臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 433 期  發行日期 2022-11-01


  臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報自 111 年 1 月起,改採月刊發行方式。將於每月 1 日出刊,並於每月 15 日更新本中心最新活動消息與活動花絮集錦。每期除介紹本中心最新活動訊息、E-freeway 軟體與館藏資訊外,亦提供英語學習資源與新聞時事練習,內容十分豐富多元,歡迎免費線上訂閱



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'Best Before' Labels Scrutinized as Food Waste Concerns Grow


As awareness grows around the world about the problem of food waste, one culprit in particular is drawing scrutiny: "best before" labels.




◎ 中心活動集錦

本學期英語口訓工作坊第二場次於 10 月 13 日舉行,共有 33 人報名參加,主題為 Small Talk to Break the Ice。 當面對陌生的人事物時,該如何破冰交談化解尷尬呢?講師 Jerry 除了提供一些實用的破冰小技巧及聊天主題, 同時帶領同學們兩兩一組,針對議題進行英語對話及討論。

【英語學習講座「跟著 YouTube 學一切想學的東西」】
本中心於 10 月 20 日舉行英語學習講座 --「跟著 YouTube 學一切想學的東西」,講者為台大外文系劉威辰講師。劉老師分享了如何正確使用 YouTube 平台,不單只用 YouTube 平台學習英語,還可以研究對生活有幫助的訊息(For Example: "How to Remember More of What You Read" 等)。很感謝劉老師帶來這個特別的主題,該場講座報名踴躍,歡迎同學下次再來參加英語學習講座喔!


◎ 【馬來文化專題講座】歡迎報名!

王麗蘭老師 (大專院校馬來語/印尼語講師、語言學習暢銷書作家、知名 FB 粉絲專頁及 YOUTUBE 語言學習頻道主持人、教育廣播電台主持人)
2022 年 11 月 3 日 ( 四 ) 10 : 20-12 : 20 AM
台大外語教學暨資源中心 R302-1
報名網址 https://my.ntu.edu.tw/actregister/sessionList.aspx?actID=20225161_18


◎ 混成式課程

「Email 及社群簡訊溝通達人 – 生活化書寫」,歡迎大家報名!更多詳情:請點擊




◎ 111 學年第一學期開設之短期課程,歡迎報名

English Listening


課程開課日期:2022 年 11 月 10 日 - 2022 年 12 月 15 日

Week 1 11 / 10 課程介紹:口說技巧與練習
Week 2 11 / 17 發音訓練:跟讀法與發音工作坊
Week 3 11 / 24 組織想法:設計演說及簡報大綱
Week 4 12/ 01 大師觀摩:從知名演講中學習
Week 5 12 / 08 實戰演練(I):上台報告演說並與全班討論優缺點
Week 6 12 / 15 實戰演練(II):根據反饋修正演說並再次上場










◎ 悅讀角:Recommendations for the Month







◎ 椰林菁英計畫英語學習系列活動,歡迎報名

English Listening


中心英語專員將根據不同主題介紹實用的英語學習技巧及策略,同時提供線上學習資源,現場並提供實機操作。週三 14 : 00~15 : 00,共 3 場
1. 我與播客的邂逅 10 月 12 日
2. 多益金牌就是我 11 月 9 日
3. 托福大補帖 12 月 7 日














English Listening

【111-1 英語口語訓練工作坊】

想提升英語口說能力嗎?想要流利地使用英語發表感想嗎?想在教室與課本外增加練習英語的機會?想結交可以一起練習英語口說的好伙伴?快來參加 外語教學中心【英語口語訓練工作坊】!本活動是由專業口說訓練團隊不藏私分享英語口說秘訣,並透過各式口說練習活動:有經驗分享、腦力激盪、小遊戲、角色扮演等,讓你在輕鬆有趣的氣氛下無壓力地開口說英文。本學期每場次各有特色主題,在與小老師和學習伙伴的互動過程中,透過充分練習來減低口說焦慮,讓英語表達力與溝通力自然提升!結合「外語樂學.學習集點」活動,只要參加活動就能累積點數,期末換獎品,這麼「好康」的事,怎能錯過?*本活動名額非常有限,請確認能夠出席再報名。報名後不克參加請務必取消報名,如報名未到 1 次以上,將取消本學期後續場次的報名資格。









English Listening

【111-1 周老師英語學習聊天室】
















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主題一:( The body、You and other people、Leisure and lifestyle)
主題二:(A changing world、Institutions、News and current affairs )
主題三:( Concepts、Spoken English、Written English ) 學習完成後,還可以報名認證考試,過關後可以獲得證書與贈品,讓您收穫滿滿,英語更上一層樓!

Feature of the Week

Word Hippo


Top 7 horror movies to learn English

萬聖節剛過,你有被朋友的裝扮嚇到嗎?延續這股恐怖的氣氛,小編今天要來介紹恐怖電影!恐怖電影的第一條規則就是:引起公眾的情緒反應。無論電影的故事情節是否基於現實生活事件,這類電影的真正目的就是要喚醒我們最深的恐懼。此網站共列出了 7 部恐怖電影,讓你在沈浸恐怖氣氛外,順便來練習英語。現在就關上燈,關上門,準備尖叫吧!

Apps for Learning English



背單字對你很困擾嗎?已經背很多遍還是記不起來嗎?今天要推薦的這款 APP,可以解決您的困擾。Memrise提供學習者上千個影片說明日常英語的用法,由母語使用者設計課程教你實用短語,搭配遊戲測試來提升你的語言技巧。深度體驗的學習方式讓你感到當地人即近在呎尺,趕快下載來試用吧!

English Learning Video
English Learning Video 

Why a sausage can do what your gloves cannot

2010 年南韓經歷了一個特別寒冷的冬天。戴著手套的通勤族無法操作他們的智慧型手機螢幕。無意中人們突然發現香腸也能模擬手指的活動並藉此滑動手機,這導致一家公司的香腸銷量增長了 40%。那麼,香腸究竟能做到哪些手套不能做的事呢?觸控螢幕實際上究竟如何運作的?此 TED Ed 影片藉由專家的解說及風趣的動畫,為大眾解析觸控螢幕背後的運作方式。

周樹華老師英語學習 Q&A

善用圖書館英文有聲書 Naxos Spoken Word Library,提升口語表達和聽力!

有讀者詢問社科院圖書館舉辦的「英語精進淬鍊坊」演講活動,有沒有直播影片可在臉書上觀看?正好我主講的一場演講:「善用圖書館英文有聲書 Naxos Spoken Word Library,提升口語表達和聽力!」,有直播影片上傳至辜振甫先生紀念圖書館的臉書專頁,歡迎讀者們前往觀看指教。










掌握 NEWS 關鍵字:透析英文報導的要訣

讀英文新聞時,是不是常會被一些關鍵字搞得一頭霧水呢? 本書精心規劃四大主題:政治 、財經、民生、綜合, 收錄 70個常見、常用以及必備的 News 關鍵字,包含最新相關字彙及用語;並且依字母排序,能快速找到關鍵字,無論是:學校報告、公司簡報、生活交流,使用不打結。豐富您個人的單字庫,為英語力加分! !



'Best Before' Labels Scrutinized as Food Waste Concerns Grow
October 10, 2022 11:51 AM (source)

'Best Before' Labels Scrutinized as Food Waste Concerns Grow


October 10, 2022 11:51 AM

Associated Press


  VOA News 搶先看 

據美國非營利剩食組織 ReFED 統計,國內每年約有多達400萬噸的食物浪費,主因為消費者對食品「保鮮期」的日期存有誤解。保鮮期限(best before)並不代表保存期限(use by),即使過期也能安心食用。業者也呼籲政府立法統一食品日期的標籤,並教導大眾重視食物浪費的問題,如此也能將保存期限內的食品捐給非營利機構,杜絕食物浪費。非營利組織 Food Shift 的經理 Patty Apple(派蒂‧艾波)指出,制定標準化的日期標籤看起來似是微小的舉動,卻對剩食議題有深遠的影響。

As awareness grows around the world about the problem of food waste, one culprit in particular is drawing scrutiny: "best before" labels.

Manufacturers have used the labels for decades to estimate peak freshness. Unlike "use by" labels, which are found on perishable foods like meat and dairy, "best before" labels have nothing to do with safety and may encourage consumers to throw away food that's perfectly fine to eat.

"They read these dates and then they assume that it's bad, they can't eat it and they toss it, when these dates don't actually mean that they're not edible or they're not still nutritious or tasty," said Patty Apple, a manager at Food Shift, an Alameda, California, nonprofit that collects and uses expired or imperfect foods.

To tackle the problem, major U.K. chains like Waitrose, Sainsbury's and Marks & Spencer recently removed "best before" labels from prepackaged fruit and vegetables. The European Union is expected to announce a revamp to its labeling laws by the end of this year; it's considering abolishing "best before" labels altogether.

In the U.S., there's no similar push to scrap "best before" labels. But there is growing momentum to standardize the language on date labels to help educate buyers about food waste, including a push from big grocers and food companies and bipartisan legislation in Congress.

"I do think that the level of support for this has grown tremendously," said Dana Gunders, executive director of ReFED, a New York-based nonprofit that studies food waste.

The United Nations estimates that 17% of global food production is wasted each year; most of that comes from households. In the U.S., as much as 35% of food available goes uneaten, ReFED says. That adds up to a lot of wasted energy — including the water, land and labor that goes into the food production — and higher greenhouse gas emissions when unwanted food goes into landfills.

There are many reasons food gets wasted, from large portion sizes to customers' rejection of imperfect produce. But ReFED estimates that 7% of U.S. food waste — or 4 million tons annually — is due to consumer confusion over "best before" labels.

Date labels were widely adopted by manufacturers in the 1970s to answer consumers' concerns about product freshness. There are no federal rules governing them, and manufacturers are allowed to determine when they believe their products will taste best. Only infant formula is required to have a "use by" date in the U.S.

Since 2019, the Food and Drug Administration — which regulates around 80% of U.S. food — has recommended that manufacturers use the labels "best if used by" for freshness and "use by" for perishable goods, based on surveys showing that consumers understand those phrases.

But the effort is voluntary, and the language on labels continues to vary widely, from "sell by" to "enjoy by" to "freshest before." A survey released in June by researchers at the University of Maryland found at least 50 different date labels used on U.S. grocery shelves and widespread confusion among customers.

"Most people believe that if it says 'sell by,' 'best by' or 'expiration,' you can't eat any of them. That's not actually accurate," said Richard Lipsit, who owns a Grocery Outlet store in Pleasanton, California, that specializes in discounted food.

Lipsit said milk can be safely consumed up to a week after its "use by" date. Gunders said canned goods and many other packaged foods can be safely eaten for years after their "best before" date. The FDA suggests consumers look for changes in color, consistency or texture to determine if foods are all right to eat.

"Our bodies are very well equipped to recognize the signs of decay, when food is past its edible point," Gunders said. "We've lost trust in those senses and we've replaced it with trust in these dates."

Some U.K. grocery chains are actively encouraging customers to use their senses. Morrisons removed "use by" dates from most store-brand milk in January and replaced them with a "best before" label. Co-op, another grocery chain, did the same to its store-brand yogurts.

It's a change some shoppers support. Ellie Spanswick, a social media marketer in Falmouth, England, buys produce, eggs and other groceries at farm stands and local shops when she can. The food has no labels, she said, but it's easy to see that it's fresh.

"The last thing we need to be doing is wasting more food and money because it has a label on it telling us it's past being good for eating," Spanswick said.

But not everyone agrees. Ana Wetrov of London, who runs a home renovation business with her husband, worries that without labels, staff might not know which items should be removed from shelves. She recently bought a pineapple and only realized after she cut into it that it was rotting in the middle.

"We have had dates on those packages for the last 20 years or so. Why fix it when it's not broken?" Wetrov said.

Some U.S. chains — including Walmart — have shifted their store brands to standardized "best if used by" and "use by" labels. The Consumer Brands Association — which represents big food companies like General Mills and Dole — also encourages members to use those labels.

"Uniformity makes it much more simple for our companies to manufacture products and keep the prices lower," said Katie Denis, the association's vice president of communications.

In the absence of federal policy, states have stepped in with their own laws, frustrating food companies and grocers. Florida and Nevada, for example, require "sell by" dates on shellfish and dairy, and Arizona requires "best by" or "use by" dates on eggs, according to Emily Broad Lieb, director of the Food Law and Policy Clinic at Harvard Law School.

The confusion has led some companies, like Unilever, to support legislation currently in Congress that would standardize U.S. date labels and ensure that food could be donated to rescue organizations even after its quality date. At least 20 states currently prohibit the sale or donation of food after the date listed on the label because of liability fears, Lieb said.

Clearer labeling and donation rules could help nonprofits like Food Shift, which trains chefs using rescued food. It even makes dog treats from overripe bananas, recovered chicken fat and spent grain from a brewer, Apple said.

"We definitely need to be focusing more on doing these small actions like addressing expiration date labels, because even though it's such a tiny part of this whole food waste issue, it can be very impactful," Apple said.

Language Notes

註 1:culprit:意指問題的起因;罪魁禍首

註 2:edible:意指(無毒而)可以吃的;適宜食用的

註 3:revamp:意指修改;改進

註 4:formula :意指(嬰兒)配方奶

註 5:liability :意指 (法律上對某事物的)責任,義務


Check your comprehension!

Choose the BEST answer to each of the questions below. After you finish, highlight the parentheses to reveal the hidden answers.

1. ( C )  What would be a possible date label wording on dairy products from a UK chain store?
            (A) Use by
            (B) Sell by
            (C) Best before
            (D) Best if used by                   
2. ( B ) What is FDA's (Food and Drug Administration) suggestion to consumers when judging food quality?
            (A) They should sample the food themselves.                                                                                         
            (B) They should rely more on their senses than date labels.
            (C) They should examine the "best if used by" labels instead of "use by" labels.
            (D) They should consult the food seller to check its freshness.
3. ( D ) Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about food labeling mentioned in the article?
            (A) Date labels on infant formula are mandatory in the US.
            (B) It would be troublesome for staff if date labels were removed.
            (C) Food labeling regulations vary among US states.
            (D) Standardized date labels might lead to higher food production costs.

編譯:外語教學暨資源中心 編輯小組

