臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 336 期 發行日期 2018-03-15

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Almost Any Amount of Exercise May Help Older Men Win Longevity Race


Older men may face premature death if they spend most of the day sitting around, but it doesn't require a huge amount of exercise to increase their chances of living longer, a study in the UK suggests.
  一項英國的研究顯示,男性年長者如果每天長時間閒坐(sit around)著,可能面臨著早逝(premature death)的風險,但只要少量的運動就能夠增加活得更長壽的機會。


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日期:3/14、3/21、3/28、4/11、4/18、5/2、5/9、5/16、5/23(共 9 場次)

時間:週三晚間 6:25 ~ 8:10

地點:外語教學暨資源中心 R206 / R202 教室(電腦教室請勿飲食,感謝配合!)


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Feature of the Week

Scientific American: 60-Second Science

Scientific American(《科學人》)的「一分鐘系列」相當適合希望利用零碎時間練習英語聽力並增進科普新知的學習者,每則內容都是最新的科普知識,並提供逐字稿作為參考。

Apps for Learning English

The New York Times

本期介紹的 APP 為已有 100 多年歷史的「The New York Times」(《紐約時報》),其新聞評論與深入報導一向是新聞媒體中的翹楚。APP 版的內容皆包含網路版的所有區塊,但請留意,與網路版相同的是,APP 版亦限制每個月免費閱覽最多 10 則新聞。

English Learning Video
managing your time

Time For Kids: The world's ugliest color

世界上最醜的顏色雖然一點都不賞心悅目,卻負有重責大任,想知道這個顏色的優點嗎?那就趕快點開由「Time for Kids」(《時代雜誌》兒童版)製作提供的影片吧!

周樹華老師英語學習 Q&A




一部讓你震憾,久久難以忘懷的電影──穿條紋衣的男孩(The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

以二次大戰納粹屠殺猶太人為背景的電影不少,部部都相當感人且發人省思,大家熟知的有《辛德勒的名單》(Schindler's List)、《安妮的日記》(The Diary of a Young Girl)、《美麗人生》(Life Is Beautiful)等。這次為大家介紹的《穿條紋衣的男孩》(The Boy in the Striped Pajamas)改編自約翰.波恩(John Boyne)同名小說,以 8 歲孩子「布魯諾」(Bruno)童貞的眼光,描述了集中營裡的生活,以及身為指揮官兒子的他,與一位猶太男孩之間動人的友誼。但是,他們兩人跨越種族的友誼,並沒有為兩人帶來救贖,反而讓布魯諾成為父親效忠納粹的代價。《穿條紋衣的男孩》 以童貞的眼光,對歷史鬥爭與暴行,重新做了一次檢討,也對世人警訊戰爭與仇恨無知的可怕。



Almost Any Amount of Exercise May Help Older Men Win Longevity Race
VOA News
March 01, 2018 4:39 PM (source

Almost Any Amount of Exercise May Help Older Men Win Longevity Race


March 01, 2018 4:39 PM Reuters

Older men may face premature death if they spend most of the day sitting around, but it doesn't require a huge amount of exercise to increase their chances of living longer, a study in the UK suggests.

Researchers asked 1,655 men, all between 71 and 92 years old, to wear accelerometers for one week. The goal was to assess their activity levels.

Among a subset of 1,274 men without cardiovascular disease or heart failure who wore the accelerometers as directed, participants logged a daily average of 616 minutes of sedentary time, 199 minutes of light activity and 40 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise.

After following the men for up to six years, there were 194 deaths.

For each additional 30 minutes of sedentary time on a typical day, men were 17 percent more likely to die during the study, researchers report in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

Every extra half hour of light activity, however, was associated with 17 percent lower odds of death.

"For those who are able, it remains a good idea to aim for at least 150 minutes each week of moderate or more intense activity, that is, activities that get the heart beating faster," said lead study author Barbara Jefferis of University College London.

"Our results suggest that whilst moderate or more intense activity is best, for older men who are unable to achieve the target, doing even light physical activity is worthwhile for extending the lifespan," Jefferis said by email.

Not surprisingly, researchers also found that men were about 40 percent less likely to die during the study when they got the minimum recommended 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise each week, compared to men who didn't achieve that amount.

Long or short bursts

And the benefit was similar whether men got this total amount of exercise in brief, sporadic bouts of less than 10 minutes at a time or they exercised in longer bouts of at least 10 minutes or more.

"We found that as long as men accumulated 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity per week, it didn't matter whether it was in long or short bursts," Jefferis said.

"This is encouraging for older adults, as it is easier for them to reach the target without worrying about sustaining activity in bouts."

While 66 percent of the men managed to get at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise in short bursts, just 16 percent achieved this in bouts of 10 minutes or longer, the study found.

The study wasn't a controlled experiment designed to prove whether or how the amount or duration of exercise men get might directly impact longevity.

Another limitation is that accelerometers used in the study didn't distinguish between standing time and sitting, which might have different health effects, researchers note. Men who followed through with wearing the devices also tended to be younger and healthier than men who didn't.

Mental benefits

Still, the results add to evidence that any exercise is better than none, even if more intense activity is better, said Keith Diaz, a researcher at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City who wasn't involved in the study.

"So, whether one walks for 1 minute at a time or 10 minutes at a time, any duration of activity at a time is healthful," Diaz said by email.

"Regular exercise can lower blood pressure, blood sugar levels, body weight, triglycerides, and unhealthy LDL cholesterol; all of which can improve your heart's health and, in turn, longevity," Diaz added. "Exercise can also help memory and thinking by stimulating the release of chemicals in the brain that affect the health of brain cells and the growth of new blood vessels in the brain."

一項英國的研究顯示,男性年長者如果每天長時間閒坐(sit around)著,可能面臨著早逝(premature death)的風險,但只要少量的運動就能夠增加活得更長壽的機會。

進行這項研究的研究人員要求 1655 位年齡介於 71 歲和 92 歲之間的年長男性佩戴加速計(accelerometers)一週的時間,藉此來評估(assess)他們活動的程度。

研究對象中的一個子群體(subset)是 1274 位沒有心血管疾病(cardiovascular disease)心臟衰竭(heart failure)紀錄的男性長者,他們依照著指示佩戴加速計並記錄(log)每日的平均活動量:久坐、未活動的(sedentary)時間約 616 分鐘,輕度活動約 199 分鐘,中等強度(moderate)劇烈(vigorous)運動約 40 分鐘。

在追蹤這些男性長達 6 年之後,其中有 194 位離世。

研究人員於《英國運動醫學期刊》(British Journal of Sports Medicine)的報告中指出,在研究進行期間發現,男性年長者在一天之中,只要每多 30 分鐘久坐不動的時間,就會增加 17% 的死亡機率。

[編按:《英國運動醫學期刊》(British Journal of Sports Medicine)是由英國 BMJ 公司發行的醫學期刊,其文章經過同行評審peer review)制度篩選。]

然而,每增加半小時的輕度活動則降低 17% 死亡的機率(odds)有關(be associated with . . .)

英國倫敦大學學院University College London)的芭芭拉.傑弗里斯(Barbara Jefferis)博士是此研究的主要(lead)作者。她說道:「對於身體可以負擔的年長男性來說,把目標訂為(aim for . . .)每週從事至少 150 分鐘能增快心跳速度的中等強度或更強烈的(intense)的活動仍是一個好的建議。」

傑弗里斯博士亦在電子郵件中表示:「我們的研究結果顯示,儘管中等強度或更強烈的活動的效果是最好的,但對於無法達到此目標(achieve the target)的男性長者而言,為了延長壽命(lifespan),即使是從事輕度活動都很值得(worthwhile)。」

並不令人意外的是,研究人員在研究期間發現,當男性年長者達到每週建議的最少運動量時,即每週 150 分鐘的中等強度至劇烈運動,與沒有達到此建議運動量的男性年長者相比起來,其死亡的機率減少了約 40%。


研究亦發現,無論男性年長者整體的運動量是由短暫的(brief)斷斷續續的(sporadic),且每次(bout)不到 10 分鐘的運動累積而成,還是由每次都至少持續 10 分鐘的運動加總而來,都能對健康有所助益。

傑弗里斯博士說:「我們發現,只要男性長者從事中度至劇烈活動能累積(accumulate)達到每週 150 分鐘,每單次活動所持續的時間是長、是短則不重要。」

[編按:此段中 "long or short burst" 的 "burst" 是指「持續而密集地進行某件事的一段時間 "a period of continuous and intense effort"」,在本文中則是指「從事運動的一段時間」。]

「對於較年長的成人而言,這樣的研究結果很令人振奮(encouraging),因為他們可以更容易地達成(每週運動量的)目標(reach the target),不需要擔心每次活動都要持續到(sustain)一定的時間。」傑弗里斯博士如此表示。

研究也發現,66% 的男性年長者能透過多次短暫運動的方式成功達成(manage to)至少 150 分鐘中等強度至劇烈運動的時間,而僅有 16% 的男性年長者能以每次至少 10 分鐘的運動達到此運動量。

但此研究不是對照性實驗(controlled experiment),並非設計以證明運動的量或運動的持續時間(duration)對年長男性的壽命(longevity)有無直接影響,或是有何種影響。

研究人員同時提到,此研究還存有另一個局限(limitation),實驗當中所使用的加速計無法區別男性長者站著坐著的時間(distinguish . . . and . . .),然而站和坐可能會有不同的健康效果(effect)。此外,相較於未依指示佩戴加速計的男性長者,依循研究指示而全程佩戴加速計者本身即較年輕及健康的傾向(tend to . . .)


在美國紐約哥倫比亞大學醫學中心(Columbia University Medical Center)擔任研究員的凱斯.狄亞(Keith Diaz)教授說,儘管從事更強烈的活動所帶來的健康效果更好,此研究結果仍舊證明了任何運動都比沒有運動來得好。狄亞教授並未參與此項研究。

狄亞教授在電子郵件中表示:「如此看來,無論每次走動 1 分鐘或 10 分鐘,每次的活動時間不論長短都是有益健康的(healthful)。」

「規律的運動可以降低血壓(blood pressure)血糖(blood sugar level)、體重、三酸甘油酯(triglycerides)和不健康的低密度脂蛋白(low-density lipoprotein,LDL)膽固醇(cholesterol)。降低這些指數可以增進心臟的健康,也因此(in turn)能夠長壽。」狄亞教授補充說道:「運動會刺激大腦中影響(affect)腦細胞健康和新血管(vessel)生長的化學物質的釋放,進而幫助記憶力與思考能力。」

Language Notes

premature [͵primə`ʧʊr] (adj) 比預期早的,過早的;不成熟的;倉促的

accelerometer [æk͵sɛlə`rɑmətɚ] (n) 加速計;加速儀;加速針

assess [ə`sɛs] (v) 評價;評定;對 . . . . . . 估價

cardiovascular [͵kɑrdɪo`væskjʊlɚ] (adj)(疾病等)心血管的;侵襲心血管的

* 本字由字首 "cardio-"「心,心臟」和形容詞 "vascular"「血管的;脈管的;(植物)維管的」組合而成,注意重音在第 3 音節

log [lɔg] (v) 正式記錄,記載

* 本字作動詞時亦常指「伐(木),砍(樹);採伐(某地區的)林木」;亦可作名詞,指「(旅程、某段時間或事件的)日記,日誌」或「(燒火用的)圓木,木材」

sedentary [`sɛdn̩͵tɛrɪ] (adj) 坐著的;需要(或慣於)久坐不動的;少活動的

vigorous[`vɪgərəs] (adj) 有力的;劇烈的

* 本字亦指「充滿活力的;精力旺盛的」或「健壯的;強壯的」

be associated with something (v phr) . . . . . . 是 . . . . . . 所引起的;. . . . . . 和 . . . . . . 有關聯

odds [ɑds] (n) 機會,可能性;成功的可能性

* 注意本字為複數,須搭配複數形動詞

aim for something (v phr) 致力於;以 . . . . . . 為目標

lead [lid] (adj) 主要的;最重要的

* 本字亦可作動詞或名詞:作動詞時,指「帶路,領路」或「引導,引領;作名詞時,則有兩種發音,一為 [lid],指「指導,榜樣」或「領先地位」,另一為 [lɛd],即金屬「鉛」

worthwhile [͵wɝθ`(h)waɪl] (adj) 值得的;值得花錢(或時間、精力)的

lifespan [`laɪf͵spæn] (n)(生物的)壽命,預期生命年限;(物品的)可持續年限,有效期

burst [bɝst] (n) 持續密集進行某事的一段期間

* 本字亦常指「(疾病、戰爭等)爆發、突發」或「(短期的)突然增加」

sporadic [spə`rædɪk] (adj) 偶爾發生的;陣發性的;斷斷續續的;零星的

bout [baʊt] (n)(工作,活動等的)一陣(或一段,一回,一次,一場等)

accumulate [ə`kjumjə͵let] (v) 積累;積聚;積攢

sustain [sə`sten] (v) 保持,維持,使持續,使繼續

longevity [lɔn`ʤɛvətɪ] (n) 長命,長壽;壽命

* 本字亦可指事物的「持久」或「長期受歡迎」

limitation [͵lɪmə`teʃən] (n) 限制,限定;局限,局限性

tend to . . . (v phr) 傾向,有 . . . . . . 的傾向;易於 . . . . . .

* 本片語接原形動詞,另一動詞片語 "tend to somebody / something" 則接名詞,為「照料,照顧;關心」之意,兩者易混淆,使用時須留意

cholesterol [kə`lɛstə͵rol] (n) 膽固醇

in turn (adv phr) 因此,因而

* 本片語亦常指「按順序;依次;逐個地」

vessel [`vɛsl̩] (n)(人體的)血管;脈管

* 本字亦常指「船,艦」或「容器,器皿」

Check your vocabulary!

Fill in the blanks with a word or phrase from the list above. Make necessary changes. After you finish, highlight the blanks to reveal the hidden answers.

1. With more hectic lifestyles, meal times are more sporadic and less formal, and consumers have developed the habit of grazing or snacking on foods throughout the day.

2. The amount of money a country spends on health care does positively correlate with increased longevity.

3. Moderate to vigorous physical activity outside school hours was significantly higher among those pupils who walked both ways than among those using a car, bus, or train.

4. The U.S. trade imbalance was looming larger every year, and Japan was, as it still is, accumulating a huge trade surplus.

5. New research suggests that psychological stress may play a role in premature aging.

6. Low fitness is associated with a larger waist size and a higher degree of inflammation, according to a new study.

7. Uncontrolled diabetes increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke.

8. They believe that surgery may increase his odds of survival.

9. A child's development is evaluated by assessing the child's abilities on a range of tasks and behaviors.

10. Are the musicians at the airport a waste of money or worthwhile entertainment for our visitors?

11. The only way to discover if you have high cholesterol is from a blood test, since there are no outward symptoms.

12. Other sedentary activities–playing video and computer games or talking on the phone–also should be limited.



