臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 273 期 發行日期 2015-05-04

  In this photo provided by World Vision, houses lie destroyed by Saturday’s earthquake at Paslang village in Gorkha municipality, Nepal on April 27, 2015. See more on VOA.

Nepalis Seek Aid as Earthquake Toll Tops 4,300


People in earthquake-hit Nepal were in need of water and other basics Tuesday, as rescue workers and humanitarian groups continued trying to reach the country and those buried under rubble.

尼泊爾受地震重創,人民需要水與其它 的基本維生用品。搜救人員和人道組織持續挺進尼泊爾,試圖找出被埋在瓦礫下的人。



最新消息   臺大外語教學暨資源中心有Facebook 粉絲專頁了!




  英語講座:How to adapt to, and enjoy, an English-speaking learning environment abroad。

  最新一期自學包裹,中級主題:Mother's Day;中高級主題:Enviromnemtal Science。
觸類旁通學英文   Audio English: 提供給學習者多樣主題式的英文學習教材。

  Live ABC: CNN, 透過新聞來學英語是最好的方式之一。

  English Learning Video: How to speak like a native speaker,矯正自己的發音,幫助口語進步。

館藏介紹   增進英語口語表達力,五本好書推薦。
英語宅急便   VOA NEWS: Nepalis Seek Aid as Earthquake Toll Tops 4,300(地震死亡人數達4300人,尼泊爾求援)


◎ 臺大外語教學暨資源中心Facebook 粉絲專頁

外語教學暨資源中心有粉絲專頁了,我們將隨時提供最新英語學習資訊及中心舉辦活動公告喔! 來按讚給我們支持吧!

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◎ E-Freeway 線上外語教室最新改版上線

E-Freeway 線上外語教室最新改版上線 網址:https://efreeway2.fltc.ntu.edu.tw/index.php


◎ 參加外語自學認證,累積時數、累積語文能力

想利用空餘時間增進語文能力嗎?想學習日文或法文,但不知如何開始嗎?那可別錯過外語教學暨資源中心豐富的館藏學習資源,利用空餘時間的自學累積, 也可換來豐碩的成果喔!本中心新推出「外語自學認證」,幫助參加者自學累積語文能力!
參加「外語自學」者,可自行安排時間,在本中心302資料室開放時間內,親至中心使用推薦之自學資源,凡於六個月內累積時數滿36小時者,將核發認證證書 與獎品。自學語言包括英語(中級、中高級、高級)、日語(N5~N1)、法語(A1~A2, B1~B2)、德語(A1~A2, B1~B2)、西班牙語(A1~A2, B1~B2),詳情請見:https://efreeway2.fltc.ntu.edu.tw/other.php

◎ 外語樂學坊103-2短期課程即將額滿!請盡快報名!

貝儒斯老師又將開課了!自從95年度貝儒斯老師在臺大最後一年開課之後,很多學生懷念他紮實的課程設計,以及幽默的美式上課風格,對於英文口 語表達與演說,貝儒斯老師的課更是讓很多學長姊讚不絕口、獲益匪淺,越是能勇敢 大方的發言及參與,越是能從課堂上獲得更多,進步更快。這學期外語教學中心很榮 幸邀請到貝儒斯老師開設兩門短期課程,Advanced Public Presentation、Introduction to Debate,對口語表達與辯論有興趣的同學,千萬不能錯過這難得的機會!課程結束將予以核發修課證書。


Advanced Public Presentation (已額滿)

This six-week short course is designed to help the general public understand the dynamics of public presentation. After initial lectures, students will be required to prepare presentations to deliver in class. Extemporaneous and impromptu speaking will also be practiced. At least an intermediate level of English and previous or current experience in public presentation are strongly advised.

Introduction to Debate (即將額滿,報名請盡速)

This six-week short course is presented to teach the fundamentals of debate. Initial lectures will be followed by topic resolution design, a review of basic flaws in logic as they pertain to debate, and finally one or more in-class debates depending on the number of registered students. At least an intermediate level of English is required. No previous experience in debate is necessary.

詳情請見本中心網站  http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~ntufltc/avwrite/course/course.htm

◎ English Workshop(最新)

英語講座:How to adapt to, and enjoy, an English-speaking learning environment abroad

已經拿到國外學校的入學通知了嗎? 那麼一定可以輕鬆完成國外學業? 這個答案也許是否定的喔! 前面還有很多的挑戰等著你呢! 想要戰勝新環境所帶來的挑戰嗎? 那麼一定要來參加外語教學暨資源中心為各位所帶來的英語講座。

外語教學暨資源中心邀請英語教學專家為各位想出國留學同學舉辦英語講座,講座內容將幫助同學如何適應初到全英語的學習環境,並持續讓曾晉自己的英語能力, 會中您將會與講者互動,激盪美麗的火花喔!


◎ 最新一期自學包裹--中級:90期、中高級:100期

中級:90期--Mother's Day

在五月,很多國家會慶祝母親節以感謝母親養育下一代的辛勞付出。臺灣的母親節與美國相同,都是在五月的第二個星期日,因為是假日,因此全家一起慶祝也變的 方便許多。那麼母親節是怎麼來的呢?為什麼在這一天會習慣送媽媽康乃馨呢?除了送媽媽禮物、帶媽媽上餐館外,也可以親手製作獨一無二的禮物獻給母親,這些 全部都在本單元的自學包裹裡喔!祝福大家母親節快樂!

中高級:100期--Enviromnemtal Science

本期自學包裹主題是森林管理,透過本期的學習單元,你將能更加了解森林大火形成的原因以及如何預防。除了和森林有關的知識外,本本期自學包裹也會教你如何 讓你的文章更有連貫性。

快來練習自學包裹吧 | 申 請帳號(Clarity English-->Author Plus - Self-study Package)

Feature of the Week

Audio English

Audio English.net 提供給學習者多樣主題式的英文學習教材,每一個聽力練習都包含script提供,另外還有標示每篇的程度讓學習者可依照自己的程度挑選內容以及喜歡的主題 喔!
Interactive Learning Resources


透過新聞來學英語是最好的方式之一。不僅是增強進一步的聽力訓 練,由於新聞的內容包羅萬象,涵蓋了生活的各個層面,你想的到的、你想要說的、你需要知道的,新聞裡都有。新聞的時效性也可以確保你的英文字彙以及表達方 式跟得上時代的潮流,而不是還在講一百年前的八股英文。目前到最新的是2013年的內容,這麼「好康」的資源,不使用多可惜啊。
English Learning Video

How to speak like a native speaker

這支影片將教你如何利用"Sounds of English"/"Rhythm of English"來矯正自己的發音,並且利用一些練習來幫助口語進步喔。



想 加強英語口語表達能力嗎?本期推薦本中心的五本新到館藏,從詞語、句型、看圖即席反應、新聞字彙與題材、以及溝通禮儀等,不同方面來加強及充實英語表達能 力。


Nepalis Seek Aid as Earthquake Toll Tops 4,300
VOA News
Last updated on: April 28, 2015 1:00 AM (source

Nepalis Seek Aid as Earthquake Toll Tops 4,300
地 震死亡人數達4300人,尼泊爾求援

VOA News
April 28, 2015 1:00 AM

People in earthquake-hit Nepal were in need of water and other basics Tuesday, as rescue workers and humanitarian  groups continued trying to reach the country and those buried under rubble.

尼泊爾受地震重創,人民需要水與其它的基本維生用品。搜救人 員和人道 (humanitarian)組織持續挺進尼泊爾,試圖找出被埋在瓦礫下的人(those buried under rubble)

Many spent another night sleeping outside or in tents with magnitude four and five aftershocks still shaking the region following Saturday's 7.8 magnitude quake.

週六芮氏規模(magnitude)7.8 強震後,規模4到5的餘震 (aftershock)仍持續撼動當地,當地人又度過一個外宿與搭帳篷的夜晚。

Officials said Tuesday the death toll had climbed to more than 4,300 people with about 8,000 others injured.  They said those numbers could go higher as workers clear away more rubble and access more remote areas.

據週二官方說法,死亡人數(death toll)已 攀升到四千三百人,另外有受傷人數約八千人。但隨救災人員持續清除瓦礫與進入(access)更偏 遠的地區,數字可能會繼續攀升。

Health officials warned about the risk of disease with a shortage of clean water and so many people crowded together in the open.

缺乏乾淨用水,加上戶外(in the open)擁 擠的群眾,健康部門的官員警告可能有傳染病的危機。

Chaitya Bajrachary, a resident of the capital, Kathmandu, was critical of the government's response so far.

首都(capital)加 德滿都的居民Chaitya Bajrachary批評政府到目前為止的反應。

"The government is not even giving water to us," Bajrachary said.  "I cannot tell you how difficult it was to pass the night.  It was such a hard night as we didn't even have water to drink."

「政府甚至連水都不給我們。要撐過一個夜晚真是難以形容的困 難,我們連飲用水都沒有。」

Hospitals in Kathmandu have been overwhelmed by the injured.

傷患擠滿了(overwhelm)加 德滿都的醫院。

Some planes carrying relief workers and supplies were turned back from the overwhelmed Kathmandu airport Monday, while others were able to offload cargo before evacuating the injured.

加德滿都機場過度擁擠,週一時部分載有賑災人員(relief workers)物資(supplies)的 飛機被迫折返,而部分飛機成功在卸下貨物(cargo)後帶離 傷患。

Saturday's earthquake struck 80 kilometers northwest of Kathmandu, leveling large parts of the capital's historic center.

週六的地震襲擊了加德滿都西北方80公里處,剷平了(level)首都 裡多處的歷史文物中心。(編按: “historic center”一詞在是指在現代都市裡保有重要歷史建築物與古蹟的區域,而不是某一特定的博物館或展覽館中心。)

Oxfam executive Helen Szoke told VOA the earthquake is a humanitarian and economic "double hit," destroying infrastructure in the tourism dependent country.

樂施會(Oxfam)執行長(executive)表 示,地震摧毀了基礎建設 (infrastructure),在這個高度依賴旅遊業的國度是人道與經濟的「雙重打擊」。

Scores of people also were killed in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan and elsewhere along the remote Nepal-Chinese border region.

在印度、孟加拉(Bangladesh)、不丹 (Bhutan),一路沿著尼泊爾與中國邊境的偏遠地區,也都有多人(scores of people)喪生。

One source told VOA's Tibetan service that quakes and landslides severely damaged the main highway connecting Tibet to Nepal.

美國之音(VOA)於西藏服務處的消息來源(source)指 出,地震與山崩 (landslide)已嚴重損壞了聯結西藏與尼泊爾的主要高速道路。

The U.S. State Department on Monday confirmed the deaths of two Americans, Thomas Ely Taplin and Vinh B. Truong, at Mt. Everest base camp.

美國國務院(State Department)於週一證實,有兩位美籍人士於聖母峰基地營(base camp)喪 生。

The International Committee of the Red Cross created a website for friends and family to report missing loved ones, or search for those who have checked in.

紅十字國際委員會設立網站給親友來提報失蹤的朋友與家人,在 網站上也可搜尋已登錄報平安的人。

Language Notes

humanitarian (a) 人道的

rubble (n) 碎石;瓦礫  *本字為不可數名詞

magnitude (n) 地震級數

aftershock (n) 餘震

death toll (n phr) 死亡人數

access (v) 接近;得以進入  *本字亦可作名詞,動詞與名詞同型

relief (n) 救濟;補助

cargo (n) (車、飛機、船等裝載的)貨物

level (v) 夷平;毀壞

infrastructure (n) 公共建設;基礎建設

Check your vocabulary!

Fill in the blanks with a word or phrase from the list above. Make necessary changes. After you finish, select the text above to reveal the hidden answers.

1. The day after the explosion the death toll had risen to 90.

2. Can you access the Internet on your mobile phone?

3. The bombing levelled the village.

4. The minister is responsible for the country's transport infrastructure.

5. The ship was carrying a cargo of wool from England to France.

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