臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 280 期 發行日期 2015-08-20

  Hoverbike Flying Closer to RealitySendai Power Plant. See more on VOA.

Japan Restarts Sendai Nuclear Reactor


A Japanese power company restarted a nuclear reactor on Tuesday, the first one to come back online under new safety regulations put in place following the 2011 Fukushima disaster.

日本的電力公司於周二時重啟核子反應爐(nuclear reactor),這是自2011年福島(Fukushima)核災與執行新安全法規(regulation)後重返電力系統運作(online)的第一座。

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觸類旁通學英文   Feature of the Week: WhatWasThere

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館藏介紹   看不見的危機: 生活用品真相 = What's Really In Our...?
英語宅急便   Japan Restarts Sendai Nuclear Reactor


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Feature of the Week


WhatWasThere 是一個藉由地圖搜尋歷史照片的網站。隨著地圖的移動,網站會自動搜尋出現在地圖上各個城市的歷史照片。這個想法是來自於希望藉由科技來提供給世人一個新的時空體驗,讓使用者在網路虛擬世界中來一場時空旅行。目前台灣的照片還不是很多,如果大家手邊有舊照片的話,不妨也加入照片上傳的行列,讓更多人也能看到台灣的昔日風情。
Interactive Learning Resources

Capstone Interactive Library

在Capstone Interactive Library 裡,我們可以找到From Fail to Win! Learning from Bad Ideas: Buildings and Structures這本書。本書羅列了十項世界上具代表性的建築疏失,例如:義大利的比薩斜塔 (The Leaning Tower of Pisa)、法國的博韋主教座堂 (Beauvais Cathedral) 與美國洛杉磯聖弗朗西斯水壩 (The St. Francis Dam) 等。俗話說得好:「失敗為成功之母。」,透過本書的介紹,我們能了解造成這些建築失敗的原因,同時亦學習如何避免這些失敗。請看 Interactive Learning Resources --> English for Academic Purpose --> Capstone Interactive Library。 Register | Login
English Learning Video

The Internet Today


  What's Really In Our...?

看不見的危機: 生活用品真相 = What's Really In Our...?

洗髮精、沐浴乳、防曬油、肥皂…, 這些人們每日使用,看來再普通不過的東西,它們的成分究竟是什麼?所含成分是否會殘留體內?是否會致癌?超市品牌的,其品質就真的輸給沙龍級的嗎?我們針對十餘項日常生活用品,分析其成分並實際做人體實驗,詢問專家和政府相關部門,以釐清外界流言,並同時提供正確資訊給觀眾,讓普羅大眾有正確的保健常識,安全無虞地使用這些日常用品,而非被廣告商或媒體給混淆。


Japan Restarts Sendai Nuclear Reactor
VOA News
Last updated on: Auguast 11, 2015 1:18 AM (source

Japan Restarts Sendai Nuclear Reactor

Last updated on: Auguast 11, 2015 1:18 AM

A Japanese power company restarted a nuclear reactor on Tuesday, the first one to come back online under new safety regulations put in place following the 2011 Fukushima disaster.

日本的電力公司於周二時重啟核子反應爐(nuclear reactor),這是自2011年福島(Fukushima)核災與執行新安全法規(regulation)後重返電力系統運作(online)的第一座。

Kyushu Electric Power Co. said it expects the reactor at its Sendai facility to be generating power by Friday and be at full capacity by next month.

九州電力公司(Kyushu Electric Power Co.)預計仙台的設備在周五前能開始產電,下個月前可達到滿載量(at full capacity)。

Japan's nuclear facilities have been shut down for two years to undergo safety checks. The government wants to bring nuclear power generation back up to producing more than 20 percent of the country's electricity by 2030, but has had to rely on imported fossil fuels while the nuclear facilities were offline.


The majority of the Japanese public opposes bringing the reactors back into service.

大多數日本民眾反對核子反應爐重新運作(bring…back into service)

Several hundred protesters gathered at the Sendai site Tuesday to express their displeasure, including former Prime Minister Naoto Kan, who was in office during the Fukushima meltdown.

數百名抗議人士於周二時聚集在仙台的廠房處表達不滿(displeasure),福島融爐(meltdown)事件時在職(in office)的前首相菅直人(Naoto Kan)也參與抗議。

"We cannot predict accidents, that is why accidents happen," Kan said. "And here all of the necessary precautions to prevent an accident have not been taken."


The Fukushima disaster began with a massive earthquake and tsunami that damaged the nuclear plant and triggered meltdowns at the plant. The disaster forced more than 100,000 people from their homes.


Language Notes

regulation (n) 規章,規定

at fall capacity (prep phr) 全面開工;以滿載量、最大產能運轉

undergo (v) 經歷,經受;接受(治療,檢查等)

bring something (back) into service (v phr) 重新使用 . . .

precaution (n) 預防措施

tsunami tsunami (n) 海嘯

trigger (v) 觸發,引起

Check your vocabulary!

Fill in the blanks with a word or phrase from the list above. Make necessary changes. After you finish, select the text to reveal the hidden answers.

1. The traffic barriers were put there as a safety precaution.

2. There seem to be so many rules and regulations these days.

3. We have taken necessary precautions against fire.

4. A spark triggered the explosion.

5. The country has undergone massive changes recently.

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