臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 365 期 發行日期 2019-07-01

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Australian Study Links Fast Food, Dementia


Research from the Australian National University (ANU) is warning of a link between the extra calories in a fast-food burger and brain diseases, including dementia.

      澳洲國立大學(Australian National University,ANU)的研究對大眾提出警告:速食漢堡的高熱量與失智症(dementia)等腦部疾病相關。


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◎ 線上菲律賓語課程


外語教學暨資源中心專為本校教職員工生、退休教職員工及校友編製了線上菲律賓語課程,內容涵蓋了生活必需的 6 大主題,還有真人情境對話影片帶給您身歷其境的學習體驗,讓您輕鬆學會基礎菲律賓語會話。

詳情請見:東南亞語言暨文化資源網站首頁 → 線上菲律賓語課程

Feature of the Week
British Council

British Council

All your favorite things. All in one place.
英國文化協會(British Council)是一個全面性的英語學習網。網站內容包括英語的聽、說、讀、寫的技巧、文法、字彙的學習,還有商業英文、大眾英文課程、雅思應考技巧課程。大部份的課程還有按照程度來分類。不僅如此,英國文化協會還提供英語分級測驗,還有按照不同學習者分類的課程,例如:小孩、青少年學英文的課程,與教學英文。此外,網站也有推出付費課程。總之,網站資源豐富,來這裡看看一定可以有所收穫!

Apps for Learning English
Library of Congress: Aesop for Children

English Listening Player

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English Learning Video
English Learning Video


美的標準因人而異,但是不同的國家對於美的標準有不同的看法。本期的英語影片探討世界上 11 個國家的審美觀,包括常見的日本、緬甸、中國、紐西蘭、南韓等,還有比較罕見的塔吉克斯坦、巴布亞紐幾內亞、茅利塔尼亞等。以日本來說,日本人認為—牙齒排列不整齊,也就是所謂的八重齒(yaeba)是一種美,而且很可愛,因為他們喜歡自然美。以南韓來說,南韓人的審美觀著重在臉型,他們認為臉要像愛心的上半部,下巴要窄,這樣才美。以紐西蘭的毛利人來說,他們認為身體上的刺青是一種美,而且可以展示一個人的身分地位。總之,不同國家的審美觀就等您來一探究竟。

周樹華老師英語學習 Q&A
周樹華老師英語學習 Q&A

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Australian Study Links Fast Food, Dementia
VOA News
June 15, 2019 05:03 AM Phil Mercer (source)

Australian Study Links Fast Food, Dementia


June 15, 2019 05:03 AM

Phil Mercer


Research from the Australian National University (ANU) is warning of a link between the extra calories in a fast-food burger and brain diseases, including dementia.

People are "eating away at their brain with a really bad fast-food diet and little to no exercise," the lead author of the study said. The ANU study also reinforces the link between type 2 diabetes, which is often triggered by obesity, and the rapid deterioration of brain function.

Dementia is the leading cause of death in Australian women, while for men it is second only to heart disease.

A clear link

Researchers believe there is a clear link between the deterioration of the brain and an unhealthy diet as well as a lack of exercise.

There is a warning that highly processed fast food that is cheap, widely available and loaded with calories, sugar and fat is leading to significant harm.

The study from the ANU says that the damage to the brain is almost certainly irreversible once a person reaches middle age.

Professor Nicolas Cherbuin says lifestyle choices really do matter.

"Poorer diet leads to the development of obesity," he said. "It is compounded by the lack of physical activity, it leads to an increased level of inflammation in our body, which when it is [in] response to trauma is a good thing. But when it is constantly there it creates damage. It also kills neurons, so it affects our brain function and it leads to ultimately a greater risk of developing dementia later in life." 

A third of adults overweight, obese

The research says that about a third of the world's adult population is either overweight or obese. The advice is to eat well and exercise from a young age.

It is estimated that dementia affects almost 50 million people worldwide, and the global cost of the brain syndromes, including Alzheimer's disease, is more than $800 billion.

At present there is no prevention or cure for most forms of dementia.

However, some medication has been found to reduce some symptoms.

澳洲國立大學(Australian National University,ANU)的研究對大眾提出警告:速食漢堡的高熱量與失智症(dementia)等腦部疾病相關。

人們「愛吃速食的不良飲食習慣及運動量不足正侵害(eat away)大腦。」研究的主持人說。這項由澳洲國立大學進行的研究也進一步證實(reinforce)第二型糖尿病(type 2 diabetes)與大腦功能快速退化(deterioration)兩者之間的關係。第二型糖尿病多由肥胖(obesity)引發(trigger)




值得警惕的是,高度加工(processed)、便宜且隨處可見的(widely available)速食食品含有大量的(be loaded with . . .)熱量、糖分與脂肪,是對腦部造成顯著傷害的因素。


尼古拉斯.切爾賓(Nicolas Cherbuin)教授表示,選擇以何種方式過生活的確至關重要。

「較差的飲食就會引起肥胖。」他說。「缺乏運動會使肥胖的情形更加嚴重(compound . . .),這會增加體內發炎(inflammation)的程度。發炎是人體對外傷(trauma)的自然反應,但如果長期存在,會造成損害,也會損毀神經元(neuron),因而影響腦部功能,最終(ultimately)導致我們在日後罹患失智症的風險增加。」




據統計,全世界將近 5000 萬人受失智症影響,而包括阿茲海默症(Alzheimer's disease)在內的疾病引起的腦部併發症(syndrome)則使全球醫療費用超過 8000 億。



Language Notes

dementia [dɪ`menʃə] / [dɪ`mɛnʃə] / [dɪ`mɛnʃɪə] (n)(尤指老年性)痴呆;失智症
* 本字由動詞 "dement"「使發狂」和抽象名詞字尾 "-ia" 組成;注意重音在第 2 音節

reinforce [͵riɪn`fɔrs] (v) 進一步證實;強化,加深;使更具說服力
* 注意本字重音在第 3 音節

deterioration [dɪ͵tɪriə`reɪʃən] / [dɪ͵tɪrɪə`reʃən] (n) 惡化,變壞;退化
* 注意本字重音在第 5 音節
* deteriorate [dɪ`tɪriə͵reɪt] / [dɪ`tɪrɪə͵ret] (v) 惡化,變壞

irreversible [͵ɪrɪ`vɝsəbl̩] / [͵ɪrə`vɝsəbl̩] (a) 不可逆轉的;不可改變的
* 本字由表示「不;無;非」的字首 "ir-" 和形容詞 "reversible"「可翻轉的;可逆的」組成; 注意重音在第 3 音節
* reverse [rɪ`vɝs] (v)(使)反向;(使)倒轉;徹底改變;推翻

compound [kɑm`paʊnd] (v) 使加重,使加劇,使惡化
* 注意本字重音在第 2 音節;另有「使混合;使化合;使合成」之意;也常作名詞,重音則在 第 1 音節([`kɑm͵paʊnd]),指「化合物;複合物;混合物」

inflammation [͵ɪnflə`meɪʃən] / [͵ɪnflə`meʃən] (n) 炎症;發炎
* 注意本字重音在第 3 音節
* inflame [ɪn`fleɪm] / [ɪn`flem] (v) 激起(憤怒、激動等情感);使憤怒;使極度激動;給 . . . . . . 火上加油

neuron [`nʊrɑn] / [`njʊrɑn] (n) 神經元

syndrome [`sɪn͵droʊm] / [`sɪn͵drəʊm] / [`sɪn͵drom] (n) 併發症狀;綜合症狀;症候群

Check your vocabulary!

Fill in the blanks with a word or phrase from the list above. Make necessary changes. After you finish, highlight the blanks to reveal the hidden answers
1. We cannot allow continued deterioration of our production standards.
2. The final technical report into the accident reinforces the findings of initial investigations.
3. Smoking has caused irreversible damage to his lungs.
4. Tennis elbow is an inflammation of the ligaments below the elbow.
5. The effects of the East Coast snows this year were compounded by severe storms in the spring.

編譯:外語教學暨資源中心 編輯小組