臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 350 期 發行日期 2018-11-01

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Mystery Illness Causing Paralysis in Children Baffles Doctors


Federal and state health officials are baffled by a mysterious and rare illness that seems to target children, causing paralysis.
  美國出現一種似乎以孩童為傳染對象(target . . .)的神秘(mysterious)罕見疾病,患者會出現麻痺(paralysis)症狀,但這種怪病從何而起令聯邦與州政府的衛生當局官員困惑不解(baffle . . .)。


◎ 107-1 English Corner 熱烈推出!!

107-1 English Corner 熱烈推出!!



日期:11/02、11/16、11/23、11/30、12/07、12/14、12/21、12/28(共 8 場次)

時間:週五中午 12:20 ~ 1:30

地點:外語教學暨資源中心 203 教室(電腦教室請勿飲食,感謝配合!)




◎ 107-1 說說角英語口語訓練工作坊 熱烈推出!!

107-1 說說角英語口語訓練工作坊 熱烈推出!!




日期:10/1、10/8、10/15、10/22、11/12、11/19、11/26、12/3、12/10(共 9 場次)

時間:週一晚間 6:25 ~ 8:10

地點:外語教學暨資源中心 101 / 202 教室(電腦教室請勿飲食,感謝配合!)


◎ 線上菲律賓語課程


外語教學中心專為本校教職員工生、退休教職員工及校友編製了線上菲律賓語課程, 內容涵蓋了生活必需的 6 大主題,還有真人情境對話影片帶給您身歷其境的學習體驗。 讓您輕鬆學會基礎菲律賓語會話。

詳情請見:東南亞語言暨文化資源網站首頁 → 線上菲律賓語課程

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周樹華老師英語學習 Q&A

說得流暢,聽得懂 - 練習這個發音 schwa /ə/

這個音是英語中最普遍又非常重要的發音。唸這個音不用力,像懶惰的ㄜ,是弱音,因此常常聽不到或忽略了有schwa這個音的字,影響句子意義的理解。這句話The book is on the table. 會聽到唸重音的名詞book, table,但要瞭解book, table兩者的關係,則必須要聽到唸弱唸輕的字 on,這樣才知道書是在桌子上。句子中唸弱、唸快的音,對理解力扮演重要角色,需要好好練習。

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Mystery Illness Causing Paralysis in Children Baffles Doctors
VOA News
October 16, 2018 9:38 PM (source)

Mystery Illness Causing Paralysis in Children Baffles Doctors


October 16, 2018 9:38 PM

VOA News

Federal and state health officials are baffled by a mysterious and rare illness that seems to target children, causing paralysis.
As of Tuesday, 62 cases of what doctors are calling acute flaccid myelitis have been confirmed in 22 states. Sixty-five suspected cases are being investigated.
"There is a lot we don't know about AFM and I am frustrated that despite all of our efforts, we haven't been able to identify the cause of this mystery illness," Nancy Messonnier, a top official at the Centers for Disease Control, said Tuesday.
What is known about the illness is that more than 90 percent of the confirmed cases are in children 18 years old or younger. The average age of patients is 4.
Victims generally suffer from muscle weakness and some paralysis of the face, neck, back, arms and legs. The paralysis sets in about a week after the children have come down with fever and respiratory illness.
There is no specific treatment, and most of the victims recover. But the long-term effects are still unknown.
Messonnier called it a "pretty dramatic disease."
Health experts have ruled out some causes, including poliovirus and West Nile virus.
But what is particularly confounding doctors is that the number of cases spikes only every other year — with larger numbers in 2014, 2016 and this year — and fewer cases in 2015 and 2017.
Parents are urged to have their children take basic precautions, such as washing hands and using insect spray to ward off mosquito bites. Doctors are also urging that vaccines be kept up to date.
Any child experiencing weakness or loss of muscle tone in the arms and legs should be examined immediately.

美國出現一種似乎孩童傳染對象(target . . .)神秘(mysterious)罕見疾病,患者會出現麻痺(paralysis)症狀,但這種怪病從何而起聯邦與州政府的衛生當局官員困惑不解(baffle . . .)
截至週二(編按:2018 年 10 月 16 日),這種被醫生稱作「急性無力脊髓炎acute flaccid myelitis,AFM ) 」的疾病在全美的 22 個州共出現 62 起確診案例。尚有 65 件疑似(suspected)病例接受調查(investigate)中。
〔編按:1. 急性無力脊髓炎又譯為「急性弛緩性脊髓炎」。2. 全美兒童出現急性無力脊髓炎症狀的相關資訊請參考美國疾病管制與預防中心Centers for Disease Control and Prevention網站之「Acute Flaccid Myelitis in U.S. Children」一文。〕
南希.梅索尼耶(Nancy Messonnier)表示:「對於急性無力脊髓炎,我們有太多不知道的事情了。而且讓我很氣餒的(frustrated)是,儘管我們已經很努力了,卻還沒有辦法確認(identify)造成這個神秘疾病的原因。」梅索尼耶是美國疾病管制與預防中心的高層官員。
目前對此疾病所知的是,超過 90% 的確診病例為 18 歲或更年輕的孩童。病人平均年齡為 4 歲。
患者普遍肌肉無力以及臉、頸、背、手臂和腿部等的麻痺所苦(suffer from . . .)。孩童在染上(come down with)呼吸道疾病(respiratory illness)發燒後大約一個星期開始(set in)出現麻痺症狀。
健康專家已排除(rule out)某些因素,包含脊髓灰質炎病毒poliovirus)和西尼羅病毒West Nile virus,WNV)。
編按:1. 脊髓灰質炎病毒又稱為「脊髓灰白質炎病毒」或「小兒麻痺病毒」,即導致脊髓灰質炎(小兒麻痺)的病原。2. 西尼羅病毒會透過蚊子叮咬傳染給人類,多數人遭傳染後沒有明顯症狀,少數人會出現倦怠、發熱、頭痛或肌肉疼痛等類似流感的症狀,極少數人則可能出現神智異常、抽筋或昏迷等腦膜炎或腦炎的症狀。
然而,使醫師尤其困惑(confound)的是,病例數每隔一(every other)年才會激增(spike),2014 年、2016 年和今年較多,2015 年和 2017 年較少。
相關單位呼籲(urge)父母親要求小孩做好基本的預防措施(precaution),像是洗手和使用蚊蟲噴霧(insect spray)防止(ward off)蚊子叮咬。醫師也呼籲須持續更新疫苗(vaccine)
任何孩童出現手臂或腿部肌肉張力(muscle tone)衰弱或喪失的情況都必須立即接受檢查。

Language Notes

baffle [`bæfl̩] (v) 使困惑;使迷惑 * 本字另有「使受挫折,阻撓」之意,例如:"He tried hard to baffle our plan."「他力圖阻撓我們的計畫。」

target [`tɑrgɪt] (v) 把 . . . . . . 作為目標或對象 * 本字也可作名詞,意即「對象,目標」

paralysis [pə`ræləsɪs] (n) 麻痺;癱瘓 * 注意本字重音在第 2 音節

acute [ə`kjut] (a)(病痛)急性的;劇烈的 * 本字也常指「十分嚴重的」,如 "The problem of poverty is particularly acute in remote areas."「貧窮問題在偏遠地區尤為嚴重。」,或指「(感官等)敏銳的,靈敏的;機敏的,有洞察力的」,如 "acute eyesight / hearing"「敏銳的視覺/聽覺」

flaccid [`flæsɪd] / [`flæksɪd] (a)(肌肉等的)不結實的;鬆弛的;軟弱的 * 注意本字有兩種發音:[`flæsɪd] v.s. [`flæksɪd]

myelitis [͵maɪə`laɪtɪs] (n) 脊髓炎;骨髓炎 * 注意本字重音在第 3 音節

frustrated [`frʌstretɪd] / [frʌs`tretɪd] (a) 灰心的,氣餒的;受挫的;失望的 * 注意本字重音可在第 1 或第 2 音節 * frustrate [`frʌs͵tret] / [frʌs`tret] (v) 使灰心,使氣餒;使挫折

set in (v phr) 開始;(潮汐、風等)開始流動;(雨、壞天氣、傳染或其他不好的事)開始並可能繼續下去

come down with something (v phr) 得 . . . . . . 病,染上 . . . . . . 病(尤指小病)

respiratory [`rɛspərə͵tɔrɪ] / [rɪ`spaɪrə͵tɔrɪ] / [rɪ`spɪrət(ə)rɪ] (a) 呼吸的 * 注意本字重音可在第 1 或第 2 音節,次重音之母音(第 4 音節)可省略成非重音之 [ə] 或不發音

rule something out (v phr) 把 . . . . . . 排除在外;排除 . . . . . . 的可能性 * 本片語另有「使 . . . . . . 成為不可能,使 . . . . . . 不可能發生;防止」之意

virus [`vaɪrəs] (n) 病毒;病毒感染

confound [kən`faʊnd] (v) 使困惑;使混亂;使驚疑

spike [spaɪk] (v)(通常指在下跌前的)上升至非常高的數量,價格或程度 * 本字也可作名詞,指「尖頭,尖刺;(尤指金屬的)尖狀物」,若為複數形 "spikes",可指「(某些運動鞋上的)防滑鞋釘;(運動穿的)釘鞋」

every other something (adj. phr) 每隔一 . . . . . . * 本片語形容時間或數量等非連續性但固定間隔一單位,例如:"every other day"「每隔一天」;"every other line"「每隔一行」

urge [ɝdʒ] (v) 敦促;驅策;力勸;極力主張 * 本字也可作名詞,意指「強烈的慾望;衝動;迫切的要求」

precaution [prɪ`kɔʃən] (n) 預防,預防措施 * 本字常與動詞 "take" 搭配使用,意即「採取預防措施」,例如:"They failed to take the necessary precautions to avoid infection."「他們未能採取必要的預防措施來避免感染。」

ward something off (v phr) 避開;擋住;阻止;防止

vaccine [`væksin] / [væk`sin] (n) 疫苗 * 注意本字重音可在第 1 或第 2 音節

tone [ton] (n)(尤指肌肉的)堅實,結實 * 本字也常指「(對聽話者的)語氣,腔調,口吻」

Check your vocabulary!

Fill in the blanks with a word or phrase from the list above. Make necessary changes. After you finish, highlight the blanks to reveal the hidden answers.

1. Bacterial infection can cause acute arthritis with inflammation, which constitutes an emergency.
2. The jobless rate in October spiked to a five-year high.
3. Years passed, and one day the farmer came down with a mysterious illness that none of the doctors could cure.
4. Extra safety precautions are essential in homes where older people live.
5. The sudden outbreak of illness since the beginning of the month is still baffling the experts.
6. After other possible causes of the child's symptoms are ruled out, the doctor may recommend an elimination diet to help diagnose and identify a food allergy.
7. Cassie is frustrated by the lack of treatments available to her.
8. Mass burials are now under way in an effort to ward off an outbreak of cholera.
9. Surgeons have to remove damaged skin quickly and replace it to prevent infection from setting in.
10. The criminals behind these attacks are constantly evolving their techniques and changing tactics to target a wider range of victims.

編譯:外語教學暨資源中心 編輯小組


