中,定能精益求精,快速掌握新多益! 趕快來試用吧!

English Learning Video
English Learning Video

This is How Medical Delivery Drones Are Saving Lives

無人機運用在醫療上已經很多年了! 當醫生看診時,病患提出需求時,也許是需要輸送血液,也許是需要蛇毒血清治療傷口,也許是注射疫苗增加抵抗力,只要醫生打一通電話給無人機公司,公司就會將所需醫療物品藉由無人機送達!既快速又準確!是不是很神奇的一件事!以下這段影片就是介紹無人機是如何執行任務的,一起來看看吧!

周樹華老師英語學習 Q&A

廣泛閱讀 Extensive Reading「廣泛」是指甚麼?

同學們都聽過:要增進英語能力需要「廣泛閱讀」。「廣泛」是指甚麼? 讀一篇或十篇新聞報導在「數量」上也許「廣泛」,但在「質量」上是一樣的,因為新聞報導的文體是制式性的,敘述事件模式相同,讀再多篇文章也只認識了一種用英語撰寫的文體,談不上「廣泛」。

  自學軟體介紹- LiveABC-GEPT=

自學軟體:LiveABC — GEPT

本課程包含 400 多個 CNN 新聞影片,內容涵蓋科技、旅遊、名人專訪、醫學等。每則新聞可自行決定是否開啟中、英字幕,並含聽力填空、翻譯填空、句子重組等三種練習題,且皆提供完整的逐字稿。除此之外,本課程並提供 18 回全民英檢中高級聽讀模擬試題。讀者可多加利用!



Kenyan Company Rolls Out First African-Made Video Conferencing App
VOA News|Africa
June 08, 2020 01:00 PM (source)

Kenyan Company Rolls Out First African-Made Video Conferencing App


June 08, 2020 01:00 PM

Lenny Ruvaga


A Kenya-based company has developed a video conferencing application, the first made in Africa, designed to be more affordable than foreign counterparts. Gumzo, which means  "chatting" in Swahili, is free to join and costs only $1 per week for users who want to host meetings.

Eight weeks -- that's the amount of time it took for the first African-made video conferencing system to becreated [sic].

Gumzo – which is Swahili for "chatting" was made in the offices of Usiku Games, a Nairobi company that until a few months ago, focused on making video games for the African market.

In the wake of COVID-19, only a small staff routinely reports to the company's office.

But that didn't stop Usiku's coders and programmers from quickly developing and rolling out the video conference app.

Jay Shapiro, Usiku's CEO, said Gumzo is built to be used on the wide variety of devices used across Africa.  "Africa is a mobile phone first continent and so you have to have a platform that works on mobile devices [that are] older, less memory and so that's why we built a download app that is web-based and is accessible on all smart phones [sic] or PC or tablets to try and reach as many people as we can," he said.

In early March, the Kenyan government closed all learning institutions in a bid to curb the spread of coronavirus. About 17 million students have been kept out of schools since.

Teachers have used a variety of conferencing apps, including Zoom, Skype and Whatsapp, to keep in touch with students.

Gilbert Walusimbi, a teacher at Upper Hill High School in Nairobi, is one of the users of Gumzo. On average his video conferencing class has forty-five students.

Walusimbi likes the fact that he can have an unlimited number of students in meetings and still have clarity because Gumzo's servers are in Kenya and South Africa.

However, Walusimbi adds that digital access to all learners is an issue.

"Now the challenges are where that particular receiver, that is the student is, because not every area in the country has the infrastructure for receiving this particular type of digital learning material. Electricity is also a challenge in some areas,"  he said.

Vincent Omondi, an information technology expert at Makini School in Nairobi, points out that the digital divide in Africa could pose a challenge in the uptake of emerging innovations and technologies.

"The latest statistics that we have 2019 that was conducted by the International Telecommunications Union, 29 percent of the population in Africa had access to internet. After internet access there's now the issue of device, the appropriate devices to use to access video conference softwares that would also play a big challenge,"  said Omondi.

Although the digital divide in Africa is still quite large, Usiku hopes that Gumzo will help make it smaller.

肯亞(Kenya)的公司開發(develop)出一種視訊會議應用軟體(application),該軟體為非洲首創,希望能比其他國家的類似軟體(counterpart註 1)更實惠。軟體名為 Gumzo,在斯瓦希里語(Swahili)中為「聊天」的意思。用戶可以免費加入,且每週只需付一美元即可使用軟體開會。

這套由非洲首次製造的視訊會議系統大約花了 8 週的時間創建。

Gumzo 源自斯瓦希里語中的「聊天」,由 Usiku Games 這間公司製作生產。Usiku Games 位在肯亞首都奈洛比(Nairobi),直到幾個月前還專注於為非洲市場製作電動遊戲。

今年(2020 年)新冠肺炎(COVID-19)流行期間,僅有少數員工定期到辦公室上班。

不過,這並沒有阻止 Usiku 的編碼員(coder) 程式設計師(programmer) 快速開發並推出(roll out)這款視訊會議應用軟體。

Usiku 的執行長(chief excutive officer,CEO) 傑伊.夏皮羅(Jay Shapiro)表示,希望 Gumzo 可以廣泛運用在非洲各地使用的各種裝置設備上。


肯亞政府為了控制(curb,註 2)冠狀病毒的傳播,於 3 月初關閉了所有學習機構。從那時開始,大約有 1700 萬名學生無法到校上課。

老師為了與學生保持聯繫,已使用了 ZoomSkype WhatsApp 等各種會議應用軟體。

奈洛比上丘高中(Upper Hill High School)的老師吉爾伯特.沃盧辛比(Gilbert Walusimbi)是 Gumzo 的使用者之一。他透過視訊會議的方式上課,班上平均有 45 名學生。

沃盧辛比喜歡這樣的上課方式。由於 Gumzo 的伺服器(server) 位於肯亞和南非(South Africa),因此他的課堂會議可以讓無數的學生參加,並且仍能保持視訊的清晰(clarity,註 3)度。



文森.奧蒙迪(Vincent Omondi)是奈洛比馬基尼學校(Makini School)的資訊科技專家。他指出,非洲的數位落差(digital divide)可能對採用(uptake,註 5)新興的(emerging,註 6)新方法(innovation) 和技術形成(pose,註 4)挑戰。

「國際電信聯盟(International Telecommunications Union,ITU)在 2019 年蒐集的最新統計資料顯示,非洲 29% 的人口有網路可用。經歷網路連線的問題後,目前出現了設備問題,也就是使用視訊會議軟體所需要的合適裝置。這也會帶來很大挑戰。」奧蒙迪描述著。

儘管非洲的數位落差情形仍然很嚴重,但 Usiku 希望 Gumzo 將有助於改善當地的數位落差問題。

Language Notes

註 1: counterpart 為名詞,意指「(與不同地方或組織的人或物)作用相同者,相對應者」

註 2: curb 於本文作動詞,意思是「控制;限制,約束;抑制」;本字也可作名詞,指「控制;限制,約束」或「勒馬繩」

註 3: clarity 為名詞,於本文指「清楚明瞭;清晰易懂」;本字也常指「(畫面或聲音的)清晰」或「思路清晰」

註 4: pose 於本文作動詞,意思是「造成,引起(尤指問題或困難)」;也常指「擺好姿勢(拍照)」或「提出(問題);質詢」;本字也可作名詞,意即「(身體擺出的)樣子,姿勢」或「裝腔作勢」

註 5: uptake 為名詞,意指「吸收(率),攝入(率)」;本字也常指「接受(率)」或「領會;理解」

註 6: emerging 於本文為形容詞,意指「新興的,發展初期的」,源於動詞  "emerge”「浮現;出現」;注意重音在第 2 音節


Check your comprehension!

Choose the BEST answer to each of the questions below. After you finish, highlight the parentheses to reveal the hidden answers.

1. ( B )  According to the article, what is the main purpose of the innovation of Gumzo?
            (A) To promote the first made-in-Africa video conferencing application to the world.     
            (B) To accommodate users with a more affordable video conferencing application than other foreign brands.
            (C) To promote an affordable host meeting function for users worldwide.    
            (D) To accommodate an unlimited number of students with free applications.
2. ( C )  The phrase "roll out"  in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to:
            (A) abandon    
            (B) conceal                                              
            (C) display   
            (D) extend                      
3. ( A )  According to the article, which of the following statements is INCORRECT?
            (A) To constrain the spread of coronavirus, the Kenyan government closed some of the learning institutions.    
            (B) The first African video conferencing system needs around two months to be established.
           (C) Vincent Omondi mentioned that Africa's digital divide might present a challenge for addressing
                  emerging innovations and technologies.    
            (D) According to the 2019 statistics by the ITU, approximately 71% of Africans have  no access to the Internet.                      


編譯:外語教學暨資源中心 編輯小組


