臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 357 期 發行日期 2019-03-04

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  Anti-SemitismRead more on VOA.

Rising Anti-Semitism Forces Jews to Question Future in Europe


European leaders have voiced concern over growing anti-Semitism across Europe following a series of attacks on Jewish people and property.

      在一連串針對猶太(Jewish)人和其財產攻擊的事件發生後,歐洲領導人對遍布歐洲各地的反猶太主義(anti-Semitism)表示關切(concern over . . .)。


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LTTC 財團法人語言訓練中心製作的全民英檢參考字表,方便使用者學習初級、中級、中高級所應熟悉認識的字彙,字表一字母排列,就像字典一樣,並有詞類、英式拼法與註解,使用上相當方便。

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Pearson Education: Big English Word Games

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BBC Stories 是一系列的寫真報導,深入大街小巷,訪問探討市井小民的萬像人生,這裡挑選的是「Meet the kids who grew up in Chinese takeaways」,述說的是父母親在英國開設餐館的華人移民故事,身為移民第二代,從小就必須協助家庭餐館經營,其生活中的心酸苦辣,透過短短的十幾分鐘的報導就能感同身受。


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周樹華老師英語學習 Q&A


今夏在英國 Newcastle 乘坐地鐵,跟老公討論路線及方向。旁邊有位女士前來告訴我們正確的路線。她當然不會中文,但透過我們說話的語調、表情,她猜出我們的問題。這說明一個很重要的語言現象:聽不聽得懂不是靠聽懂一個字,而是靠聽話外音,如:語調、聲音高低、字的輕重音、停頓等。這些超越語言的因素,更能夠幫助我們理解內容。


最經典的愛情三部曲 《愛在黎明破曉時》《愛在日落巴黎時》《愛在午夜希臘時》

「Before 系列三部曲」是獨立製作的小品電影,能橫跨 18 年拍攝 3 集,堪稱影史上的奇葩。三部影片都是相同的導演和男女主角(伊森.霍克和茱莉.蝶兒),18年裡,主角性格隨著歲月成熟穩重、外貌也隨著年齡逐漸變老,追隨這三部影片的影迷,也跟著一起由年輕變老,也同樣在 18 年內經歷人生中愛情的酸甜苦澀、遺憾及幸福 . . . . . . 這就是電影迷人之處。影片的特色在於男女主角不停對話,分享兩人的想法及生活中的點點滴滴,讓您觀賞中如同在審視自己,在生活環結片段中得到共鳴或省思。 




Rising Anti-Semitism Forces Jews to Question Future in Europe
VOA News
February 20, 2019 12:30 PM Henry Ridgwell (source)

Rising Anti-Semitism Forces Jews to Question Future in Europe


February 20, 2019 12:30 PM

Henry Ridgwell


European leaders have voiced concern over growing anti-Semitism across Europe following a series of attacks on Jewish people and property.

Rallies were held in cities across France Tuesday to show solidarity with Jewish communities and demand an end to growing anti-Semitic rhetoric among some politicians and extremist groups. Among those attending was rabbi and author Delphine Horvilleur.

"At this moment, at the Place de la Republique, these generations are holding hands to say together 'No to anti-Semitism', 'no to hate'," Horvilleur said.

French President Emmanuel Macron visited a Jewish graveyard in eastern France that had been vandalized earlier Tuesday, the latest in a series of such attacks that are driving deep concern across the continent.

"A group of hateful individuals committed what others, sadly, have committed in the past for too many years," Macron said.

The solidarity demonstrations were called in response to an incident Saturday in Paris, when Jewish writer Alain Finkielkraut was targeted outside his home by so-called yellow vest protesters shouting "dirty Jew and bloody Zionist."

The rise in attacks and anti-Semitic rhetoric has prompted some Jews to question their future living in Europe.

It was the subject of a debate at the Munich Security Conference in Germany Sunday, under the provocative title, Should Jews stay or leave Europe? Professor Michel Friedman, former president of the European Jewish Congress, said he was finding it difficult to answer that question.

"I believe that we are not on the peak of anti-Semitic movements in the world. We are perhaps even just starting," he said.

Friedman traces a mainstream political acceptance of such views to Austria in the year 2000, when the center-right People's Party agreed to enter a coalition government with the extreme-right leader Joerg Haider's Freedom Party.

"We thought at the time that this would be a moment of misunderstanding, one and never again. Today it is common. The AfD in Germany is elected. They want to re-write history, they are clearly anti-Semitic and they are racist. But we have this in France with Le Pen, we have governments in Hungary, we have governments in Poland, we have governments in Italy. It's not only an eastern European problem," Friedman said.

Those parties deny they are anti-Semitic.

It is to eastern Europe that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has looked to for international support. Critics say he has willingly overlooked growing anti-Semitism in the region, such as the vilification of U.S.-based Jewish financier George Soros.

"The fact that Israel is running a friendly relationship between itself and countries in eastern Europe should not undermine the clear message coming from Israel saying we do not accept that. Even if these countries are friendly towards Israel," prominent Israeli author and journalist Ronen Bergman told the panel in Munich.

Also at the debate was U.S. Democratic Party Congressman Tom Malinowski, who said anti-Semitism is a growing problem in the United States.

"Something is giving people with that mindset the feeling that they now have the permission to express their views."

They are views being expressed through violence, vandalism and abuse that are forcing Jews to question their very future in Europe.


在一連串針對猶太(Jewish)人和其財產攻擊的事件發生後,歐洲領導人遍布歐洲各地的反猶太主義(anti-Semitism)表示關切(concern over . . .)

週二(編按:2019 年 2 月 19 日)在法國(France)各地都舉行了集結活動(rally),眾人展現出猶太社群團結一致(solidarity with . . .),並要求政治人物和極端團體終止日益增長的反猶(anti-Semitic)言論(rhetoric)。出席的群眾中有猶太拉比(rabbi)與作家黛爾菲恩‧霍維洛爾(Delphine Horvilleur)。

「在共和國廣場(Place de la Republique)的此刻,幾個世代正串連起來,一起拒絕反猶太主義、拒絕仇恨。」霍維洛爾說道。

法國總統艾曼紐埃爾‧馬克宏(Emmanuel Macron)於週二(編按:2019 年 2 月 19 日)稍早訪視一處遭惡意塗鴉破壞(vandalize)的猶太墓園。近來類似的襲擊已在歐洲大陸造成嚴重不安。


這次的團結遊行(demonstration)週六(編按:2019 年 2 月 16 日)發生在法國巴黎(Paris),猶太裔作家艾倫‧芬凱爾克勞特(Alain Finkielkraut)在住家外遭黃背心抗議者(protester)以「骯髒又血腥的猶太復國主義者(Zionist)」叫囂辱罵後所作的回應(in response to . . .)

〔編按:「黃背心運動(Yellow Vest Movement;法語:Mouvement des Gilets jaunes)」為法國民眾因不滿油價持續上漲與政府調高燃油稅而發起的抗議運動。法國規定駕駛者處理車輛事故或故障時須穿著會反光的黃背心,用來警醒其他駕駛者以避免車禍發生,於是抗議的示威者便以黃背心作為這次運動的象徵。〕 


這也是週日(編按:2019 年 2 月 17 日)在德國(Germany)慕尼黑安全會議(Munich Security Conference,MSC;德語:Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz)的討論主旨。在「猶太人(Jew)是否該留在歐洲?(Should Jews stay or leave Europe?)」如此煽動性的(provocative)討論題目下,前「歐洲猶太人大會(European Jewish Congress)」會長米歇爾‧弗萊曼(Michel Friedman)教授表示,他認為這問題很難回答。


弗萊曼教授將認同反猶太的政治主流(mainstream)回溯(trace)到 2000 年時,奧地利中右翼的人民黨(People’s Party)同意與極端右翼領袖約爾格‧海德爾(Joerg Haider)領導的自由黨(Freedom Party)組建聯合(coalition)政府一事。


「我們當時以為這只是一時的曲解,以後不會再出現。現在卻四處可見。『德國另類選擇黨(德語:Alternative für Deutschland,縮寫:AfD)』在德國勝選。他們想改寫歷史,很顯然是反猶太的種族主義分子(racist)。而在法國也出現勒彭(Le Pen,右翼黨領袖),且匈牙利(Hungary)、波蘭(Poland)和義大利(Italy)都有這樣的政府。這不再只是個東歐問題而已。」弗萊曼解釋道。


對以色列(Israel)總理班傑明‧納坦尼雅胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)來說,東歐是他爭取國際支持的對象。評論家(critic)說他寧可姑息(overlook)這些地區出現的反猶太主義,例如對美國猶太裔金融家(financier)喬治‧索羅斯(George Soros)的詆毀(vilification)言論。

以色列著名(prominent)作家兼記者羅南‧貝爾格曼(Ronen Bergman)向慕尼黑的專家小組(panel)表示:「以色列與東歐各國之間建立友好關係的事實不應削弱(undermine)我們所表達出的拒絕反猶太的訊息,即便這些國家與以色列交好。」

美國民主黨(Democratic Party)眾議院議員湯姆‧馬利諾夫斯基(Tom Malinowski)在討論中也提到,反猶太主義的問題在美國日益嚴重。



Language Notes

anti-Semitism[͵æntɪ`sɛmɪtɪzəm] (n) 反猶太主義
* 注意本字重音在第 3 音節
* anti-Semitic [͵æntɪsə`mɪtɪk] (a) 反猶太主義的;排猶主義的

rally  [`rælɪ] (n) 大集會(尤指政治上的),集結

solidarity   [͵sɑlə`dærətɪ] (n) 團結;團結一致
* 注意本字重音在第 3 音節;後常接介系詞片語 "with . . .",意即「與 . . . . . . 團結一致」,例如:新聞第 2 段第一句 ". . . to show solidarity with Jewish communities . . . "「. . . . . . 以展現與猶太社群團結一致 . . . . . .」

rhetoric [`rɛtərɪk] (n) 煽動性語言

rabbi [`ræbaɪ] (n) 拉比(猶太教領袖和經師)

vandalize [`vændə͵laɪz] (v) 任意破壞
* vandalism [`vændlɪzəm] (n) 故意破壞公物(或文化、藝術)的行為

Zionist [`zaɪənɪst] (n) 擁護(或支持)猶太復國主義的人
* 本字亦可做形容詞
* Zion [`zaɪən] (n) 猶太人;以色列人

provocative [prə`vɑkətɪv] (a) 挑釁的,煽動的
* 注意本字重音在第 2 音節
* provoke  [prə`vok] (v) 激怒,挑釁

peak [pik] (n) 高峰,頂端,最高點
* 本字也常指「山頂;山峰」,也可作動詞,意即「達到頂峰,達到最大值」

overlook  [͵ovɚ`lʊk] (v) 寬恕,不計較;對 . . . . . . 視而不見
* 注意本字重音在第 3 音節

vilification [͵vɪləfə`keʃən] (n) 誹謗;詆毀;醜化
* 注意本字重音在第 4 音節
* vilify [`vɪlə͵faɪ] (v) 誹謗;詆毀,誣衊;醜化;貶低

undermine  [͵ʌndɚ`maɪn] (v) 暗中破壞;逐漸損害
* 注意本字重音在第 3 音節

prominent [`prɑmənənt] (a) 著名的;重要的

mindset  [`maɪnd͵sɛt] (n) 心態;傾向

Check your vocabulary!

Fill in the blanks with a word or phrase from the list above. Make necessary changes. After you finish, highlight the blanks to reveal the hidden answers.

1.  Personal vilification is not allowed in this debate.

2. The purpose of the speech was to show solidarity with the country's leaders.

3. Stations have been vandalized beyond recognition.

4. In a deliberately provocative speech, she criticized the whole system of the society.

5. He's been trying to undermine her position by spreading rumors about her.

6. Many laborers decided to hold a rally to put pressure on the government.

7. Politicians who are prominent in public life may be at risk from terrorism.

8. Steve Jobs was not a technical wizard, but he thoroughly understood the mindset of the people who were.

編譯:外語教學暨資源中心 編輯小組