臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 285 期 發行日期 2015-11-02

  A three-horned "Chameleo Jacksonii" chameleon feeds on an insect at the Old World Kinyonga reptile farm in the Karen area of Kenya's capital Nairobi. See more on VOA.

Scientists Solve Mystery of Chameleon Eyes


Chameleons can move their eyes in different directions, and most scientists thought that meant that each eye worked independently from the other. Scientists in Israel say they have discovered, however, that chameleons’ eyes are, in fact, highly coordinated.





最新消息   104學年度第1學期短期課程 《商務簡報英語》

  104-1 大一英文班MyET口說比賽

  104-1 English Corner on the way!!


  最新一期自學包裹,中級主題:Cats;中高級主題:Fighting Diseases。
觸類旁通學英文   Feature of the Week: Podbay

  Interactive Learning Resources: Capstone Interactive Library: From Fall to Win – Learning from Bad Ideas

  English Learning Video: English Pronunciation – Secrets of English Pornunciation

館藏介紹   《吃喝玩樂超實 用英語會話一本通》--議價實用句
英語宅急便   Scientists Solve Mystery of Chameleon Eyes (科學家解開變色龍眼睛之謎)


◎ 104學年度第1學期短期課程 《商務簡報英語》

開課日期:2015年11月17日至12月8日 (每週二,共四堂課)
授課教師:黃惠如 老師

本課程為以英語進行商務簡報入門課程,透過範例及練習引介英語商務簡報的基本架構,常見的簡報英語用語,以及提供實用的英語簡報技巧。本課程亦適用於加強 一般簡報英語能力!課程所使用的課本為Oxford University Press (OUP)出版的《Express: English for Presentations》。11月2日起開始報名。



◎ 104-1 大一英文班MyET口說比賽


比賽時間:2015年11月17日AM 00:00起至2015年12月15日23:59止 (4 weeks)



2015 外語教學暨資源中心 英語單字王比賽_報名流程
2015 外語教學暨資源中心 英語單字王比賽_參賽流程

◎ 104-1 English Corner on the way!!

想提升英語口說能力嗎?想要流利的使用英語發表感想?想在教室與課本外增加練習英語的機會?想結交可以一起練習英語口說的好夥伴?想體驗跨文化溝通的樂 趣?參加English Corner就沒錯了!


日期與時間:10/22~12/31期間,每週四中午12:20~13:10 (共十週,除假日與期中考週)


報名:MyNTU活動報名系統「English Corner」 (每場次前七天開始報名)



◎ 參加外語自學認證,累積時數、累積語文能力

想利用空餘時間增進語文能力嗎?想學習日文或法文,但不知如何開始嗎?那可別錯過外語教學暨資源中心豐富的館藏學習資源,利用空餘時間的自學累積, 也可換來豐碩的成果喔!本中心新推出「外語自學認證」,幫助參加者自學累積語文能力!
參加「外語自學」者,可自行安排時間,在本中心302資料室開放時間內,親至中心使用推薦之自學資源,凡於六個月內累積時數滿36小時者,將核發認證證書 與獎品。自學語言包括英語(中級、中高級、高級)、日語(N5~N1)、法語(A1~A2, B1~B2)、德語(A1~A2, B1~B2)、西班牙語(A1~A2, B1~B2),詳情請見本中心網站--外語自學認證

◎ 最新一期自學包裹--中級:93期、中高級:104期


本單元介紹常見又可愛的動物:貓咪。若要飼養寵物,貓咪應該是與狗不相上下的選擇之一,人類飼養貓咪的歷史悠久,因此衍生出與貓有關的慣用語自然也不少,這裡會介紹其中一個「not enough room to swing a cat」,當然這個慣用語跟虐待動物無關,但想知道真正的意思是什麼,那麼就趕快點進來看吧!

中高級:104期--Fighting Diseases


快來練習自學包裹吧 | 申請帳號(Clarity English-->Author Plus - Self-study Package)


Feature of the Week


愛聽Podcast的學習者們,趕快照過來!Podbay是一個聽力的集合網站,囊括各類主題,包含Arts、Business、Education、 Kids、Religion、Science、Technology等,還有更多的主題,等你來發掘。有了這個網站,可以隨時培養聽Podcast的習 慣,很快你就會發現,原來培養聽力能力,不是一件困難的事喔!http://podbay.fm/
Interactive Learning Resources

Capstone Interactive Library: From Fall to Win – Learning from Bad Ideas

本次要介紹Capstone的有聲原文書,其中一本探討全世界十 大建築的成與敗:Buildings and Structures,最著名的像是比薩斜塔(Tower of Pisa),你知道它是如何傾斜的嗎?當初建造的原因為何?還有其他世界建築,等我們一窺它們的成與敗,不要錯過喔!
English Learning Video

English Pronunciation – Secrets of English Pornunciation

這則影片教你如何將一個句子正確並且像母語人士一樣地發音:六項發音技巧,包含sounds、stress、weak forms、linking、intonation、assimilation等是重要的因素。你時常以為是口音的問題造成自己聽不懂英文或辭不達意嗎? 其實只要能了解發音、重音、連音等,就會發現自己也能聽懂或清楚地表達語意喔! 趕快收看影片學習吧!




這本書規劃了豐富多元的生活主題,涵蓋54個生活中的各類情境,110段真人拍攝影片,要讓你一邊看輕鬆有趣的對話影片,一邊學習老外日常生活中的道地英 語,圖解、會話、片語一次搞定。


Scientists Solve Mystery of Chameleon Eyes
VOA News
Last updated on: October 28, 2015 4:04 PM (source

Scientists Solve Mystery of Chameleon Eyes



George Putic

October 28, 2015 4:04 PM

Chameleons can move their eyes in different directions, and most scientists thought that meant that each eye worked independently from the other. Scientists in Israel say they have discovered, however, that chameleons’ eyes are, in fact, highly coordinated.

Many fish and birds have eyes on opposite sides of the head, and they seemingly have at any given moment two different pictures of the world around them. But chameleons’ eyes are slightly bulging so they can focus both eyes on one object or track two different objects with each eye.

The puzzling question was: does one eye know what the other is doing?

Scientists at Haifa University, in Israel, tried to find the answer with the help of a computer screen.

"We found out that each eye has a different role. We have the tracking eye, that will continue tracking the target, and the converging eye that will converge to the tracking eye, and eventually she will choose that target," said Hadas Ketter-Katz, who is a scientist at the university. "We found out that each eye has a different subtle pattern of eye movements according to her role.”


Split screen

When the picture of an insect projected on the screen was split in two, which then started to move in opposite directions, the chameleon was able to follow both.

But when the animal finally decided on one of the targets, its other eye suddenly swiveled back to focus on the same spot. In a split second, it lashed out its long tongue at the target. This proved that the second eye knew what the first eye was seeing.

"We assume that the brain controls each eye independently with independent units of eye movements, but there is a higher level of control that can co-ordinate these two. So each eye knows exactly what the other eye sees and vice versa,” said Ketter-Katz.

Scientists say new findings may shed new light on research on other, similar animals. It also could find application in the control of mechanical devices — such as robots or self-driving cars — whose video cameras have to focus simultaneously on several things.

變色龍的兩眼可以往不同方向轉動。以往大部分科學家認為這表示變色龍的兩眼是獨立運作的,但以色列的科學家發現,變色龍的兩眼間事實上有高度的協調性(highly coordinated)

許多魚類跟鳥類的雙眼都位於頭部兩側(on opposite sides),而這兩隻眼睛似乎無時無刻(at any given moment)看到的都是各自周圍的圖像。但變色龍的雙眼微微凸起(bulge),所以能同時聚焦(focus . . . on . . .)在同一物體上,也可以各自追蹤(track)兩個不 同的物體。


以色列海法大學(Haifa University)的科學家透過了電腦螢幕來嘗試找到問題的答案。

海法大學的科學家Hadas Ketter-Katz說明研究發現:「我們發現兩隻眼睛有不同的角色。有一隻眼睛會負責追蹤,一直追蹤某個目標,而另一隻眼則會與負責追蹤的眼睛會合(converge), 變色龍最後就會選定這個目標。兩隻眼睛因角色不同,運動模式會有微妙的(subtle)差異。」


科學家把投射在螢幕上的蟲子影像分割為二(split in two),再將兩者往反方向(in opposite directions)移動,此時變色龍會同時追蹤兩個影像。

但是當變色龍選定目標時,一隻眼睛就會快速轉旋回來(swivel back)聚焦在同一個點上,再以迅雷不及掩耳的速度(in a split second)對著目標甩射出(lash out)舌頭,發動攻擊。這證明第二隻眼睛的確知道第一隻眼睛看到的東西。

「我們認為變色龍腦袋使用不同的、各自獨立的單元來控制兩眼各別的眼睛運動,但還有一個更高的控制層級來統合雙眼,所以一隻眼睛會知道另一隻眼睛看到了什 麼,反過來亦是如此(vice versa)。」科學家認為這些新發現可以對其他類似動物的研究帶來新的看法(shed new light on . . .)。也可能在機器裝置上有所運用(application), 像是須要有攝影機同時 (simultaneously)關注數個物件的機器人或是自動駕駛車。

Language Notes

chameleon [kəˋmiljən] (n) 變色龍

coordinate (v) 協調

on opposite sides (prep phr) 在對面的   *新聞中還出現in opposite directions的用法,表示「往反方向」

bulge [bʌldʒ] (v) 鼓起,隆起

track (v) 追蹤

subtle [ˋsʌtl̩ ] (a) 微妙的;細微的   *注意:這個字的“b”不發音

split (v) 拆開;分割   *新聞裡的split screen和in a split second都用到split,但這是把split的過去分詞當形容詞用(split的原形、過去式與過去分詞三態同形)。split screen是指「分割的畫面」,而in a spit second字面的意思就是「半秒的時間之內」,用來強調「瞬間、剎那間」

swivel [ˋswɪvl̩ ] (v) 旋轉;轉動

vice versa (adv) 反之亦然

to shed light on (v phr) 闡明;解釋清楚

application (n) 運用;應用程式   *現在各種移動裝置上安裝的APP(應用程式)就是這個字的縮寫

simultaneously [saɪməlˋtenɪəslɪ] (adv) 同時地

Check your vocabulary!

Fill in the blanks with a word or phrase from the list above. Make necessary changes. After you finish, select the text above to reveal the hidden answers.

1. The agencies are working together to coordinate policy on food safety.

2. The Congressman has a reputation as a political chameleon.

3. The hunter tracked the wolf and managed to catch it.

4. He fell heavily to the floor, his eyes bulging wide with fear.

5. He swiveled around in his chair to face the door.

6. I noticed a subtle change in his attitude.

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