臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 284 期 發行日期 2015-10-16

  The U.S. Federal Reserve Board building is shown behind security barriers in Washington. See more on VOA

Fed Official Warns Against Raising US Interest Rates Too Soon


Federal Reserve Governor Lael Brainard warned against raising key U.S. interest rates too soon, saying despite the improving economic outlook — global weakness poses a downside risk to already low inflation in the United States.




本 期目次

最新消息   104-1 大一英文班MyET口說比賽

  104-1 English Corner on the way!!


  最新一期自學包裹,中級主題:Cats;中高級主題:Fighting Diseases。
觸類旁通學英文   Feature of the Week: Storynory

  Interactive Learning Resources: MyET: Speaking Proficiency Test

  English Learning Video: Learn: seize, therapy, upheaval, miraculous with news

館藏介紹   善用多媒體學英 語--五本多媒體英語學習書籍推薦
英語宅急便   Fed Official Warns Against Raising US Interest Rates Too Soon (美國聯準會官員不樂見近期內升息)




◎ 104-1 大一英文班MyET口說比賽

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比賽時間:2015年11月17日AM 00:00起至2015年12月15日23:59止 (4 weeks)


2015 外語教學暨資源中心 英語單字王比賽_報名流程
2015 外語教學暨資源中心 英語單字王比賽_參賽流程

◎ 104-1 English Corner on the way!!

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日期與時間:10/22~12/31期間,每周四中午12:20~13:10 (共十週,除假日與期中考週)


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中高級:104期--Fighting Diseases


快來練習自學包裹吧 | 申 請帳號(Clarity English-->Author Plus - Self-study Package)

Feature of the Week


愛聽故事是人類的天性,如果在聽故事的同時還能練習英文那不就太棒了嗎? Storynory就是這樣的一個網站,它提供了非常多樣化的故事,包含童話、各國神話、教育性及原創故事等,並由專業的說故事老師精心演繹、講述,讓使 用者能沉浸在故事的情節中。一起來Storynory聽故事吧!
Interactive Learning Resources

MyET: Speaking Proficiency Test

想要檢視自己的英語口說能力嗎? MyET: Speaking Proficiency Test讓您跟著母語人士以聽的方式來測試自己是否能夠成功地跟著複誦每個句子,請到本區「English Speaking Practice」下載軟體做練習喔!
English Learning Video

Learn: seize, therapy, upheaval, miraculous with news

這則影片將帶你藉由上週的新聞事件學習4個重點單字(seize, therapy, upheaval, miraculous)及其句型,這些單字你都認識嗎? 趕快收看影片學習吧!



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Fed Official Warns Against Raising US Interest Rates Too Soon
VOA News
Last updated on: October 12, 2015 8:16 PM (source

Fed Official Warns Against Raising US Interest Rates Too Soon
美國聯準會官員不樂見近期內 升息

Mil Arcega
October 12, 2015 8:16 PM

Federal Reserve Governor Lael Brainard warned against raising key U.S. interest rates too soon, saying despite the improving economic outlook — global weakness poses a downside risk to already low inflation in the United States.

聯準會理事布蘭納德(Lael Brainard)表示,雖然景 氣(economic outlook)有好轉跡象,但仍不樂見(warn against . . .)美國主要利 率(interest rate)在近期內升息,因為疲軟的全球經濟仍會對已呈現低度通膨(inflation)的 美國經濟造成下 滑風險(pose a risk to . . .)。(編按:聯準會全名為「聯邦準備理事會」“Federal Reserve System”)

While the U.S. economy has proved “reassuringly resilient," Brainard says the economic momentum may not be strong enough to overcome deflationary risks from abroad.

布蘭納德表示,雖然美國經濟目前是「強韌而令人安心」 (reassuringly resilient),但經濟動能(momentum)強 度或許還不足以應付由外國因素所導致的通貨緊縮(deflationary)風 險。

Concerns about slowing growth in China, the world’s second largest economy, has roiled financial markets in the past two months, causing the central bank to delay raising its benchmark interest rates which have been at record lows since 2008.

因世界第二大經濟體中國成長速度趨緩而形成的憂慮(concerns about. . .)在過去兩個月已造成全球金融市場動盪(roil),這也使 美中央銀行決定暫緩提高自2008年來處最低紀錄(at record lows)基 準利率(benchmark interest rates)

The Fed has not ruled out a modest rate hike before the end of the year, but Brainard says sluggish wage growth in the U.S. combined with increased market volatility could make the U.S. more vulnerable to external risks. U.S. monetary policy is based on the Fed’s dual mandate of full employment and moderate inflation.

雖然聯準會仍未排除於年底前適度提高利率,但布蘭納德表示,遲緩的(sluggish)薪 資成長與市場動盪使得美國仍易 受外在風險影響 (vulnerable to . . .)。美國的貨幣政策(monetary policy)是依聯準會充分就業與溫和的通貨膨漲兩項使命(mandate)而 定。

While U.S. unemployment, now at 5.1 percent is close to full employment, inflation remains well below the Fed target rate of 2 percent. Despite healthy consumer demand in the U.S., the strong dollar continues to weigh on U.S. exports, further widening trade deficits and according to Brainard, exacerbating the downside risk from slower global growth.

儘管美國失業率目前為5.1%,已靠近充分就業水準,但通膨 仍低於聯準會的2%目標。根據布蘭納德的說法,雖然美國消費需求健全,但強勢的美元仍是出口重壓,更進一步造成貿易赤字(deficit)擴 大,加劇 (exacerbate)了由放慢的全球成長而形成的經濟下滑風險。

Brainard, a voting member of the Federal Open market Committee — the Fed's policy-making body — made the comments at the annual meeting of the National Association for Business Economics (NABE) in Washington, DC.

布蘭納德是聯準會的決策機構「美國聯邦公開市場委員會」 (Federal Open market Committee)當中具投票權的委員。她在華盛頓特區舉行的美國商業與經濟協會(NABE)年度大會中做了上述表示。

Language Notes

outlook (n) 展望

inflation (n) 通貨膨脹

resilient (a) 有彈力的;迅速恢復精力的

momentum [moˋmɛntəm] (n) 動力

deflationary (a) 通貨緊縮的  *deflation (n) 是 inflation 的反義字

benchmark (n) 水準點;基準

vulnerable (a) 易受傷的;有弱點的

mandate (n) 受委託的工作;命令,指令

deficit [ˋdɛfɪsɪt]  (n) 赤字

exacerbate (v) 使惡化;加劇

Check your vocabulary!

Fill in the blanks with a word or phrase from the list above. Make necessary changes. After you finish, select the text above to reveal the hidden answers.

1. The truck gained momentum as it rolled down the steep road.

2. The economic outlook is bright.

3. The company proved remarkably resilient during the recession.

4. Children are most vulnerable to abuse within their own home.

5. The recession has exacerbated this problem.

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