臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 344 期 發行日期 2018-07-15

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House of Fear in Heart of Moscow: Soviet History in Miniature


MOSCOW — Moscow's most famous landmarks — Red Square, the Kremlin, and the domes of St. Basil's Cathedral — are swarmed with World Cup fans doing a bit of sightseeing in between matches. Just upriver, more adventurous tourists will find an anonymous-looking apartment block whose history sheds light on the Soviet Union's darkest days.
  俄國莫斯科(Moscow)最著名的幾個地標,像是紅場(Red Square)、克里姆林宮(the Kremlin)和聖瓦西里主教座堂(St. Basil's Cathedral,也譯作聖巴索大教堂)的洋蔥型圓頂(dome),都擠滿(be swarmed with)了 2018 年世界盃足球賽(World Cup)的球迷,他們趁著球賽之間的空檔觀光旅遊。不過,只要往莫斯科河(Moskva River)的上游走,更有冒險精神的(adventurous)遊客就會發現一座看上去不起眼(anonymous-looking)公寓大樓(block)。這棟大樓的歷史反映(shed light on . . .)蘇聯(Soviet Union)最黑暗的時光。


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Feature of the Week

National Geographic Kids

National Geographic Kids 這個網站藉由觀看影片的方式,帶領學習者一同探索世界上關於動物的各種自然奇觀。每部影片簡短明晰,搭配有趣的對白,讓學習者能夠輕鬆地了解影片內容。更重要的是,網站所提供的影片主題超過數十種,學習者可以根據自己的興趣挑選影片觀看,增進知識的同時還能增進英語聽力哦!除了影片,還有各種小遊戲和多彩多姿的動物圖片,圖片下方附有介紹,也可以練習英語閱讀、學習單字和片語等。很棒的網站,趕快進來探索一下吧!

Apps for Learning English
LearnEnglish 英語文法

Spreaker Podcast Radio

Spreaker Podcast Radio 是個集合式的播客(podcast)APP,適合中高級程度以上的學習者使用。其主題含括 Popular Shows、Television、Reality Stories、Drama Stories、Business & Finanace、Scary Stories、Marketing、Sports 和 Digital Design 等,內容包羅萬象,應有盡有!學習者可以依照個人喜好,搜尋相關的主題內容聆聽,頗適合用來增進英語聽力。更棒的是,這些 podcast 都可以下載聆聽喔。

English Learning Video
managing your time

Brisbane Vacation Travel Guide

北半球炎炎夏天,去到哪都覺得熱,小編報給您一個 7 月很涼快的地方──南半球澳洲的 Brisbane布里斯本)。本影片介紹了 Brisbane 許多著名景點,除了欣賞影片中令人心曠神怡的景緻,學習者還可以透過講者有條不紊的簡介,學習如何用英語清楚地介紹景點。本影片點閱次數超過 50 萬次,不趕快仔細瞧瞧實在太可惜了~~ 看完影片也推薦訂閱頻道哦!

周樹華老師英語學習 Q&A

BBC Learning English talks superheroes

本文提供同學們自言自語說英語的有效方法。利用 BBC Learning English talks superheroes 幽默實用的小短片,聽、看影片中經過嚴謹專業訓練的師資團隊,如何回答心目中的超級英雄(superhero)。



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House of Fear in Heart of Moscow: Soviet History in Miniature
VOA News
July 05, 2018 8:21 AM Henry Ridgwell (source)

House of Fear in Heart of Moscow: Soviet History in Miniature


July 05, 2018 8:21 AM
Henry Ridgwell

MOSCOW — Moscow's most famous landmarks — Red Square, the Kremlin, and the domes of St. Basil's Cathedral — are swarmed with World Cup fans doing a bit of sightseeing in between matches. Just upriver, more adventurous tourists will find an anonymous-looking apartment block whose history sheds light on the Soviet Union's darkest days.

The House on the Embankment embodies the history of revolution and dictatorship in miniature. It lies just upstream from the Kremlin and was completed in 1931 to house the Soviet Union's governing elite.

"These people living here were the so-called 'old Bolsheviks' [revolutionaries]. And they were people close to each other — in their spirit and ideology — as well as their fate," said Olga Trifonova, who runs the House on the Embankment museum, inside one of the block's roughly 500 apartments.

The museum displays some of the luxurious fittings and furniture the first residents enjoyed. The block offered in-house theaters and cafeterias, libraries and sports halls.

Soon, however, the ostentatious lifestyles of the residents began to look at odds with the ideals of the revolution.

In the mid-1930s, Soviet leader Josef Stalin began the "Great Purge" to rid the country of those deemed enemies of the working class. A million people were imprisoned and 700,000 executed. The residents of the House on the Embankment — once the elite of the revolution — were among the first in line. Arrests and disappearances created a crushing paranoia.

"The residents of the house stopped paying visits to each other. One stopped having confidence in other people," Trifonova said.

During the 1930s, 800 of the residents were arrested. Close to half of them were executed.

Olga Trifonova's late husband, Yuri, grew up in the House on the Embankment. His father was arrested during the purges in June 1937 and never seen again. His mother was sent to a Gulag prison in Kazakhstan. In 1976, Yuri Trifonov wrote a best-selling book about his memories, which gave the apartment block its name. He died in 1981.

"This is a story about the nature of fear. How fear mutilates a human for his entire life," Trifonova said.

Memories of that fear appear to be fading. An opinion poll last year crowned Stalin as Russia's most outstanding historical figure.

But the grim history of the House on the Embankment is not forgotten, according to Dmitry Taganov of real estate firm INCOM, which is selling some of the apartments on the block.

"Many buyers are scared off by the gloomy background of this House. Many people undoubtedly know about that, even the ones belonging to the younger generation."

A younger generation that is forming its own historical image of Stalin and the legacy of Communism.

俄國莫斯科Moscow)最著名的幾個地標,像是紅場Red Square)、克里姆林宮the Kremlin)和聖瓦西里主教座堂St. Basil's Cathedral,也譯作聖巴索大教堂)的洋蔥型圓頂(dome),都擠滿(be swarmed with . . .)了 2018 年世界盃足球賽(World Cup)的球迷,他們趁著球賽之間的空檔觀光旅遊。不過,只要往莫斯科河Moskva River)的上游走,更有冒險精神的(adventurous)遊客就會發現一座看上去不起眼的(anonymous-looking)公寓大樓(block)。這棟大樓的歷史反映(shed light on . . .)蘇聯Soviet Union)最黑暗的時光。

〔編按:俄羅斯Russia)是「2018 年國際足總世界盃2018 FIFA World Cup)」的主辦國,當地於 2018 年 6 月 14 日到 7 月 15 日期間共進行了 64 場比賽。〕

「堤上之家(House on the Embankment)」可說是革命(revolution)獨裁(dictatorship)歷史的縮影(miniature)。這棟公寓大樓坐落在克里姆林宮的上游,於 1931 年落成,提供當時蘇聯的執政菁英(elite)居住。

這棟大樓約有 500 間公寓,其中一間目前由歐嘉.切夫諾娃(Olga Trifonova) 經營堤上之家博物館。她表示:「當時住在這裡的執政精英就是所謂的(so-called)老布爾什維克(old Bolsheviks,即革命份子)』,他們彼此親近──精神思想和意識形態都很相似──就連命運也相去不遠。」


然而,不久後,住戶鋪張的(ostentatious)生活方式漸漸顯得革命思想互相矛盾(at odds with . . .)

1930 年代中期,蘇聯領導人史達林Josef Stalin)發動「大整肅Great Purge,也譯作『大清洗』)」,藉此肅清全國被視為勞工階級(working class)公敵的人。100 萬人被監禁(imprison),70 萬人遭處決(execute)。堤上之家的住戶──曾是革命菁英的那群人──首當其衝(the first in line)。層出不窮的逮捕和失蹤導致嚴重的(crushing)猜忌多疑(paranoia)


1930 年代期間,800 名住戶被逮捕,將近一半慘遭處決。

切夫諾娃的亡夫尤里.切夫諾夫(Yuri Trifonov)就是在堤上之家長大。他的父親於 1937 年 6 月整肅期間遭到逮捕,從此音訊全無。他的母親則被送去哈薩克Kazakhstan)的古拉格勞改營Gulag)。1976 年,尤里將他的回憶寫成了暢銷書,這棟公寓大樓由此得名。(編按:書名為 The House on the Embankment,即《堤上之家》;中國出版的譯本譯作《濱河街公寓》。)尤里於 1981 年過世。

〔編按:勞改營labor camp)又稱為「勞動營」,是一以強制勞動作為刑罰,強迫入獄者勞動的場所。〕



不過房地產(real estate)公司「INCOM」的德米特里.塔加諾夫(Dmitry Taganov)表示,堤上之家陰鬱的(grim)歷史並沒有被遺忘。INCOM 公司目前經手這棟大樓其中幾間公寓的買賣。

塔加諾夫說:「許多買家這棟大樓陰沉的(gloomy)過去嚇跑(be scared off)。很多人絕對知道這段歷史,就連較年輕的世代都不例外。」


Language Notes

be swarmed with something (v phr) 擠滿、充滿

* swarm [swɔrm] (v) 擠滿;(人)蜂湧,湧動;(n)(一起移動的)一大群(昆蟲,尤指蜜蜂);(密集的)一大群(人)

anonymous [ə`nɑnəməs] (a) 無特色的;無個性特徵的

* 本字亦常指「匿名的;不知姓名的;名字不公開的」

block [blɑk] (n) 大廈、大樓

* 本字另一常見意思為「街區;街段」

shed light on something (v phr) 為 . . . . . . 提供解釋、說明

* 本片語之動詞 "shed" 也可代換成 "cast" 或 "throw",即 "cast / throw light on something"

miniature [`mɪnɪətʃɚ] (n) 縮影;袖珍、小型物

* 本字也可作形容詞,意即「小型的;微型的;小規模的」

ostentatious [͵ɑstɛn`teʃəs] (a) 豪華的;鋪張的

* 本字由名詞 "ostentation"「炫耀,賣弄」和形容詞字尾 "-ous" 兩部分組合而成;注意重音在第 3 音節

at odds with someone / something (prep phr) 與 . . . . . . 不合;與 . . . . . . 相矛盾;與 . . . . . . 意見不一致

purge [pɝdʒ] (n) 淨化;清洗;清除(從一個組織中清除持不同意見者的行動)

* 本字也可作動詞,意指「清除,肅清(反對者)」或「使滌罪;使潔淨」

imprison [ɪm`prɪzən] (v) 監禁;束縛

* 本字由字首 "im-"「表示使進入」與名詞 "prison"「監獄」兩部分組合而成;注意重音在第 2 音節

execute [`ɛksɪ͵kjut] (v) 將 . . . . . . 處死

* 本字另一常見意思為「(尤指有計畫地)實行、實施」

crushing [`krʌʃɪŋ] (a) 非常嚴重的;毀滅性的

* crush [krʌʃ] (v) 壓碎,壓壞;壓垮;摧毀

nature [`netʃɚ] (n) 天性;本質

* 本字亦常作「大自然,自然界」之意

mutilate [`mjutl̩͵et] (v) 使殘缺不全;使支離破碎;毀壞、摧毀

fade [fed] (v)(使)褪色;逐漸消失;變黯淡;枯萎、凋謝

be scared off (v phr)(某人)被嚇跑

* scare someone off / away (v phr) 嚇跑某人

Check your vocabulary!

Fill in the blanks with a word or phrase from the list above. Make necessary changes. After you finish, highlight the blanks to reveal the hidden answers.

1. He has a rather anonymous face.

2. The man was imprisoned for larceny.

3. Her version of events was at odds with the police report.

4. They criticized the ostentatious life style of their leaders.

5. The murderer was executed on the gallows.

6. Their army had suffered a crushing defeat.

7. The sound of the footsteps faded away.

8. Experts hope the plane's flight recorders will shed light on the cause of the crash.



