臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 269 期 發行日期 2015-02-04

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Snowstorm Sweeps Northeastern US


A massive winter storm dropped up to 60 centimeters of snow in some parts of the northeastern U.S. Monday and Tuesday, but fell short of forecasters' worst predictions.

強大的冬季暴風雪在美國東北部降下了 約60公分的雪,但還未達預測中的威力。


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◎ 資料室寒假閉館公告

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◎ 我的英文學思秘笈徵文比賽得獎佳作

給覺得學英文很痛苦的人的建議  作者:袁勝威

對我而言,學習英文算是讓我蠻受挫的一件事,小時我少有接觸英文的機會,第一次正式學習英文則是在國小高年級後開始,但由於當時並沒有真正的正視英文能 力,因此錯失了打好英文基礎的機會,學習英文變成了一件讓我覺得困難的事。
我覺得英文的學習和中文的學習很不一樣,英文所需的字彙量明顯的多很多,我認為學英文首要的任務就是多擴充自己的單字量,但並不是盲目的亂背。我認為可以 搜索中文裡常說的話,或是我們中文認為該是常識的概念,再找找這些常識怎麼用英文表達,盡量找找相近的字彙以及字彙的詞類變化。用這個方式使得英文和自己 的生活有所連結,比較能夠讓我們記得背過的字詞,不需要著重在連中文都不太會說的詞意上面。

對我而言,看英文影片是個比較好的學習方式,我建議可以找一些外國影集來看,影集的片長不會太長,邊看邊學比較不會太疲勞。購買DVD是個還不錯的選擇, 藉由DVD我們可以選擇中文/英文字幕或是關閉字幕,遇到聽不懂或沒看過的字就可以停下來先看懂,再倒回去看一次,這樣可以幫助我們記得更好,像是 Friends就是個還不錯的選擇,雖然裡面有很多低俗的內容,但是可以學到很多生活用語。一集看個兩三次都可以,第一次建議先看懂劇情,所以就使用中文 字幕,第二遍邊看邊寫下不會的地方,事後再複習,今後若忘記,就直接拿筆記,並同時去聯想影片中的內容,很快就可以熟記一些英文。

除了影集,電影雖然比較長,但是也是很好的接觸英文方式,若要以學習英文的目的來看電影,我建議可以從動畫片開始,畢竟動畫主要的客群是小朋友,用字會比 較簡單,說話速度也會稍微比較慢,從動畫開始會比較容易上手。

也可以下載一些學習英文的APP來使用,我自己就有使用idiom這個APP,以及巨匠美語的APP,idiom裡面有很多片語以及外國的俚語可以看,巨 匠美語的APP裡面有一些對話可以學習,並且可以聽裡面的內容,可以幫助我們學習一些外國人常用的會話。

◎ 最新一期自學包裹--中級:88期、中高級:97期


本單元介紹大自然的現象之一:雨。雖然下雨偶爾會造成生活上的不便,但雨水可是孕育生命不可或缺的條件之一呢!在本單元裡,我們會了解雨水如何形成、並且 聆聽喜歡下雨與討厭下雨的不同人的看法、跟雨有關的慣用語,還有意想不到的跟雨有關的有趣事實,最後試回答幾個腦筋急轉彎問題,讓您即使是在陰雨連綿的下 雨天,也可以心情愉悅喔!


替代能源(alternative energy)可以減少二氧化碳的排放以及減緩石油的消耗速度,在環保意識高漲的現今,其重要性可說是日益增加。本期自學包裹就將介紹替代能源相關知識, 千萬別錯過喔。

快來練習自學包裹吧 | 申 請帳號(Clarity English-->Author Plus - Self-study Package)

Feature of the Week

Science Kids

Science Kids 是一個附有教育意義的知識影片的網站。它的主題包含科技、天文、動物、科學等,利用短片方式來介紹不同的主題內容,讓學習者增進豐富的知識以及英文聽力能 力喔。             
Interactive Learning Resources

Core Skills for Business Writing

另一個超強商業寫作系列 - Core Skills for Business Writing - Successful Emails。針對已有基礎寫作學習者,此軟體分十個主題的講解及練習,包含商業書信、電子郵件書信、求職信、案例討論、企畫及報告等,是一套非常有效的 商業文件書寫的訓練課程。 趕快來看看我們的介紹吧!
English Learning Video

5 Secrets to improve listening skills

這個影片教你5個實用的技巧來增進英文聽力能力,並且舉以實用和簡易的方法讓我們能掌握正確的發音並同時增進聽力。善加利用這些技巧可以讓你的英語聽力能 力隨時都在進步喔。



本 書精選了52篇史上最撼動人心的演說。這些經典演講皆對歷史變革產生重大影響,傳遞了對世界的愛與熱情,帶給世人無限的希望,同時也改變了許多人的一生。 著名的演說者包括金恩博士、林肯總統、甘迺迪總統、麥克阿瑟、卓別林等為世界和平奮鬥的人士。演講中融會了這些偉大人物公平正義的理念和奮鬥不懈的精神, 激勵各國民眾,打動無數聽眾,引起許多人的共鳴。偉大人物用充滿情感的聲音,深深打動世人的內心,值得一再回味,是人類思想的泉源。


Snowstorm Sweeps Northeastern US
VOA News
Last updated on: January 27, 2015 6:18 PM (source

Snowstorm Sweeps Northeastern US
暴 風雪橫掃美國東北部

VOA News
Last updated on: January 27, 2015 6:18 PM

A massive winter storm dropped up to 60 centimeters of snow in some parts of the northeastern U.S. Monday and Tuesday, but fell short of forecasters' worst predictions.

強大的冬季暴風雪在美國東北部降下了約60公分的雪,但還未達(fall short of . . .)預測中的威力。

Massachusetts and Connecticut saw some of the heaviest snow. Blizzard warnings remained in effect in Massachusetts Tuesday afternoon, as well as in coastal areas of Maine and Rhode Island.

最強的降雪在麻州與康乃狄克州。麻州和靠海岸的緬因州與羅德 島州到周二下午時間,暴風雪警報 (blizzard warnings)仍未解除,仍有效(in effect)

High winds, snow

Snow was not the only danger from the storm, which also carried powerful winds. The highest reported winds reached 126 kilometers per hour on the Massachusetts island of Nantucket. Power outages and flooding were also reported in the state.

風暴除帶來降雪以外,強風也是危害。麻州南塔克特島上回報的 最高風速已達到每小時126公里,麻州也紛紛傳出電力中斷(power outage)與 水災的消息。

In New York and New Jersey, it was a different story as officials and forecasters were forced to defend their strong warnings after the storm produced less snow than anticipated.

在紐約與紐澤西則是兩樣情。因為風暴帶來的影響比預期中小, 官員與預報人員 (forecaster)忙著為預測失準辯護(defend)

The governors of New York and New Jersey began lifting travel bans after dawn Tuesday, while the National Weather Service canceled its blizzard warning for New York City.

紐約與紐澤西州在周二清晨取消了旅遊禁令(lifting travel bans),美國國家氣象局也取消了紐約市的暴風雪警報。

"This is nothing like we feared it would be," New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio told CNN. De Blasio had earlier warned the storm could be one of the worst the city had ever faced.

紐約市市長受訪時表示,「這跟我們擔心會發生的狀況還有一段 距離」。稍早時他曾語出警告,這將是紐約面臨過最嚴重的一場風暴。

In Manhattan's largely deserted Times Square, residents were underwhelmed.

人群大致都撤離了曼哈頓的時代廣場,但居民們對這場暴風雪的 影響並無特別感受 (underwhelmed)

"I was expecting 2 feet [60 cm], and it's only like a couple of inches [5 cm]," said New York resident Allison Tiberie. "So they're making a big deal out of nothing. I didn't think it was that bad."

一位紐約當地居民表示,「我本來以為會有兩英尺(60公分) 的積雪,但現在好像只有兩吋而已(5公分)。官員們小題大作了(making a big deal out of nothing),這場風暴沒這麼嚴重。」

New York state's governor, Andrew Cuomo, defended the decision to implement the travel bans, saying it was better to be safe than sorry.

紐約州州長辯護其施行(implement)旅 遊禁令的決定,表示防範於未然,流 汗總比流血好(better safe than sorry)

 "I would rather, if there's a lean one way or another, if you will, lean toward safety," he said. "Because I've seen the consequences the other way, and it gets very frightening, very quickly. And I've seen people put in extraordinarily dangerous situations, and we've had people die in storms."

「如果有兩個可能的決策方向,我寧可作出過度傾向(lean toward . . .)安 全為上策的決定。我看過不顧風險所做的決策與後果(consequences), 情勢演變的非常快,令人措手不及,群眾被置身於極度危險的情形中,也有人在風暴中喪命。」

The New York Stock Exchange was operating normally Tuesday, but United Nations headquarters and many schools and businesses across the Northeast were closed.

紐約證卷交易所於周二正常開市,但聯合國總部(headquarters)沒 有開門,東北部多處也停課、停班。

Thousands of flights across the region were canceled, according to FlightAware.com. The blizzard had a ripple effect on travelers and airports all across the U.S. As far south as Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson airport, more than 50 flights were canceled. The only reported death in the storm occurred on New York's Long Island, which was hit much harder than Manhattan. The victim was a teenager who crashed into a light post while snow tubing.

根據一飛航資訊網站的調查,受影響區域內有上萬班次的飛機取 消。全美國的旅客與機場也受暴風雪的連 帶效應(a ripple effect)影響,一路往南到亞特蘭大的機場都有50班次取消。紐約長島受風雪襲擊的程度高於曼哈頓,是目前 唯一傳出死亡消息的地方。死者是一位青少年,滑雪胎(snow tubing)時 衝撞到路邊的燈柱。

Washington escapes blizzard

The brunt of the storm missed the nation's capital, which saw only light snow mixed with rain, but federal offices and public schools in the city opened two hours late Tuesday to give people extra travel time.

美首都華盛頓躲過這場暴風雪的衝擊(brunt),只有混雜 雨勢的小雪,但聯邦政府辦公室和公立學校周二都晚兩小時開始,讓群眾有更多交通通勤時間。

On social media, Americans waiting out the snowstorm posted photos and videos of their cities blanketed in white. Hashtags such as #blizzardof2015 and #Snowmageddon2015 quickly gained traction.

等待暴風雪平息(wait . . .out)的 美國群眾把被雪覆蓋住的城市照片與影片張貼在社交媒體網站上。暴風雪相關的關鍵字標籤(hashtag)很 快地在網路上得到很大迴響 (gain traction)。(編按:hash一字是單指 “#” 這個符號,hashtag是指在 “#” 符號後在加上一個文字標籤,是現在很多社交網站的一種發文與串聯相關訊息的輸入格式;gain traction原是指「得到支持、有 進展」,但用在網路上是表達某個話題「引起多人注意,有很多人關注」的意思。)

As officials and residents prepared for the worst, Broadway theater productions in Manhattan went dark Monday night, New York-area National Basketball Association teams postponed games and store shelves cleared out quickly as people scrambled to pick up supplies. Drivers largely heeded orders to stay off the streets in both New York and Boston overnight.

官員與居民都為了暴風雪做了最壞打算。曼哈頓百老匯劇院的展演(production)於 周一晚熄燈,紐約區NBA也延後賽 事(postpone games)。群眾搶著(scramble)添購 物資,店家的貨物架很快就被清空。駕駛人也特別注意(heed)指示,夜間不 行走紐約和波士頓的街道。

Originally, up to 90 centimeters of snow was expected to fall in some regions of the Northeast, accompanied by near-hurricane-force winds and coastal flooding.

在原本的預期中,東北部分區域會有多至90公分的降雪,伴隨 颶風強度的陣風和沿岸的淹水 (coastal flooding)災情。

Language Notes

1. fall short of (v phr) 達不到,未達 . . . 程度

2. blizzard (n) 暴風雪

3. in effect (p phr) 生效

4. power outage (n phr) 停電

5. lift a ban ( v phr) 取消禁令

6. underwhelm (v) 未給留下深刻印象  *這個字的反義字比較常見,overwhelm是指程度很重大,「讓人印象深刻」至「難以招架」,而underwhelm恰好相反, 如新聞中用法,本來對某件事情很期待,做好了準備,但實際上卻不如預期

7. implement (v) 履行,實施

8. headquarters (n) 總部  *本字是「單複數同型」,字尾一定有 “s”,要注意!

9. cripple (v) 癱瘓;損壞

10. brunt (n) 主要的衝擊、撞擊

11. wait out . . . (v phr) 等待 . . . 結束

12. scramble (v) 急忙地要去. . .  *本字常見語意是把東西「打亂、弄亂」;烹飪時把蛋打碎來吃的「炒蛋」就是scrambled eggs

13. heed (v) 注意,留心

Check your vocabulary!

Fill in the blanks with a word or phrase from the list above. Make necessary changes. After you finish, select the text above to reveal the hidden answers.

1. A recent report showed how older workers bear the brunt of economic recession.

2. The traffic was entirely crippled for the day.

3. Supply fell short of demand.

4. We have decided to implement the committee's recommendations in full.

5. They were scrambling to give the impression that the situation was in control.

6. Eliot had to drive home in the blizzard.

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