周樹華老師英語學習 Q&A專欄 > Detail

    1. E-paper No.
    2. 周樹華老師英語學習 Q&A
    1. 333
    2. 字組與停頓的魅力




字組與停頓的魅力:聽 Emma Thompson 超棒的朗讀




說英語字組(Thought Groups)與停頓(Pause)非常具有重要性。英語說的清楚流利,都靠語句中間的停頓。英國名演員 Emma Thompson 演出莎士比亞劇本 Much Ado About Nothing 改編的電影片頭由她朗讀莎翁寫的小抒情詩:'Sigh No More, Ladies' 開始。聽她朗讀不但帶給我們快樂,也會讓我們學習到英語斷句與停頓的魅力。希望同學們多跟著她朗讀這首小詩。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xVDyi4Wprg




莎劇中經常穿插一些短小可唱的抒情詩,這些小詩有特殊的功用,或內含人生哲學,或推動劇情發展。點開這個連結  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=479TkEj0UAA






不解釋或翻譯這首小詩,希望同學們能從 'Sigh No More, Ladies' 及 'Men were deceivers ever' 兩句話,猜猜詩歌的大意。其中有一些字及文法是莎士比亞(1600年)時期的英文,同學們看不懂沒有關係的。學英語欣賞一點文學作品,有增加知識及娛樂的效果。




William Shakespeare: Much Ado About Nothing Act 2, scene 3.




Sigh no more, ladies, sigh nor more;


    Men were deceivers ever;


One foot in sea and one on shore,


    To one thing constant never;


        Then sigh not so,


        But let them go,


    And be you blithe and bonny;


Converting all your sounds of woe


    Into. Hey nonny, nonny.




Sing no more ditties, sing no more,


    Of dumps so dull and heavy;


The fraud of men was ever so,


    Since summer first was leavy.


        Then sigh not so,


        But let them go,


    And be you blithe and bonny,


Converting all your sounds of woe


    Into. Hey, nonny, nonny.








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