Thousands of Tourists Stranded as Bali Volcano Spews Ash VOA News November 26, 2017 3:15 PM (source)
Thousands of Tourists Stranded as Bali Volcano Spews Ash
November 26, 2017 3:15 PM Associated Press
KARANGASEM, INDONESIA — A volcano on the Indonesian tourist island of Bali sent plumes of smoke and steam thousands of meters into the air Sunday for the third day in a week, triggering flight disruptions and leaving thousands of tourists stranded.
Indonesian and regional authorities heightened flight warnings around Bali's Mount Agung on Sunday as the volcano's eruptions sent a plume of volcanic ash and steam more than 6,000 meters into the skies.
The airport on the neighboring Lombok island was closed but Ngurah Rai, Bali's main airport, remained open. Flight cancellations stranded roughly 7,000 domestic and international passengers, according to the airport's latest report.
Senior volcanologist Gede Suantika asked residents in the local community to stay calm. About 25,000 people have already been evacuated from the slopes of Mount Agung to shelters.
"We will continue to see eruptions like this on similar scales, but we cannot predict when Mount Agung will really erupt," Suantika told AFP.
The latest activity on Saturday created a bigger ash cloud than the initial episode on Tuesday, officials said.
Bali is Indonesia's top tourist destination, with its gentle Hindu culture, surf beaches and lush green flora, attracting about 5 million visitors a year.
Indonesia lies on the Pacific "Ring of Fire," where tectonic plates crash, which causes frequent volcanic and seismic activity.
Mount Agung last erupted in 1963, killing more than 1,000 people.
Mount Sinabung on Sumatra island, active since 2013, is at its highest alert level.
印尼(Indonesia)的觀光勝地峇里島(Bali)上的火山(volcano)截至週日(編按:2017 年 11 月 26 日)已在一週內連續 3 天噴發出高達幾千公尺的羽狀的煙霧和蒸汽(plumes of smoke and steam)至空中,導致(trigger)飛機航班中斷(disruption),數千名遊客因此受困(stranded)。
火山所噴發(eruption)的火山灰(volcanic ash)和蒸汽達到了 6000 多公尺的空中,印尼和當地的有關當局因此於週日時提高(heighten)了峇里島上阿貢火山(Mount Agung)周遭的飛航警戒。
鄰近的(neighboring)龍目島(Lombok island)上的機場已經關閉,但峇里島主要機場伍拉・賴國際機場(Ngurah Rai International Airport)仍維持開放。根據機場最新的回報資料,約有 7000 名國內(domestic)線和國際線的乘客因班機取消而滯留機場。
資深的火山學家(volcanologist)蓋德・蘇安迪卡(Gede Suantika)呼籲當地居民保持冷靜。已約有 2 萬 5000 人從阿貢火山的山坡撤離(evacuate)至避難所(shelter)。
蘇安迪卡對法國新聞社(簡稱「法新社」,法語:L'Agence France-Presse,AFP)表示:「我們會持續看到類似像這樣規模(scale)的火山噴發,但我們無法預測阿貢火山什麼時候會真正爆發(erupt)」。
根據官方的說法,相較於週二(編按:2017 年 11 月 21 日)時首次(episode)的火山噴發,週六(編按:2017 年 11 月 25 日)這一次的火山活動製造出的火山灰雲(ash cloud)更加龐大。
峇里島是印尼首屈一指的旅遊目的地(tourist destination),擁有柔和的印度教文化、可以衝浪(surf)的沙灘和蔥郁的植物景觀(lush green flora),每年吸引了約 500 萬名的遊客到此一遊。
印尼位處太平洋的「火山帶(Ring of Fire)」上。在此環帶的板塊(tectonic plate)彼此碰撞(crash),導致頻繁的火山和地震(seismic)活動。
阿貢火山最近一次爆發是在 1963 年,造成 1000 多人死亡。
蘇門答臘島(Sumatra island)上的錫納朋火山(Mount Sinabung)自 2013 年開始活躍,現正處於最高的警戒狀態。
註:因美國之音(Voice of America,VOA)持續更新此新聞,故本新聞編譯之英文原文及中文譯文,部分內容與美國之音網站上的新聞報導不同。
Language Notes
spew [spju] (v)(液體或氣體)噴出;放出;湧出
plume [plum] (n) 羽毛;羽狀物(如煙雲,雪塵等)
trigger [`trɪgɚ] (v) 觸發,引起
stranded [`strændɪd] (a)(因缺乏交通工具、金錢等)滯留的,被困住的
heighten [`haɪtn̩] (v) 增加;提高 * 本字由名詞 "height"「高,高度」和動詞字尾 "-en" 組合而成
evacuate [ɪ`vækju͵et] (v)(把人從危險的地方)撤空,撤離,疏散
* evacuation [ɪ͵vækju`eʃən] (n) 撤空;撤離;撤退;疏散
scale [skel] (n) 大小;規模
episode [`ɛpə͵sod] (n)(整個事情中的)一個事件
* 本字亦常用於指電視劇的「集數」,如「第一集」為 "the first episode"
flora [`florə] (n) 植物群
* fauna [`fɔnə] (n) 動物群;flora and fauna (n)(某一地點的)動植物群
seismic [`saɪzmɪk] (a) 地震的;因地震而引起的
* 本字由表示「地震」的字根 "seismo-" 和形容詞字尾 "-ic" 組合而成
Check your vocabulary!
Fill in the blanks with a word or phrase from the list above. Make necessary changes. After you finish, highlight the blanks to reveal the hidden answers.
If the tide comes in, we'll be stranded on these rocks.
After the explosion, a plume of smoke could be seen in the sky for miles around.
A thousand people were evacuated from their homes following the floods.
The strong police presence only heightened the tension among the crowd.
Nuclear weapons cause destruction on a massive scale.