臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 371 期 發行日期 2019-10-01

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  Watching Brexit from the French city, CalaisRead more on VOA.

Across the Channel, French Port City Watches, Speculates About Brexit


From the ferries crisscrossing the slender spit of Channel, to the British flags and pubs dotting the scruffy town center, it's easy to see where Calais' priorities lie.

       從英吉利海峽(English Channel,The Channel)細長(slender,註 1)岬(spit,註 2)灣裡縱橫交錯(crisscross,註 3)的渡輪到不太整齊的(scruffy)市中心裡隨處可見的英國(United Kingdom,UK)國旗和酒吧,不難看出法國(France)加萊市(Calais)的發展重心所在。


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◎ 線上菲律賓語課程


外語教學暨資源中心專為本校教職員工生、退休教職員工及校友編製了線上菲律賓語課程,內容涵蓋生活必需的 6 大主題,還有真人情境對話影片帶給您身歷其境的學習體驗,讓您輕鬆學會基礎菲律賓語會話。

詳情請見:東南亞語言暨文化資源網站首頁 → 線上菲律賓語課程

Feature of the Week


TubeQuizard(YouTube 英語測驗站)是一個以 YouTube 英語影片做為教材內容,並根據影片字幕提供英語聽力訓練以及文法和單字學習的英語學習網站。課程內容非常客製化──學習者可以自己選擇影片程度(A2 ~ C2)、學習類型(單字、文法、聽力等)、影片種類(商業、教育、娛樂、資訊科技等)、口音(英式、美式)。不僅如此,TubeQuizard 還提供影片製作成測驗的客製化服務,只要在網站的 Train with Your Video 透過關鍵字或 YouTube 影片連結,就可以製作自己想要測驗(文法或單字),甚至還可以透過 YouTube 的影片字幕或文法類型來找尋影片,並製作測驗。學習內容自由度相當高,很適合英語自學與進修。

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「eJOY 看影片學英語」是一個內容豐富,可以自己選影片字幕單字作為測驗的英語自學軟體,而且內容還會更新。eJOY 的主題很廣:像是教育、英語技巧、藝術與文化、電視表演、旅遊與活動等很多,可以任君挑選。不僅如此,若對於字幕單字有疑惑,只要按下該單字,或是拖曳選到片語,相關的英文定義幾乎都會立刻出現。學習者在觀看影片的過程中可以設定是否要有字幕出現,若想要做測驗,那就要按下字幕選項,讓字幕出現,並從中至少選擇 3 個單字作為測驗內容。免費版有 20 字的額度,但是即便是額度額滿,基本的觀看影片,顯示字幕、查單字的功能還是存在。若想要增進英文的廣度或是拓展英文興趣,「eJOY 看影片學英語」是一個不錯的選擇。

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您有多久沒有光腳在草地上、沙地上、泥土上或是草皮上走路了呢?這期的影片就是要來跟各位介紹光腳走在以上所提到地面種類上的好處。光腳走在草地、沙地、泥土、草皮上有一個專有名詞,叫做「接地氣(grounding or earthing)」。接地氣的好處有很多,比方說可以改善平衡感、讓肌肉有更多的定義,以致於身體的重心不會偏移、減重、減壓、擺脫睡眠問題,甚至還可以改善視力 . . . . . . 等。還有哪些好處是接地氣所產生的?每天又至少要接多久的地氣?哪些人又不適合接地氣?這些問題的答案就等您來探討。

周樹華老師英語學習 Q&A
周樹華老師英語學習 Q&A


在英國曼徹斯特大學(The University of Manchester)修英國文學博士學位期間,重新認識並思考一些英語學習的問題。第一次和論文指導老師見面時,他很客氣也有一點不好意思地問:「為何你說英語有美國口音?」我很訝異他的問題,我們在臺灣學英語不是應該有個美國腔才好嗎?當時只回答說很多教英語的老師都是美國人,他沒說話。後來我發現,遇到的英國人都會問同樣的問題,好像我說英語有美國腔是非常奇怪的事。 我開始思考「口音」的問題,同時參加了許多英語教學研討會,觀摩英國老師的教學方法。我特別注意這些英語教學專家處理外國學生口音的態度。他們認為能夠正確地使用英語(包括正確的發音、用字、說、寫合乎文法的句子)最重要,學生不需浪費時間模仿母語人士說話。

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暢銷 in Use 字彙書系最新版,內容參照「劍橋語料庫(Cambridge English Corpus)」修訂,以確保習得當代實用英語字詞,遣詞用字更加自然流暢。主打兩頁一單元,左頁提供主題單字課程、右頁提供多元練習題的課程形式。 



Across the Channel, French Port City Watches, Speculates About Brexit
VOA News|Europe
September 12, 2019 09:51 AM Lisa Bryant

Across the Channel, French Port City Watches, Speculates About Brexit


September 12, 2019 09:51 AM

Lisa Bryant


From the ferries crisscrossing the slender spit of Channel, to the British flags and pubs dotting the scruffy town center, it's easy to see where Calais' priorities lie.

"Calais is the last English city of France," jokes Francois Lavallee, Chamber of Commerce president for France's northern coastal region. "We have a lot of human and business exchange. It's in our blood." 

But today, Calais is preparing for a Brexit-wrought rupture to longstanding economic and historic ties — even as chaotic London politics make Britain's planned Oct. 31 exit from the European Union increasingly uncertain.

Here and in other northern industrial ports, the French government has hired hundreds more customs officers, and is now testing a state-of-the-art electronic customs system under both "hard" and "soft" Brexit scenarios. Calais also has invested millions in new infrastructure to assure fluid traffic for the thousands of trucks passing through daily.

"Those who believe there will be thousands of kilometers of traffic jams are mistaken," the French minister charged with customs, Gerard Darmanin, told reporters recently.

Even with a no-deal Brexit, officials predict most merchandise will be able to transit without full customs checks for the first few months. Online forms, to be filled out ahead of time, aim to avert bottlenecks for other goods, like livestock and produce, which local officials estimate amounts to just 9% of total traffic.

Brexit's larger local backlash remains a big unknown. Cross-channel trade for the broader Hauts-de-France region, which includes Calais, amounted to more than $7 billion last year.

"Britain is the third biggest market for the north of France," after Belgium and Germany, said Lavallee. "If there are problems with the British market, there may be bad consequences." 

A recent Chamber report found potential winners and losers in a no-deal Brexit. Local tourism, fisheries and port traffic may suffer. Some British-based companies might opt to relocate across the Channel, however, providing a much-needed boost for the region, one of France's poorest.

On the outskirts of town, the family-owned Carpentier trucking company is one of many making Brexit preparations. Transporting goods to and from Britain, mostly food and computer equipment, accounts for 20% of its business.

Already, says transport director Arnaud Dequidt, customers are piling up stock on either side of the Channel. Carpentier is conducting its own tests to see if customs agents are truly prepared.

"Whether it's a hard or soft Brexit, we'll still keep transporting to Britain," Dequidt said. "We can't do without Britain, so we'll adapt." 

The city's relations with its cross-Channel neighbor have not always been positive. In the 14th century, it withstood a nearly yearlong English siege. The six town burghers who volunteered themselves as hostages in exchange for lifting it were captured in a famous Rodin sculpture, which today sits in front of city hall.

More recently, Calais captured headlines because of the tens of thousands of migrants squatting on its outskirts hoping to jump a truck or train to Britain where life, they thought, would be better than in France. The infamous "jungle" migrant camp was razed in 2016, and many migrants resettled.

Today, some are attempting Channel crossings by dinghies, with a reported spike in their numbers due to Brexit fears.

Still, taxi driver Hughes Vanpeene, waiting for customers outside the city's train station, dreams of a positive side to Brexit. Britons once flocked to Calais, thanks to a duty-free zone that ended in the 1990s. Despite the welcoming flags and pubs, their numbers have since shrunk.

"Here in Calais, we don't have English who take the ferry anymore. Most take the Eurostar" train to Paris, Vanpeene said. "But we think that with Brexit, duty-free will come back, and we'll again have people in Calais buying alcohol and cigarettes." 

Lavallee is less optimistic.

"For us, it's very difficult to understand Brexit," he said. "For us, it's a big mistake. We hope England will change her position on Brexit." 

"But," he adds, "If Brexit arrives, we will try capturing profits for the region." 

從英吉利海峽(English Channel,The Channel細長(slender,註 1)岬(spit,註 2)灣裡縱橫交錯(crisscross,註 3)的渡輪到不太整齊的(scruffy)市中心裡隨處可見的英國(United Kingdom,UK)國旗和酒吧,不難看出法國(France)加萊市(Calais)的發展重心所在。

「加萊是法國僅存的英式城鎮。」佛朗索瓦.拉瓦利(Francois Lavallee)開著玩笑說。他是法國北海岸(coastal)區商會(Chamber of Commerce)的會長。「法國和英國兩地的人際和商業互動頻繁。這種互動就像與生俱來那麼自然。」拉瓦利補充說明。

然而,英國預計脫離歐盟(Brexit,註 4)造成兩地在經濟與歷史上由來已久的(longstanding,註 5)關係出現裂痕(rupture,註 6)。即使倫敦(London)的政治局勢目前一片混亂(chaotic,註 7),使得英國原定於 10 月 31 日(編按:2019 年)退出歐洲聯盟(European Union,EU)的前景愈發不確定,加萊市仍為了迎接這樣的轉變預作準備。

法國政府在當地和其他北部的工業(industrial)港已新聘了上百位海關(customs,註 8)官員,並以最先進的(state-of-the-art,註 9)電子海關系統對「硬脫歐(hard Brexit)」與「軟脫歐(soft Brexit)」兩種可能的局面(scenario,註 10)進行測試。加萊市為了確保每天路經當地的上千輛卡車能夠通行無阻(fluid,註 11),也已投入數百萬資金興建新的基礎建設(infrastructure)

杰拉爾德.達爾馬寧(Gerard Darmanin)是法國公共行動與財務部長,負責管理該國海關部門。他最近向記者表示:「那些認為海關會出現交通堵塞(traffic jam)長達上千公里的人錯(mistaken,註 12)了。」

即使英國最後採取「無協議脫歐(no-deal Brexit)」,法國政府官員(official,註 13)預估,大部分的貨物(merchandise)在最初的幾個月仍不需經過完整的海關檢查程序即能運送到目的地。業者也必須事先填寫網路申請表格,以避免(avert)家畜(livestock)農產品(produce,註 14)等貨品在運輸過程中遭受阻礙(bottleneck,註 15)。當地官員估算,這些貨品總計(amount to . . .)僅占全部運輸量的 9 %。

當地是否會對英國脫歐出現更強烈的反應(backlash,註 16)仍是個未知數。加萊市所屬的上法蘭西大區(Hauts-de-France)的區域範圍更廣,這個地區去年(編按:2018 年)在橫跨英吉利海峽兩岸的貿易金額上就超過了 70 億美元。

「英國是法國北部的第 3 大市場。」拉瓦利解釋,法國與英國市場的貿易量僅次於該國與比利時(Belgium)和德國(Germany)的貿易量。「如果英國市場出了什麼問題,可能就會有不好的後果(consequence)。」

當地商會近期針對英國無條件脫歐下可能的受惠者與受害者進行調查。調查結果顯示,在地的旅遊業、水產業(fishery)和港口運輸可能遭受衝擊。此區是法國最貧窮的地區之一,不過,英國為主的公司可能選擇(opt,註 17)在英吉利海峽對岸重設據點(relocate,註 18),此舉將有助於這一區急需增強(boost)的經濟。

位於加萊市郊區(the outskirts,註 19)的卡彭鐵爾(Carpentier)是家族企業型的貨運公司,目前就如同其他公司般,也正為著英國脫歐預作準備。英法兩地間的貨物運送(transport)占(account for . . .,註 20)了卡彭鐵爾營業總量的 20%,這些貨物以食物和電腦器材為主。

阿諾德.德基特(Arnaud Dequidt)是公司的運輸部主任。他指出,英吉利海峽兩岸的顧客目前都在囤積存貨(stock)。卡彭鐵爾也正進行(conduct)各項測試,以便了解負責海關業務的代理商(agent)是否已確實準備好因應措施。


加萊市與英吉利海峽對岸的鄰居並非一直保持友好的關係。早在 14 世紀時,該市曾抵抗(withstand,註 21)英國的包圍(siege)長達近整整一年(yearlong)之久。當時有 6 位市民(burgher,註 22)為了讓加萊市不再受包圍所苦,自告奮勇成為人質(hostage),這一幕也刻畫(capture)於著名的羅丹(Rodin)雕塑中。雕像現今則坐落在市府大樓前。

不久前,加萊市因為郊區出現數以萬計想要移居英國的移民(migrant)而上了頭條。這些移民認為搬到英國生活會比待在法國來得好,因此希望乘坐卡車或火車前往該國。加萊市當地聲名狼藉的(infamous,註 23)「叢林」移民營於 2016 年遭到徹底摧毀(raze),許多移民因而移居到別處(resettle)

有些移民目前正試圖透過搭乘小艇(dinghy,註 24)完成這趟跨海旅程(crossing,註 25)。據傳因為害怕英國脫歐,想要橫渡海峽的移民人數驟升(spike,註 26)

火車站外等待顧客的計程車司機休斯.萬皮納(Hughes Vanpeene)仍英國脫歐懷抱夢想(dream of . . .)。英國人曾為了購買免稅區(duty-free zone)商品蜂擁至(flock to . . .)加萊市,不過當地自 1990 年代就未再設置免稅區。儘管街道上仍隨處可見歡迎的(welcoming)旗幟和酒吧,但到訪的英國旅客數卻從此縮減(shrink)了。





Language Notes

註 1: slender 於本文指「細長的」;本字也常指「修長的;苗條的;纖細的」或「少量的」

註 2: spit 於本文指「岬」;本字另可指「(燒烤食物的)炙叉」或「唾液」;也可為動詞,常指「唾;吐」或「爆出火花」等

註 3: crisscross 於本文為動詞,意指「縱橫交錯」;本字原意為「使交叉成十字狀」;也可作名詞,意即「十字記號;十字形」

註 4: Brexit 由名詞 "Britain"「大不列顛;英國」與名詞 "exit"「退出;離開」兩者縮寫而成

註 5: longstanding 由形容詞 "long"「長久的」與名詞 "standing"「存在時間;持續時間」組成;本字也可拼成 "long-standing",注意重音在第 2 音節

註 6: rupture 於本文為名詞;本字也可作動詞,意思是「(使)破裂;(使)不和」

註 7: chaotic 由名詞 "chaos"「混亂;雜亂狀態」和形容詞字尾 "-ic"「與 . . . . . . 有關;具有 . . . . . . 的本質」組成;注意重音在第 2 音節

註 8: customs 源於 "custom"「風俗;慣例」,於本文指「海關」,注意為複數形

註 9: state-of-the-art 注意重音在第 4 音節

註 10: scenario 於本文指「可能的局面,事態」;本字另有「情節;劇本」與「方案」等意思;注意重音在第 2 音節

註 11: fluid 於本文為形容詞,意指「交通順暢,通行無阻」;本字亦可指「流動的」、「流暢的」或「不固定的;易變的」;也可作名詞,意即「液體;流質,流體」

註 12: mistaken 於本文指「(人)弄錯的;誤解的」;本字也可指「(想法等)錯誤的;遭到誤解的」;注意重音在第 2 音節

註 13: official 於本文為名詞;本字亦可為形容詞,指「官員的;公務上的」、「官方的;正式的」或「公開的;公布的」;注意重音在第 2 音節

註 14: produce 於本文為名詞,注意重音在第 1 音節;本字也可作動詞,包含「生產;製造」、「引起;使產生」及「製作」等意,重音則在第 2 音節

註 15: bottleneck 由名詞 "bottle"「瓶子」與名詞 "neck"「頸,脖子」組成,意即「瓶頸;障礙」;本字另可指「狹窄路段;交通阻塞點」

註 16: backlash 由形容詞 "back"「後面的;後部的」和名詞 "lash"「甩動;擊,打」組成

註 17: opt 後面可接不定詞 "to V" 或介系詞片語 "for . . .",意即「選擇 . . . . . .(某種行動)」

註 18: relocate 於本文指「重設據點」;本字原意為「(使)搬遷;(將 . . . . . .)重新安置」;注意重音在第 2 音節(美式發音)或第 3 音節(英式發音)

註 19: the outskirts 為名詞片語,注意為複數形,重音則在 "outskirts"「郊外;郊區」的第 1 音節

註 20: account for 為動詞片語,於本文指「(在數量上)占 . . . . . .」;本片語另可指「說明;解釋 . . . . . . 的原因」或「對 . . . . . . 負有責任」

註 21: withstand 由介系詞 "with"「與 . . . . . . 對立」和動詞 "stand"「承受住;禁得起」組成;注意重音在第 2 音節

註 22: burgher 注意 "h" 不發音

註 23: infamous 由表示否定意思的字首 "in-"「不;無;非」與形容詞 "famous"「著名的;出名的」組成;注意重音在第 1 音節

註 24: dinghy 的發音可分為英式與美式,英式為 [`dɪŋɡi],美式為 [`dɪŋi],注意兩種發音中,"h" 皆不發音

註 25: crossing 於本文指「跨海旅程」;本字也包含「交叉;交叉點」、「十字路口」及「岔道」等意

註 26: spike 於本文指「(數量)驟升」;本字亦常指「尖頭;尖狀物」;也可作動詞,意即「上升至極高的數量」


Check your comprehension!

Choose the BEST answer to each of the questions below. After you finish, highlight the parentheses to reveal the hidden answers.

1. ( C ) According to the article, why are there online forms to be filled out beforehand?
            (A) To declare the amount of money earned by selling the goods.  
            (B) To pledge that no drugs are smuggled across the Channel.  
            (C) To ensure smooth transportation of various commodities.  
            (D) To confirm that all the expiration dates of foods are correct.  
2. ( A ) If the flocks of visitors to Calais rise after Brexit, what can be a possible reason to account for such increase?
            (A) More and more people come to Calais to purchase duty-free items.  
            (B) Life has been so difficult since Brexit that people seek getaways in Calais.  
            (C) People are eager to be surrounded by the breathtaking scenery in Calais.  
            (D) Trips to Calais have become more affordable since Brexit.  
3. ( D ) What can be inferred about local people's attitudes toward Brexit?
            (A) The majority of residents in Calais are wholeheartedly against Brexit.  
            (B) Many residents do not express opinions as Brexit is too hard for them to understand.  
            (C) Most of the residents do not think Calais will suffer any adverse consequences from Brexit.  
            (D) The residents hold mixed opinions about Brexit, including both positive and negative ones.  

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