周樹華老師英語學習 Q&A專欄 > Detail

    1. E-paper No.
    2. 周樹華老師英語學習 Q&A
    1. 347
    2. 如何說禮貌的英語



大家都會說禮貌的英語如「Thank you.」、「Please.」和「Excuse me.」回答問題時,在「yes」、「no」後面加上「please」就會使語氣柔和,如:「A: Would you like a cup of tea? B: Yes, please.」


我們可以更上一層樓學習使自己的英語說得有禮貌,例如想表達「No.」時,可用「I'm afraid I can't.」或「I am not sure.」語氣很自我的「I want . . . 」換成「I would like to . . .」就客氣多了。少用命令句「Stop it.」,多用「Would you mind . . .」,例如「Can you open the window?」這句話較有禮貌的說法是「Would you mind opening the window?」;「Can you help me?」這句話很直接,換成「I was wondering if you could help me.」語氣就很柔和有禮。學到用客氣(polite)、較婉轉(indirect)的方式與人溝通,表示您的口語表達能力高強。


這次給同學選的短片是來自「BBC English Masterclass: Being polite - how to soften your English」:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQN4-l5AXE0&index=1&list=PLcetZ6gSk96_CjrIGtpxRjzzTbWmDl9NB






我從 British Council Premier Skills English 網站https://premierskillsenglish.britishcouncil.org/skills/listen/podcasts/speaking-skills-being-polite)挑出兩段對話,請同學了解禮貌英語的表達方式:句子較長,語氣較婉轉。可與短片參照,值得學習。

 347 Chou Column



Jack: Good morning. Is there anything I can help you with today?

Rich: Not at the moment, thank you. I'm just looking.

Jack: No problem. Just let me know if there is anything I can help you with.

Rich: Thanks, I will.



Rich: Excuse me. I was wondering if you could help me.

Jack: Yes, certainly.

Rich: Could you tell me how much this Liverpool shirt is, please?

Jack: Hold on a minute, I'll just check . . . this one is £59.99.

Rich: Great. Would you mind if I tried it on?

Jack: No problem at all. The changing rooms are just at the end of the shop. In the corner. Can you see them?

Rich: This is a medium, would it be alright if I took a large as well.

Jack: Of course, take as many as you like . . .

Rich: Thanks.


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