臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 364 期 發行日期 2019-06-15

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  hydraulic fracturingRead more on VOA.

Fracking With CO2, Not Water, Could Be More Efficient, Study Says

研究指出 :以二氧化碳進行壓裂可能比水更有效

Carbon dioxide appears to be more efficient than water for hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, to extract oil and natural gas, according to a study led by scientists in China published Thursday.

      根據一項由中國科學家主持並在週四(編按:2019 年 5 月 30 日)發表的研究,二氧化碳(carbon dioxide)似乎比水更適合(efficient)用在抽取(extract)石油與天然氣的水力壓裂(hydraulic fracturing),此項技術也稱為液壓破裂(fracking)。


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British Words That Are RUDE in America!

語言和文化是密不可分的。同樣的一個字,在不同文化的國家或地區很有可能就會有不同的意思和用法。 英國和美國都以英文為母語,但卻有許多用法上的差異,不謹慎使用可是會帶來不必要的誤會的。 趕快來看看影片中的說明,才不會因為誤用而讓自己身陷尷尬氣氛中喔。

周樹華老師英語學習 Q&A
周樹華老師英語學習 Q&A

自學英語:Listen and repeat 聽、反覆跟唸才能說流利的英語!

英語學習有復古的趨勢,有效的口語溝通又回到古早期的學習方法:Listen and repeat 聽並反覆跟讀。老師上課提供各種英語句型,帶領學生反覆練習,熟練句型就可使用正確的英語,達到與人溝通的目的。個人覺得這種學習方法,也許非常古板,但要開口說流利正確的英語,這是唯一的方法。  



我國的英語教育說穿了應是美式的英語,或直接了當的說是美語教育,不論從小學習的教材或是學習環境都是以美語為主流,而我們也就習慣於美語的發音、音調、遣詞用字、拼音而誤以為我們說的美語才是英語。世界上使用英式英語的國家也不少,除英國(the UK)、愛爾蘭(Ireland),還有澳大利亞(Australia)、紐西蘭(New Zealand)、印度(India)、香港(Hong Kong)……等。近年來國人前往英國及澳紐留學打工的人數不斷成長,是不是應在出發前好好的打好聽力的基礎呢?亦可從中了解英國文化及在地生活的情境哦。本中心 e自學空間英語自學區之「聽」區有 6 本英式英語(British English)相關書籍簡介於下,歡迎有興趣及需要的讀者前來使用。 



Fracking With CO2, Not Water, Could Be More Efficient, Study Says
VOA News
May 30, 2019 4:11 PM Agence France-Presse (source)

Fracking With CO2, Not Water, Could Be More Efficient, Study Says

研究指出 :以二氧化碳進行壓裂可能比水更有效

May 30, 2019 4:11 PM

Agence France-Presse

Carbon dioxide appears to be more efficient than water for hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, to extract oil and natural gas, according to a study led by scientists in China published Thursday.

Fracking is a process by which high-pressure fluids are injected into underground rock to create cracks to release oil and gas.

In the United States, fracking has fueled an oil boom since the early 2000s.

Currently, the most widespread method involves using large quantities of water mixed with chemicals.

But the method is controversial because the fluids are suspected of contaminating the aquifer — the underground layer of permeable rock that bears water — and of triggering mini-earthquakes.

The use of carbon dioxide instead of water to reduce the environmental impact of fracking has been the subject of studies for years.

Scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and China University of Petroleum in Beijing tested the method in a lab and in five wells at the Jilin oil field in northeastern China.

"To our delight, oil production increased by [around] four- to 20-fold after the entire CO2 fracturing process," compared with the use of a water-chemical mix, wrote the authors of the study published in the American journal Joule.

The experts said carbon dioxide is better at breaking up the shale.

'Greener alternative'

"These real-world results revealed that as compared to water fracturing, CO2 fracturing is an important and greener alternative, particularly for reservoirs with water-sensitive formations, located at arid areas, or other conditions that making water fracturing less applicable," the authors added.

This would hold especially true in arid regions, where water currently needs to be transported by tanker trucks.

The scientists argue that this technique would allow CO2 — the main greenhouse gas emitted by human activity blamed for global warming — to be trapped in the ground, thereby removing it from the atmosphere.

However, injecting CO2 to extract hydrocarbons whose combustion would lead to more carbon emissions can seem counterproductive.

"CO2 fracking might ultimately have environmental benefits compared to fracking with water, but this study does not include the analysis that is needed to establish whether CO2 fracking is likely to lead to an overall reduction in global greenhouse gas emissions," said Hannah Chalmers, a senior lecturer at the University of Edinburgh.

根據一項由中國科學家主持並在週四(編按:2019 年 5 月 30 日)發表的研究,二氧化碳(carbon dioxide)似乎比水更適合(efficient)用在抽取(extract)石油與天然氣的水力壓裂(hydraulic fracturing) ,此項技術也稱為液壓破裂(fracking)


自 2000 年代初期以來,壓裂便已促成(fuel)了美國石油開採的榮景(boom)




中國科學院(Chinese Academy of Sciences)與北京的中國石油大學(China University of Petroleum)科學家在實驗室及中國東北吉林(Jilin)油田的 5 座油井中測試了這項新技術。


專家說二氧化碳較能分離(break up)頁岩(shale)




科學家表示,這項技術會將二氧化碳鎖(trap)在地底,從而減少其在大氣層中的含量。二氧化碳也就是藉由人類活動排放(emit)出來而造成全球暖化的主要溫室氣體(greenhouse gas)


「相較於水壓裂法,二氧化碳壓裂法或許對環境較為有益,但這項研究並沒有包含對二氧化碳壓裂法是否會降低全球溫室氣體排放的分析。」英國愛丁堡大學(University of Edinburgh)資深講師漢娜‧查默斯(Hannah Chalmers)表示。

Language Notes

hydraulic [haɪ`drɔlɪk] (a) 水力的,液力的;水力學的;水壓的,液壓的
* 注意本字重音在第 2 音節

fracture [`fræktʃɚ] (v) 使破裂;使斷裂
* 本字也可作名詞,意即「(硬物的)斷裂;骨折」

fracking [`frækɪŋ] (n) 液體壓裂法,液壓破碎法

extract [ɪk`strækt] / [ɛk`strækt] (v) 抽出;採掘;提取
* 注意本字重音在第 2 音節;亦可作名詞,重音則在第 1 音節([`ekstrækt] / [`ɛkstrækt]),意思是「(尤指食物或藥物的)提出物,精華,汁」

inject [ɪn`dʒekt] / [ɪn`dʒɛkt] (v) 注射;引入;投入
* 注意本字重音在第 2 音節

fuel [`fjuəl] / [`fjʊəl] (v) 對 . . . . . . 供給燃料;給 . . . . . . 加油;激起;刺激
* 本字也可作名詞,指「燃料;燃燒劑」或「刺激因素」

aquifer [`ækwəfɚ] / [`ɑkwəfɚ] (n) 含水土層,地下蓄水層

permeable [`pɝmiəbl̩] / [`pɝmɪəbl̩] (a) 有滲透性的;可穿過的
* permeate [`pɝmi͵eɪt] / [`pɝmɪ͵et] (v) 滲透;瀰漫;遍佈;充滿

shale [ʃeɪl] / [ʃel] (n) 頁岩;泥板岩

reservoir [`rezɚ͵vwɑr] / [`rezɚ͵vɔr] / [`rɛzɚ͵vɔr] (n) 水庫;貯水池

arid [`ærɪd] (a) 乾旱的;乾燥的

hydrocarbon [͵haɪdrə`kɑrbən] (n) 碳氫化合物
* 本字由字首 "hydro-"「水的;氫的」與名詞 "carbon"「碳」組成;注意重音在第 3 音節

combustion [kəm`bʌstʃən] (n) 燃燒,氧化
* 注意本字重音在第 2 音節
* combust [kəm`bʌst] (v) 燒掉;開始燃燒

emission [i`mɪʃən] / [ɪ`mɪʃən] (n)(氣體、熱量、光線等的)排放,散發,射出
* 注意本字重音在第 2 音節
* emit [i`mɪt] / [ɪ`mɪt] (v) 發出,射出,散發(光、雜訊、氣味或氣體)

Check your vocabulary!

Fill in the blanks with a word or phrase from the list above. Make necessary changes. After you finish, highlight the blanks to reveal the hidden answers.
1. The desert is so arid that nothing can grow there.
2. They used to extract iron ore from this site.
3. Certain types of sandstone are permeable to water.
4. Rising expectations about the standards of health can therefore be seen as fueling further demand for health care.
5. Environmental groups want a substantial reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases.

編譯:外語教學暨資源中心 編輯小組