周樹華老師英語學習 Q&A專欄 > Detail

    1. E-paper No.
    2. 周樹華老師英語學習 Q&A
    1. 355
    2. 利用有趣的英語童謠(Nursery Rhyme),練習口語及句型


英語不是一個難學的語言,覺得困難是來自考試,老師講的多,學生練習的少。 因此我們寫出的英文句子會有錯,也不容易開口說完整的句子。離開學校,不再受考試的困擾,六年英語學到的單字文法,有足夠的基礎,讓我們可以放心自學正確的英語。
學英語不需要高深的文法理論,但要多多反覆練習一些常用的英語句型。這次給同學們介紹一首非常流行的nursery rhyme (童謠)來練習一些句型。

'This Is the House That Jack Built' 這個童謠很特別,內容有點奇怪,因此不追究其含意。童謠強調節奏及押韻,讀起來可以朗朗上口,用來練習口語是很有趣的。這首童謠先從簡單句開始:This is malt 加上 that 子句後,句子就越來越長:
This is the malt + That lay in the house that Jack built.
This is the rat + That ate the malt + That lay in the house that Jack built.
This is the priest all shaven and shorn, / Who married the man all tattered and torn, /
Who kissed the maiden all forlorn, / Who milked the cow with the crumpled horn, /
That tossed the dog, / That worried the cat, / That killed the rat, /That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.


句型練習 1 (圖二)
Is this the house that Jack built? 用sold, designed, destroyed做代換練習。
句型練習 2 (注意動詞過去式)(圖三)
I just wanted to see the house he built.
用the dress she wore, the picture he painted, the mess they made做代換練習
句型練習 3 (過去式)(圖三)
This is the cat that killed the rat.
用drank the milk, caught the bird, scratched the child做代換練習
句型練習 4 (who子句)(圖四)
This is the sad girl who milked the cow.
用the farmer, the boy, the queen做代換練習。








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