臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 353 期 發行日期 2018-12-15

  Youth Optimism Higher in Lower-Income CountriesRead more on VOA.

Koreas Gain UN Sanctions Exemption to Survey Railways


SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA — South Korea said Saturday that the United Nations Security Council granted an exemption to sanctions that will allow surveys on North Korean railroad sections the Koreas want to connect with the South.
  南韓(South Korea)於週六(編按:2018 年 11 月 17 日)表示,聯合國安理會(United Nations Security Council,UNSC)已准予(grant)在北韓(North Korea)鐵路區段的探勘(survey)豁免(exemption)權,以達成兩韓聯繫彼此的需求。


◎ 107-1 English Corner 熱烈推出!!

107-1 English Corner 熱烈推出!!



日期:11/02、11/16、11/23、11/30、12/07、12/14、12/21、12/28(共 8 場次)

時間:週五中午 12:20 ~ 1:30

地點:外語教學暨資源中心 203 教室(電腦教室請勿飲食,感謝配合!)



◎ 107-1 線上外語自學教室工作坊

107-1 線上外語自學教室工作坊

外語教學暨資源中心提供線上外語自學教室工作坊E-freeway Workshop,每場工作坊將提供各主題的學習技巧教學/聽力技巧大公開/英語口說寫作技巧等,並輔以線上自學資源的介紹,讓您能夠持續不斷突破學習困境,並從中培養正確的學習語言技巧,場次名額有限,要報名動作要快!想要提升您的英語能力,一定要來參加,而且要準時喔。參加前,記得事先申請該場次的課程軟體帳號!


◎ 高階英語字彙達人認證


外語教學暨資源中心(以下簡稱本中心)自 106 學年度起推出高階英語字彙達人認證課程,鼓勵臺大教職員工生使用「E-freeway線上外語自學教室」之相關資源,以線上自學方式,有效達成學習目標。完成課程並通過考試者將得到本中心核發的自學證書。本學期認證考試已可開始申請囉!

網址:https://efreeway2.fltc.ntu.edu.tw/interactive.php →(左邊選單)高階英語字彙達人認證

◎ 線上菲律賓語課程


外語教學暨資源中心專為本校教職員工生、退休教職員工及校友編製了線上菲律賓語課程,內容涵蓋了生活必需的 6 大主題,還有真人情境對話影片帶給您身歷其境的學習體驗,讓您輕鬆學會基礎菲律賓語會話。

詳情請見:東南亞語言暨文化資源網站首頁 → 線上菲律賓語課程

Feature of the Week


Elllo 是一個以訓練聽力為主,並且有不同國籍英語人士的英語聽力與影片學習網站。網站內容的資源很豐富,有 1500 個以上的學習資源,每週還會增加兩個新主題;學習者可以在此網站選擇不同的程度的英文聽力、影音主題來練習聽力、閱讀、單字、發音與口說。聽力與影片課程都有腳本、小考;聽力課程還有單字區。登入主畫面後,網站的主題都在左邊,學習者可依自己的興趣選擇不同的主題,像是:最新單元、按程度選擇課程(1~7級)、文法聽力課程、真人會話課程等,或者學習者也可選擇上方的聲音或影片檔的分類按鈕來選擇自己想學習的課程,或是根據搜尋按鈕來找到適合自已的主題。

Apps for Learning English
TOEIC Sample Tests

TOEIC Sample Tests

TOEIC 考試時間快到了,想快速熟悉或想更熟悉題型嗎?那就來試試多益模擬測驗(TOEIC Sample Tests)吧!多益模擬測驗提供聽力 4 大考題,每一主題都有好幾百題(第一大題 610 題,其餘各 200 題),外加 6000 題的單字測驗,讓您可以快速進入考試狀況,少損失一些冤枉分數。無論您是要臨陣磨槍或是要增強實力,亦或是要熟悉多益考試模式,這個軟體通通可以幫上忙!

English Learning Video
English Learning Video

Kabuki: The people's dramatic art - Amanda Mattes

日本的歌舞伎聞名世界,甚至成為聯合國教科文組織評定的非物質文化遺產。那麼,到底什麼是歌舞伎?它的起源為何?又經歷了什麼樣的發展與改變?這些答案都可以在本次的 TED-Ed 動畫影片中找到。


周樹華老師英語學習 Q&A
周樹華老師英語學習 Q&A

增加單字量 - 舉一反三或更多

最近幾次給同學們介紹的都是來自 Tim's Pronunciation Workshop 發音練習網站 http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/features/pronunciation。我選的單元都是針對說流利、有節奏的英語,需要加強的發音部分。有空的同學們可將短片多看幾次,例句大聲念出來,相信您會發現自己的發音及流利度有改善的。不喜愛開口的同學們,可用這些短片內容,增進英語發音知識。觀看短片絕對有好處的,可好好利用。

  海上情書(Trapped At Sea, Lost In Time)


曾獲 2005 年金馬獎最佳紀錄片。此片的拍攝緣起於導演林育賢在觀賞哥哥林育信(為另一部《翻滾吧!阿信》劇情片的男主角主人翁)兒時照片時,興起了拍攝的念頭。林育信在國小時也是公正國小的體操選手,
過程,紀錄小選手們在訓練過程中的一點一滴、而榮獲 2017 世大運(2017 Summer Universiade)及 2018 亞運(2018 Asian Games)個人體操鞍馬金牌的李智凱便是當時的小選手之一。



Koreas Gain UN Sanctions Exemption to Survey Railways
VOA News
November 23, 2018 10:36 PM Associated Press (source)

Koreas Gain UN Sanctions Exemption to Survey Railways


November 23, 2018 10:36 PM

Associated Press

South Korea said Saturday that the United Nations Security Council granted an exemption to sanctions that will allow surveys on North Korean railroad sections the Koreas want to connect with the South.

The surveys would require the South to bring to the North fuel and a variety of goods, including possibly cars to test on northern tracks.

The Koreas plan to hold a groundbreaking ceremony by the end of the year on an ambitious project to connect their railways and roads as agreed by their leaders. But beyond surveys and tape-cuttings, they cannot move much further along without the lifting of U.S.-led sanctions against North Korea, which isn't likely before Pyongyang takes firmer steps toward relinquishing its nuclear weapons and missiles.

South Korea ahead of US

The plan to modernize North Korea's outdated railways and roads and reconnect them with the South was among many agreements reached between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in, who met three times this year amid a diplomatic push that eased tensions over the North's nuclear program. Kim also met with President Donald Trump in Singapore in June, when they issued a statement about a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula without describing how and when it would occur.

North Korea insists that sanctions should be removed first before any progress in nuclear negotiations. There's also unease between the United States and South Korea over the pace of inter-Korean engagement, which Washington says should move in tandem with U.S.-led efforts to denuclearize the North.

South Korea initially said that the joint surveys of North Korean railroads wouldn't violate U.N. sanctions and had hoped to start them in October. Seoul later said that Washington had different views and the two sides had discussed the matter in a newly launched working group.

Long, expensive project

Even if the North takes concrete steps toward denuclearization and gains sanctions relief, experts say updating North Korean rail networks and trains, which creak slowly along the rails that were first built in the early 20th century, would require a massive effort that could take decades and tens of billions of dollars.

U.N. sanctions against North Korea have strengthened significantly since 2016 as Pyongyang stepped up its weapons tests. The measures now include trade bans on "dual-use" technology that could potentially be used for weapons development, transport vehicles and machinery and import caps on fuel. Washington's own sanctions against Pyongyang restrict an even broader range of economic activities and target a larger list of companies and individuals.

南韓(South Korea)於週六(編按:2018 年 11 月 17 日)表示,聯合國安理會(United Nations Security Council,UNSC)已准予(grant)在北韓(North Korea)鐵路區段的探勘(survey)豁免(exemption)權,以達成兩韓聯繫彼此的需求。


這項針對北韓老舊(outdated)鐵公路進行現代化,並與南韓鐵公路再次連結的計畫,是北韓領導人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)與南韓總統文在寅(Moon Jae-in)於今年(編按:2018 年)三度會晤時達成的眾多協議之一,會晤的目的在於透過外交的(diplomatic)推動,和緩北韓核武計畫所造成的緊張情勢。金正恩同時也在 6 月與美國總統川普(Trump)於新加坡(Singapore)會面,並發表(issue)朝鮮半島(peninsula)無核化聲明,卻未提及確切的做法與時間。
北韓堅持在核能談判(negotiation)有任何進展前,必須先解除制裁,而美國與南韓雙方對兩韓間的協議(engagement)進程也存有憂慮(unease),因華府(Washington)表明須協同(in tandem with . . .)以美國為首的勢力對北韓展開無核化(denuclearize)行動。
南韓原先稱與北韓的聯合鐵路探勘並無違反(violate)聯合國制裁,並期望能在 10 月展開。首爾(Seoul)後來又稱華府對此意見分歧,而雙方已於最近啟動(launch)的工作小組中討論此事。


即使北韓對去核化採取具體(concrete)措施,並獲得解除制裁,專家們卻認為,北韓若要更新早在 20 世紀初就已興建,如今只能緩慢循著鐵軌勉強運作(creak)的鐵路網與火車,勢必得大費周章,且將耗時幾十年並花費數百億美元。

聯合國對北韓的制裁行動自 2016 年以來因平壤當局加快(step up)了武器試驗而大幅增強。目前制裁措施(measure)包涵了對具備雙重(dual)用途的技術下達的貿易禁令,這些技術可能用於武器研發、車輛器械(machinery)運輸及燃料進口額度(cap)等方面。華府針對平壤的制裁範圍甚至擴及更廣泛的經濟活動,並為數更多的公司和個人為目標(target . . .)

Language Notes

grant [grænt] (v) 給予,提供;許可,答應;承認,姑且承認;資助    * 本字也可作名詞,常見意思為「(尤指政府為特殊目的給予個人或組織的)撥款,補助金」

exemption [ɪg`zɛmpʃən] (n) 解除、免除;免(稅)(+ from)    * exempt [ɪg`zɛmpt] (v) 免除,豁免(責任、付款等)/(a) 被免除(義務或付款)的;被豁免的

survey [`sɝve] (n) 調查,探勘,全面的考察;概觀,概論    * 本字亦常作動詞,重音則在第 2 音節,發音為 [sɚ`ve],意指「俯視,眺望,環視;全面考察(或研究)」

tape-cutting (n) 剪綵

sanction [`sæŋkʃən] (n) 認可;批准;國際制裁(+ against)    * 本字有一常見片語 "to impose sanctions on . . ."「對 . . . . . . 實施制裁」;也常作動詞,意即「認可;批准;對 . . . . . . 實施制裁」

relinquish [rɪ`lɪŋkwɪʃ] (v) 放棄;撤出;棄絕;交出,讓與(+ to)

issue [`ɪʃu] (v) 發行;發布;發給,配給(+ to),核發,在本文中意指「頒布」    * 本字也常作名詞,指「發行(物);一次發行量;(報刊)期號」或「問題;議題」

unease [ʌn`iz] (n) 不安;憂慮    * 本字由表示「不,非,無,相反」的字首 "un-" 和名詞 "ease"「舒適,安逸,自在」組成

engagement [ɪn`gedʒmənt] (n) 諾言,保證;協議    * engage [ɪn`gedʒ] (v) 保證;答應;從事,參加

in tandem with something (prep phr) 一併;聯合,串聯;協同    * tandem [`tændəm] (n) 兩匹馬前後縱列拉的雙輪馬車;前後雙人自行車/(a) 一前一後的;串聯的;前後有座位的

violate [`vaɪə͵let] (v) 違背,違反;侵犯

launch [lɔntʃ] (v) 使(船)下水;發射;投擲;使升空;開辦;發起;使開始從事    * 本字也可作名詞,指「(船的)下水;(火箭的)發射」或「啟動儀式;發布會,發表會」

creak [krik] (v) 發出咯吱咯吱聲;(吱吱嘎嘎地)勉強運轉,緩慢行進

cap [kæp] (n) 原指蓋,罩,套,然在本文中指(經費等的)最高限度及額度

Check your vocabulary!

Fill in the blanks with a word or phrase from the list above. Make necessary changes. After you finish, highlight the blanks to reveal the hidden answers.

1. Students with a qualification in administrative law have exemption from this course.

2. Economic sanctions will only be lifted when the aggressor nation withdraws its troops.

3. The dictator does not intend to relinquish power.

4. The security lapses have caused widespread unease amongst the public.

5. Most diplomats are constantly trying to beat the clock to the next official engagement.

6. These cities grew in tandem with the commercial expansion of their hinterlands.

7. The police have launched an investigation into the incident.

8. He became aware of a creaking sound.

編譯:外語教學暨資源中心 編輯小組


