臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 302 期 發行日期 2016-08-05

  9 Out of 10 Strokes PreventableRead more on VOA.

9 Out of 10 Strokes Preventable


Ninety percent of strokes could be prevented, according to a new study. Writing in The Lancet, researchers from Canada's McMaster University say 10 stroke risk factors “that can be modified are responsible for nine of 10 strokes worldwide.”



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9 Out of 10 Strokes Preventable
VOA News
Last updated on: July 18, 2016 2:02 PM (source

9 Out of 10 Strokes Preventable


July 18, 2016 2:02 PM

Ninety percent of strokes could be prevented, according to a new study.

Writing in The Lancet, researchers from Canada's McMaster University say 10 stroke risk factors "that can be modified are responsible for nine of 10 strokes worldwide."

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates 800,000 Americans suffer from strokes each year, making it the fifth leading cause of death.

There are two types of stroke, ischaemic strokes caused by blood clots and accounts for 85 percent of strokes, while hemorrhagic strokes or bleeding into the brain account for 15 percent of strokes.

The researchers say that by eliminating hypertension alone, the number of strokes could be nearly halved. The occurrence of stroke could be cut by a further 36 percent with more physical activity and by 19 percent by eating a more healthy diet. Reducing alcohol and tobacco intake also reduces the likelihood of strokes, as does reducing stress, researchers said.

Other factors included diabetes, obesity, heart conditions and cholesterol.

"This study has the size and scope to explore stroke risk factors in all major regions of the world and within key populations," said Martin O'Donnell, a [ . . . ] study co-lead.

"We have confirmed the 10 modifiable risk factors associated with 90 percent of stroke cases in all regions, young and older and in men and women. The study also confirms that hypertension is the most important modifiable risk factor in all regions, and the key target in reducing the burden of stroke globally."

The researchers based their findings on data from nearly 27,000 people from around the world.

The role of each risk factor varied by region. For example hypertension was more of a risk in Southeast Asia than in North America.

These findings underscored previous research from the [INTERSTROKE] study, which identified risk factors associated with stroke among 6,000 subjects in 22 countries.

"Our findings will inform the development of global population-level interventions to reduce stroke, and how such programs may be tailored to individual regions, as we did observe some regional differences in the importance of some risk factors by region," according to study author [SALIM YUSUF], a professor at the Population Health Research Institute at McMaster University.

"This includes better health education, more affordable healthy food, avoidance of tobacco and more affordable medication for hypertension and dyslipidaemia."


加拿大麥克馬斯特大學(McMaster University)的研究發表於《刺胳針》(The Lancet),其研究人員表示:「全世界百分之九十的中風病例皆是由十個可改變(modify)的危險因子所導致而來。」(編按:《刺胳針》(The Lancet)為具有同行評審性質(peer review)之醫學期刊。)

據美國疾病控制與預防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,常縮寫為CDC)估計,每年約有八十萬的美國人中風(suffer from strokes),是全美第五大死亡原因。

中風可分為兩類型:由血塊(blood clot)引起的缺血性中風(ischaemic stroke)總數的85% 的比例(account for . . .),而出血性中風(hemorrhagic stroke)或腦部出血則占15%。



此研究的共同主持人馬丁‧歐唐納(Martin O’Donnell)表示:「這項研究具有的規模和範圍(scope)足以探究世界各主要地區和關鍵族群裡導致中風的危險因子。」




在前一個對於中風的多國研究(the INTERSTROKE study)中,從二十二個國家的六千名研究對象(subject)上發現了與中風有關的危險因子,而這次的研究發現亦強調(underscore)了此研究結果。

麥克馬斯特大學人口健康研究所(Population Health Research Institute)的薩利姆‧尤斯夫(Salim Yusuf)教授是本研究報告的作者,根據其說法:「我們的研究發現不僅能提供資訊來發展全球人口等級之干預計畫(intervention),減少中風發生,也可為個別地區量身訂做(tailor)干預計畫,因為我們也確實觀察到,因地區的不同,各中風危險因子的重要性存在區域性差異。」


Language Notes

modify (v) 更改,改變
* 新聞中亦見其形容詞:modifiable (a) 可改變的,可修改的

clot (n) (血等的)凝塊;(黏土等的)塊

account for (v phr) 占......比例

hemorrhagic [ˏhɛmə`rædʒɪk] (adj) 出血的;出血性的
* 字首 "hemo-" 表「血液」。本字的名詞為 "hemorrhage",即「出血」。

hypertension 高血壓
* 字首 "hyper-" 表「超過;過多,過度;高於;在......之上」

halve [hæv] (v) 使減半;把......二等分
* 注意 "l" 不發音

tobacco [tə`bæko] (n) 菸草製品;菸草

condition (n) 疾病,症狀

cholesterol [kəˋlestərəul] (n) 膽固醇

scope (n) 範圍

intervention (n) 干預;調停,斡旋
* 新聞中是指健康管理的「干預」措施與手段,即藉由控制致病的危險因子來減低得病、發病的機會。本字的動詞為 "intervene",意即「介入;干涉,干預;調停」。

tailor (v) (依特定需要)專門製作
* 本字原用於「衣物」方面的「量身訂製」和「裁縫」的意思,但現也多用來指其他方面的「客製」與「訂製」。

Check your vocabulary!

Fill in the blanks with a word or phrase from the list above. Make necessary changes. After you finish, highlight the blanks to reveal the hidden answers.

He can not swim because of his medical condition.

Twenty-eight per cent of people asked thought that the advertising of tobacco and alcohol should be banned.

Instead of simply punishing them, the system encourages offenders to modify their behavior.

He had a blood clot removed from his brain.

The potatoes will cook more quickly if you halve them before you put them in the oven.


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