臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 272 期 發行日期 2015-04-16


Taiwan Rations Water to Ease Unusual Drought


The western Pacific island that averages annual rainfall of 2,500 millimeters has seen the lowest levels in 67 years since October, depleting reservoirs that serve the most populated cities and counties. The government has cut household and industrial use until rainfall returns to normal.

台灣是西太平洋上的島嶼,平均年雨量 (annual rainfall)有兩千五百毫米,但自去年十月開始有67年來最少的降雨量,供應眾多人口數縣市的水庫已大幅消耗(deplete)。在降水狀況回到正 常之前(return to normal),台灣政府已開始減少家庭(household)與工業用水。



最新消息   臺大外語教學暨資源中心有Facebook 粉絲專頁了!




  最新一期自學包裹,中級主題:Television;中高級主題:Leadership Behavior。
觸類旁通學英文   Feature of the Week: Pick the Brain,一個能夠幫助你自我成長的網站。

  Interactive Learning Resources: TestPro Online: TOEIC,多益線上題庫。

  English Learning Video: Common workplace expressions,商業背景中幾個相當實用的表達方式。

館藏介紹   Diary of a Wimpy Kid (遜咖日記),學習英文口語、美式生活文化最直接的方式。
英語宅急便   VOA NEWS: Taiwan Rations Water to Ease Unusual Drought (台灣限水抗旱)


◎ 臺大外語教學暨資源中心Facebook 粉絲專頁

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◎ E-Freeway 線上外語教室最新改版上線

E-Freeway 線上外語教室最新改版上線 網址:https://efreeway2.fltc.ntu.edu.tw/index.php


◎ 參加外語自學認證,累積時數、累積語文能力

想利用空餘時間增進語文能力嗎?想學習日文或法文,但不知如何開始嗎?那可別錯過外語教學暨資源中心豐富的館藏學習資源,利用空餘時間的自學累積, 也可換來豐碩的成果喔!本中心新推出「外語自學認證」,幫助參加者自學累積語文能力!
參加「外語自學」者,可自行安排時間,在本中心302資料室開放時間內,親至中心使用推薦之自學資源,凡於六個月內累積時數滿36小時者,將核發認證證書 與獎品。自學語言包括英語(中級、中高級、高級)、日語(N5~N1)、法語(A1~A2, B1~B2)、德語(A1~A2, B1~B2)、西班牙語(A1~A2, B1~B2),詳情請見:https://efreeway2.fltc.ntu.edu.tw/other.php

◎ 外語樂學坊103-2短期課程開始報名!貝儒斯老師開課了!

貝儒斯老師又將開課了!自從95年度貝儒斯老師在臺大最後一年開課之後,很多學生懷念他紮實的課程設計,以及幽默的美式上課風格,對於英文口 語表達與演說,貝儒斯老師的課更是讓很多學長姊讚不絕口、獲益匪淺,越是能勇敢 大方的發言及參與,越是能從課堂上獲得更多,進步更快。這學期外語教學中心很榮 幸邀請到貝儒斯老師開設兩門短期課程,Advanced Public Presentation、Introduction to Debate,對口語表達與辯論有興趣的同學,千萬不能錯過這難得的機會!課程結束將予以核發修課證書。


Advanced Public Presentation

This six-week short course is designed to help the general public understand the dynamics of public presentation. After initial lectures, students will be required to prepare presentations to deliver in class. Extemporaneous and impromptu speaking will also be practiced. At least an intermediate level of English and previous or current experience in public presentation are strongly advised.

Introduction to Debate

This six-week short course is presented to teach the fundamentals of debate. Initial lectures will be followed by topic resolution design, a review of basic flaws in logic as they pertain to debate, and finally one or more in-class debates depending on the number of registered students. At least an intermediate level of English is required. No previous experience in debate is necessary.

詳情請見本中心網站  http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~ntufltc/avwrite/course/course.htm

◎ 最新一期自學包裹--中級:89期、中高級:99期


電視機幾乎已是每個家庭不可或缺的家電之一,近幾年雖然已漸漸被電腦與網路取代,但從小習慣了有電視後,沒有電視的生活還真是難以想像。24小時全天候播 放,多達100多個頻道的有線電視,還可觀賞外國的節目,也難怪很多人緊貼在電視機前一動也不動看上癮了。想知道自己是否也得了電視癮嗎?趕快登入本單元 測試看看,若發現自己已上癮也沒有關係,剛好來得及參加從國外發起的「關閉電視週」活動喔!

中高級:99期--Leadership Behavior

領導才能是一個人能否在職場上得到成功之相當重要的一環,本期自學包裹將帶你了解成功領導者具有的才能,也許你已後也能隨著這些人的腳步成為頂尖領導人才 喔。

快來練習自學包裹吧 | 申 請帳號(Clarity English-->Author Plus - Self-study Package)

Feature of the Week

Pick the Brain

Pick the Brain 是一個能夠幫助你自我成長的網站。透過分享提高個人產能、動機、自我教育、心理及哲學等主題的文章,讓讀者在閱讀後能獲得心靈上的滿足,並且自我成長。當 你覺得生活遇到挫折或是不順遂時,不妨造訪這個網站,讓自己的心靈得到能量再出發。
Interactive Learning Resources

TestPro Online: TOEIC

多益測驗乃針對英語非母語人士所設計之英語能力測驗,測驗分數反 映受測者在國際職場環境中與他人以英語 溝通的熟稔程度。 本測驗毋需具備專業的知識或字彙,因為測驗內容以日常使用之英語為主, TestPro Online提供同學相關的考試測驗,讓同學能夠做充分的練習,請大家多多利用這套題庫做練習吧。
English Learning Video

Common workplace expressions



Diary of a Wimpy Kid (遜咖日記)

閱 讀英文小說,是增進英語能力最自然的方法!文學名著太遙遠、童書繪本太簡單、英文新聞太嚴肅,終於,一本好讀、好笑、好學的英文讀本出現了!《遜咖日記》 適合各年齡層的讀者閱讀,全書以「第一人稱」描述人事物,沒有艱澀難懂的用字,書中對白出現許多課本學不到的俚語、片語等生動又道地的英文口語,此外,想 要學好語言,就要了解該語言的文化背景,閱讀這系列美式的生活日記,是了解美國校園文化、家庭生活最直接的方式。


Taiwan Rations Water to Ease Unusual Drought
VOA News
Last updated on: April 14, 2015 1:23 AM (source

Taiwan Rations Water to Ease Unusual Drought
台 灣限水抗旱

Ralph Jennings
April 14, 2015 1:23 AM

Normally rainy Taiwan is rationing water to ease its worst drought in a decade. The western Pacific island that averages annual rainfall of 2,500 millimeters has seen the lowest levels in 67 years since October, depleting reservoirs that serve the most populated cities and counties. The government has cut household and industrial use until rainfall returns to normal.

一向多雨的台灣為舒緩(ease)十年來最糟的旱象,正實施供水配給(ration)。台灣是西太平洋上的島嶼, 平均年雨量(annual rainfall)有 兩千五百毫米,但自去年十月開始有67年來最少的降雨量,供應眾多人口數縣市的水庫已大幅消耗(deplete)。在降水狀況回到正常之前(return to normal),台灣政府 已開始減少家庭(household)與 工業用水。

The rationing has saved about 500,000 tons of water so far. In parts of northern Taiwan, households are now able to receive tap water just five days a week, prompting some to store up in advance. About 800,000 households had been affected as of March. In industrial regions, factories are recycling water and cutting back on air conditioning.

限水至今已省下了五十萬噸的水。北台灣部份區域的家庭用水一 週只有五天的自來水(tap water)供 應,促使(prompt)許多人預先儲水(in advance),在三月已有大約八十萬 戶家庭受影響。在工業區的工廠亦開始回收水來再利用,也減 少(cut back on . . .)空調使用。

Water Resources Agency spokesman Lai Chien-hsin blames a shift in ocean temperatures for rainfall of just 1.643 meters last year.

He says that of course part of the reason is related to temperatures of the Pacific Ocean and that a cold, dry band of air has been aimed at Taiwan, resulting in a trend of low rainfall all of last year.

水利署(Water Resources Agency)發言人賴建信認為,去年台灣降雨只有1.643公尺,可歸咎於(blame  . . for . . .)海 洋溫度的變化(a shift in . . .)

他說到,部分原因顯然與太平洋的溫度還有一道對著台灣的乾冷 空氣帶有關,導致去年整年低降雨的趨勢。

Officials decided in November, after monitoring water levels for two months, to begin rationing supplies. Rationing affects all or part of nine cities and counties along Taiwan’s densely populated west coast. In the city of Taoyuan, part of New Taipei city and part of Hsinchu county, households and businesses go without tap water two days per week.

政府部門已監控水位(water level)兩個月的時間,最 後於十一月決定開始實施限水供應(supply)。 沿著人口密集的西部海岸,有九個縣市部分或全部受限水影響。桃園市的家庭與公司行號,新北市與新竹縣部分地區,一週有兩天停水(go without tap water)

The drought has unleashed criticism over suspected leaky pipes and reservoirs that are too old or to too clogged with silt to hold whatever rain falls. Shimen Reservoir, which serves much of northern Taiwan, was at about a quarter of capacity as of April 8. Low-flush, low-flow bathroom equipment is also rare on the island of 23 million people.

輸水管疑似漏水,水庫老舊或淤泥堵塞(clogged with silt)而 無法有效蓄存雨水,都因這場旱象而引發諸多批評 (unleash criticism over . . .)。供應大部分北台灣用水的石門水庫在4月8日時僅剩約四分之一的容量(capacity)。在這兩千三百萬人的島 嶼上,低沖水量與低水流量的衛浴設備還不普遍。

Lai with the Taiwan Water Resources Agency said the government wants to double the amount of dredging now so reservoirs can hold more water.

水利署賴建信表示,政府希望能提高清淤(dredge)量兩倍,讓水庫能儲存更多 水。

He said the agency is always continuing to carry out this kind of work. But due to the drought situation, Lai said, authorities are moving toward the biggest reservoir dredging measures ever with a goal of at least doubling the average level they have normally dredged in the past.

他表示,水利署一直以來都持續不斷地執行(carry out)清淤的工作,但因現在 的乾旱情形,政府正著手使用最有力的水庫清淤方式,目標是達到過去一般平均兩倍的清淤量。

Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou said last month that by May he would try to head off a water shortage that would more seriously affect common households. He also called for better management of Taiwan’s water.

台灣總統馬英九於上月表示,在五月前希望能化解掉(head off)將更嚴重影響一般家庭 的缺水情況。另外,他也呼籲對台灣水資源要有更好的管理。

Language Notes

ration  (v)  對...實行限量供應

deplete  (v) 耗盡……的資源;用盡

reservoir  (n) 水庫

household (a) ,家庭的;家用的

tap water (n) 自來水

prompt (v) 激勵;慫恿

cut back on . . . (v phr) 削減 . . .;減少 . . .

supply (n) 供應量;供應品

unleash (v) 釋放;宣洩(感情)

clog (v) 塞滿;阻塞

dredge (v) 疏竣(河道); 以挖泥機挖掘

head off (v phr) 攔截; 阻止

Check your vocabulary!

Fill in the blanks with a word or phrase from the list above. Make necessary changes. After you finish, select the text above to reveal the hidden answers.

1. Food was rationed to the public during the war.

2. Algae can block light and deplete oxygen from the water.

3. His curiosity prompted him to ask questions.

4. Don't clog up your memory with useless facts.

5. Do you have any suggestions for cutting back on fats in cooking?

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