臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 347 期 發行日期 2018-09-01

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Study: Global Food Waste Could Rise by a Third by 2030

研究顯示:2030 年全球食物浪費量可能增加 3 分之 1

LONDON — Food waste could rise by almost a third by 2030 when more than 2 billion tons will be binned, researchers said on Tuesday, warning of a "staggering" crisis propelled by a booming world population and changing habits in developing nations.
  研究人員週二(編按:2018 年 8 月 21 日)表示,到 2030 年時,全球食物浪費(food waste)量可能會增加將近原本的 3 分之 1,也就是超過 20 億公噸的食物會被丟掉(bin)。這項研究的團隊警告,急遽增加的(booming)全球人口以及開發中國家民眾生活習慣的改變,都將導致(propel)如此驚人的(staggering)危機。


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Study: Global Food Waste Could Rise by a Third by 2030
VOA News
August 21, 2018 6:58 PM Reuters (source)

Study: Global Food Waste Could Rise by a Third by 2030

研究顯示:2030 年全球食物浪費量可能增加 3 分之 1

August 21, 2018 6:58 PM



Food waste could rise by almost a third by 2030 when more than 2 billion tons will be binned, researchers said on Tuesday, warning of a "staggering" crisis propelled by a booming world population and changing habits in developing nations.

The United Nations has set a target of halving food loss and waste by 2030. But the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) study found that if current trends continued, it would rise to 2.1 billion tons annually — an amount worth $1.5 trillion.

"We are seeing a real crisis at a global level," one of the study's authors Esben Hegnsholt told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

"The amounts of waste and the social, economic and environmental implications are serious if we don't change the trajectory. When we fight food loss and waste, we also fight hunger, poverty and global warming."

Around a third of the world's food is lost or thrown away each year. Currently, we waste 1.6 billion tons of food annually, worth about $1.2 trillion.

Much of the projected increase was down to a swelling world population, with more people resulting in more waste, said Hegnsholt, a partner and managing director at the management consultancy.

Household waste will increase in developing countries as consumers gain more disposable income, said rhe [the] report, which identified five key changes which it said could save nearly $700 billion in lost food.

They included more awareness among consumers, stronger regulations and better supply chain efficiency and collaboration along the food production chain.

Liz Goodwin, director of the food loss and waste program at the World Resources Institute, said the report raised serious issues but oversimplified some of the solutions.

"It's connected with the way our lives have changed and the fact that food is now so much cheaper," she said, also citing a growing demand for convenience and a lack of cooking skills among younger generations.

Goodwin said she believed measures to cut wastage were having an effect, and the world would at least be on the way to meeting the 50 percent reduction target by 2030.

Consumers, businesses and regulators would all have to play a role in driving change, she said.

"We need a shift in our attitudes to food waste — I think we need to get to the point where it just isn't acceptable to throw food in the bin," she said.

研究人員週二(編按:2018 年 8 月 21 日)表示,到 2030 年時,全球食物浪費(food waste)量可能會增加將近原本的 3 分之 1,也就是超過 20 億公噸的食物會被丟掉(bin)。這項研究的團隊警告,急遽增加的(booming)全球人口以及開發中國家民眾生活習慣的改變,都將導致(propel)如此驚人的(staggering)危機。

聯合國United Nations,UN)已設定目標,希望在 2030 年之前就能將食物損失(food loss)與浪費量減半(halve)。不過波士頓諮詢公司Boston Consulting Group,BCG)的研究發現,如果照現況發展,每年全球食物浪費量將會達到 21 億公噸,價值超過 1 兆 5 千億美元。

〔編按:食物損失(food loss)是指食物成為終端產品或進入零售階段前,在生產、採收後處理和運輸過程中遺落或變質,例如寒害造成農作物損失、家禽因為病疫遭到撲殺,或是農藥殘留檢驗不合格的作物、採收的香蕉從卡車上掉落等等。另一方面,食物浪費(food waste)則是指食物原本可食用,但卻被丟棄或遭到棄置而變質。更多相關資訊請參考「What is food lost and food waste?」一文。〕

艾斯本・漢索(Esben Hegnsholt)是這項研究的共同作者之一。他向湯森路透基金會(Thomson Reuters Foundation)表示:「我們現在面對的是如假包換的全球危機。」

〔編按:湯森路透基金會是湯森路透公司Thomson Reuters)旗下的公益機構。湯森路透公司是跨國大眾媒體及資訊提供商,旗下另一著名子公司為路透通訊社Reuters,簡稱「路透社」)。〕

他說:「如果我們不改變現況,現在的食物浪費量以及食物浪費對社會、經濟及環境造成的後果(implication)非同小可。我們對抗食物損失和浪費的同時,其實也在對抗飢餓、貧窮和全球暖化(global warming)。」

每年全球的食物損失或浪費約占食物總產量的 3 分之 1。目前每年總共浪費 16 億公噸的食物,價值大約 1 兆 2 千億美元。

身兼波士頓諮詢公司(consultancy)合夥人及董事總經理(managing director)的漢索表示,未來預計(projected)增加的食物浪費量來自急遽膨脹的(swelling)全球人口,人愈多,浪費的食物也愈多。

這項研究顯示,由於發展中國家(developing country)消費者的可支配收入(disposable income)變多,當地家庭的食物浪費將會增加。此外,這份研究也列出 5 項關鍵改變,能減少將近 7 千億美金的食物損失與浪費。

這 5 項關鍵改變包括提高消費者意識、建立更完善的法規和更有效的供應鏈,以及促進食物生產鏈各環節之間更好的合作。

莉茲・古德溫(Liz Goodwin)表示,這份研究指出了嚴重的問題,但卻過於簡化(oversimplify)某些解決方案。古德溫是世界資源研究所World Resources Institute,WRI)食物耗損與浪費計畫的主持人。


她說:「食物浪費我們生活方式的改變習習相關(be connected with . . .),而且也因為食物比起以前便宜非常多。」她也提到,大眾越來越講求便利,加上年輕世代的廚藝並不怎麼好,都是食物浪費的原因。

古德溫表示,她相信許多減少食物浪費量(wastage)方法(measure)正在發揮效用,至少到 2030 年時,應該能達到(be on the way to . . .)食物浪費量減半的目標。


「我們需要改變(shift)對食物浪費的態度,也就是說要切中要點(get to the point),體認到就是不應該把食物丟到垃圾桶裡。」她說道。

Language Notes

bin [bɪn] (v) 把 . . . . . . 扔進垃圾桶

* 本字也可作名詞,常見意思為「垃圾桶」或「箱子、容器」

staggering [`stægərɪŋ] (a) 驚人的,令人震驚的

* stagger [`stægɚ] (v) 使震驚,使大吃一驚

propel [prə`pɛl] (v) 推動、推進;驅使、導致

* 注意本字重音在第 2 音節

halve [hæv] (v) 將 . . . . . . 對分;將 . . . . . . 減半

* 注意本字中的 "l" 不發音

implication [͵ɪmplə`keʃən] (n) 可能的後果;可能的影響

* 本字另外常見意思為「含意;暗示」

oversimplify [͵ovɚ`sɪmplə͵faɪ] (v) 把 . . . . . . 過度簡化

* 本字即由字首 "over-"「太,過分」與動詞 "simplify"「使簡化;使簡易」組成

connected [kə`nɛktɪd] (a) 有關聯的;連在一起的

* 本字常接介系詞片語 "with . . .",意即「和 . . . . . . 有關」

wastage [`westɪdʒ] (n) 浪費量;消耗量

* waste [`west] (v) 浪費;濫用;未充分利用/(n) 浪費;濫用

be on the / its way (v phr) 即將抵達;即將發生

* 本片語常接介系詞片語 "to . . .",表示即將抵達某地或某事即將發生,例如:"I'm on the way to completing the report."「我快要完成報告了。」

get to the point (v phr) 切中要點;直說、不拐彎抹角

Check your vocabulary!

Fill in the blanks with a word or phrase from the list above. Make necessary changes. After you finish, highlight the blanks to reveal the hidden answers.

1. Water companies will have to cut down on wastage.

2. The company is cutting back its spending and I wonder what the implications will be for our department.

3. Please get to the point. Don't beat about the bush.

4. The film's success propelled him to stardom.

5. Ballroom dancing could be on its way to becoming an Olympic sport.

編譯:外語教學暨資源中心 編輯小組


