臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 264 期 發行日期 2014-11-17

  The west front of the United States Capitol in 2013
(More on Wikipedia)

Republicans Prepare to Assume Control of US Senate


The U.S. Congress returns to work Wednesday after last week’s midterm elections that saw Republicans win control of the Senate and expand their majority in the House of Representatives.

美國於上周舉行期中選舉,國會於周三開始工作。選 後共和黨贏得參議院控制權,並擴大眾議院的多數優勢。


◎ 英語面面觀講座  歡迎大家踴躍報名參加!

Reflections on students' English language profiles
Speaker: Ewan Davies



Briefly this presentation will look at how good (or great) students' English language proficiency is and how this knowledge can be used in the classroom by students and teachers. This workshop will be an informative, and very useful, look at what students in Taiwan have achieved in their English students.

Date: December 5, 2014

Time: 17:00~17:50

Location: Foreign Language Teaching & Resource Center 外語教學暨資源中心

報名: https://info2.ntu.edu.tw/register/flex/main.html?actID=20145161_07

◎ E-Freeway 線上外語教室最新改版上線

E-Freeway 線上外語教室最新改版上線 網址:https://efreeway2.fltc.ntu.edu.tw/index.php


◎ 電 子報問卷調查

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◎ 2014 外教中心 「外語樂學‧學習集點」活動實施辦法

參與中心舉辦之「English Corner」或「看影集學英語」之臺大學生得持中心製發之「外語樂學‧學習集點」卡累積學習點數,並於每學期結束前,得以該學期累積之學習點數兌換中心 之精美獎品。



◎ English Corner 熱烈報名中

想提升英語口說能力嗎?【English Corner】開始了!想體驗跨文化溝通的樂趣?



每場活動由目前在臺灣的國際交換學生(英文為母語)來擔任口語訓練小老師。全程以英文進行主題式的小組討論、經驗分享、小遊戲進行,氣氛輕鬆有趣。活動前 無需事先準備,只要準時到場,在小老師的帶動下,將有充分的機會練習即席的英語口說能力,與小老師和同學間的互動,能親身體驗跨文化交流的刺激與樂趣!




各週主題請見中心公告->Events & Services:https://efreeway2.fltc.ntu.edu.tw/new.php


◎ 我的英文學思秘笈徵文比賽得獎佳作

如何增進英文的能力   張晏綸

增進英文的能力,不外乎就是增加單字的量、文法的熟悉度、以及聽的能力,從聽說讀寫四個字裡面,我們知道人們是先會聽、然後會說、再來會讀、才學會如何 寫,跟我們小時候學語言的方式是一樣的,因此學習英文我覺得最重要的是要先學會如何聽,等到聽懂了之後,就懂如何說了,因此在背單字的時候最好配合單字的 發音,不是背下單字的意思而已,還要知道單字的音怎麼發,大量聆聽不同的文章,然後配合閱讀來增進文法能力,都是很不錯的一個方法。

只單純加強閱讀與寫作的話會造成聽力上的弱勢,這是不平衡的,最好能夠均衡發展,當聽力能力變強之後,對於一些單字在背的過程上也會比較輕鬆些,因為在知 道如何發音後,會比較容易把單字給背起來,而不是回想單字的拼法與意思而已。一般背單字的部分可以從坊間的7450等單字書開始,但我個人更建議先從英文 雜誌如空中英語教室、 4U等書開始背文章中不會的單字,從聽的過程中學會更多的單字,再從7450等書中去抓取需要應付考試的字,以免自己只會背單字而不會聽,我覺得將背單字 與聽力結合是比較好的。然後練習文法的方式,我覺得基礎文法學會後,大量閱讀文章能夠增進自己的語感,能夠應付多樣不同的慣用法,這樣一來就比較能夠看懂 各個文章的意思。因此在最後學習寫作的時候,懂得各種語法與單字的話,就只需要培養寫作能力了,而不是連單字文法是否能這樣用都不知道還下去亂寫。

因此回到最基本的問題,如何增進自己的英文聽力呢?要增進自己英文聽力能力的話,可以從空中英語教室、advanced English開始練習,坊間的英文雜誌我覺得都很適合做為一個起點,而在台大的E-freeway網站中也有很多聽力的資源,如BCC、CNN、 GEPT模擬練習等都可以訓練自己的聽力。重點是在於要持續地聽、持續地練習,這樣才有幫助。培養好聽力就如同打好基礎、紮好根一樣,往閱讀、寫作邁進也 會顯得更加輕鬆。


◎ 最新一期自學包裹--中級:84期、中高級:93期





由今年度起,自學包裹的主題將有所調整,未來每月都將依照不同的學科或專業領域推出適合英語學習主題,提供不同的學習需求。 本學期首先推出的主題為科技英語,將向大家介紹和科技有關的產品和課程,一起來學習吧!

 | 申請帳號(Clarity English-->Author Plus - Self-study Package)


Feature of the Week


Supercook 是一個互動式的線上食譜網站,你可以在網站左手邊的選單中點選手邊有的食材,系統就會依照你輸入的食材告訴你你可以做的料理的食譜。此外還可透過下拉式選 單選擇你喜愛的料理類型,也可以過濾掉含有自己不能吃的食材的食譜。 Supercook不僅提供我們食譜資訊,還能學到各種食材的英文喔,一起來看看吧!                                     

Interactive Learning Resources

MyET: Speaking Proficiency Test

想要檢視自己的英語口說能力嗎? MyET: Speaking Proficiency Test讓您跟著母語人士以聽的方式來測試自己是否能夠成功地跟著複誦每個句子,請到本區[English Speaking Practice]下載軟體做練習喔!

English Learning Video

Job Interviews in English

English language learning tips from Cambridge English Language Assessment.

In this clip learn skills to prepare for a job interview in English, content useful for all exams.

This collection of videos provides advice and tips for people studying English at different levels. From Preliminary to Proficiency there are support resources for everyone covering a range of themes.



在為英文學術寫作煩惱嗎?要跨出學術寫作的第一步,便是要能掌握和活用學術字彙,了解常見學術字彙的用法。本期即向您推薦一本英文寫作學術字彙的書籍-- 「活用學術字彙:跨出論文寫作的第一步」,透過這本書的介紹,希望各位不僅增加對學術字彙的認識,更能活用此書的教學,在英文學術寫作功力上更上層樓!

  Republicans Prepare to Assume Control of US Senate
VOA News
Last Updated on: Novenmber 11, 2014 12:11 PM (source)

Michael Bowman


The U.S. Congress returns to work Wednesday after last week’s midterm elections that saw Republicans win control of the Senate and expand their majority in the House of Representatives. Many of President Barack Obama’s fiercest opponents are preparing to assume powerful positions in the chamber, which has been under Democratic control since 2007.

Scaffolding blankets the exterior dome of the Capitol building, where workers toil on a two-year restoration project. Change is also afoot inside the landmark structure, as Republicans prepare to assume control of the Senate in January.

The Senate top Republican, Mitch McConnell, will become majority leader and decide which bills are debated on the floor.

上周期中選舉後,美國國會於周三開始工作。選後共和黨贏得參議院控制權,並擴大眾議院的多數優勢。諸位曾嚴厲批評歐巴馬的人士也將出任議院中的重要職務,而 自2007年以來,議院一直是由民主黨控制。(編按:美國國會統稱Congress,而依美國制度可再分為參議院Senate與眾議院House of Representatives。) 


鷹架(scaffolding)包覆住美國國會大廈(the Capitol building)的圓形屋頂外部 (exterior),工人們努力施工(toil),進行為期兩年的修復(restoration)計畫。這個地標(landmark)建築內也正進行(afoot)著另一個改變:共和黨將於一月重掌參議院控制權。


共和黨在參議院的牛耳米奇‧麥康諾(Mitch McConnell)將成為多數黨領袖,可決定哪些議案(bill)能進入全院審議( . . . debated on the floor)。(編 按:floor當然是「地板」的意思, 但透過轉喻,也能指「會議進行的場合」、「與會人士聚集的席位」,而掌握了會議場所和與會者的席位,也就是掌握了他們的注意力,從這再進一步衍生出「發言 權」的意思。這樣的用語有have the floortake the floor,表示主導會議場所的發言權,例如May I have the floor, please? (可以讓我說話嗎?可以請大家聽一下我說的話嗎?) 新聞中的the floor則是指國會這個場所的議員席位,議案能夠被在國會這個場所中被辯論,意思就是能進入討論與審議。)

Many of those bills will have been approved by Senate committees, all of which will have Republican chairmen. The Foreign Relations Committee will be led by Senator Bob Corker, an outspoken critic of the Obama administration’s plan to combat Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria. Corker was characteristically blunt in his assessment of the plan at a committee hearing earlier this year where Secretary of State John Kerry testified.

這些法案大多都須由參議院委員會(committee)通過,而各委員 會主席將由共和黨員擔任。外交關係委員會將由議員鮑勃柯克(Bob Corker)擔任主席。對於歐巴馬政府打擊伊拉克與敘利亞內伊斯蘭國組織武裝份子(militant)的計畫,他曾直言不諱的(outspoken)批評。美國國務卿約翰凱瑞(John Kerry)今年稍早於委員會聽證會(hearing)作證時,柯克評論歐巴馬作戰計畫效益時即表現出其一貫不假辭色、直率的(blunt)風格。

“You are asking us to approve something that we know makes no sense. This does not even seem serious,” said Corker.

The new chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee is expected to be John McCain, President Obama’s 2008 Republican opponent, and an advocate of a more muscular U.S. response to global crises, including Russia’s intervention in Ukraine.

“This president does not understand Vladimir Putin. He does not understand his ambitions. He does not understand that Putin is an old KGB colonel bent on restoration of the Russian empire,” said McCain.

Even with a Republican-controlled legislature, President Obama will retain authority over U.S. foreign policy and remain commander-in-chief of the military for his final two years in office.

But there are other areas of the U.S. government where Republicans will be able to exert considerable power - most notably, the budget. Only Congress can authorize federal agencies to spend taxpayer dollars. The next chairman of the Senate Budget Committee is expected to be Republican Jeff Sessions, a fiscal conservative who has opposed many of President Obama’s spending priorities.

在最後兩年在任(in office)期內,即使共和黨將控制國會立 法,歐巴馬仍持有外交政策的主導權,也仍是軍方總司令(commander-in -chief)

但共和黨將能在美國政府中的許多部門施行(exert)巨大的影響力,其中最明顯的就是預算的權力。只有國會能授權 給聯邦單位支用納稅人公帑(taxpayer dollars)。共和黨的傑夫‧賽辛斯(Jeff Sessions)預計將是下一個預算委員會的主席,他在財政上(fiscal)採保守立場,反對過許多歐巴馬排列的優先支出順序 (spending priorities)。(編按:spending在此表示政府所編列預算的支出,priority可指「事情的重要性」或「一些事情的優先處理順序」,故spending priorities也就是政府編列預算時,考量各項支出後所排列的優先順序,也就反應出執政者對每項支出在政策與治理上所被賦予的重要性。)

“The unemployment bill that is before us today makes no attempt whatsoever to find spending reductions in other areas of this monstrosity of a government, but borrows every penny of it,” said Sessions.

Additionally, Senate Republicans will have the power to confirm or reject President Obama’s nominees for a wide range of federal positions, from agency heads to ambassadors to judges. Republican Chuck Grassley, who is expected to lead the Senate Judiciary Committee, has voted against scores of Obama-nominated judges, accusing many of them of judicial activism.

此外,參議院的共和黨委員將有權力批准或駁回歐巴馬許多聯邦職位的被提名人 (nominee),如各聯邦部門主管、大使 (ambassador)和法官。共和黨的查克‧葛拉斯李(Chuck Grassley)預計將會領導參議院的司法委員會,他曾投票反對過多位 (scores of . . .)歐巴馬提名的法官,譴責其中多位將個人政治立場帶入司法(judicial activism)。(編按:judicial activism可看wikipedia的定義(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judicial_activism )):judicial activism一 詞是指不依據現行法律,而疑似把個人或政治的考量作為司法審判的依據。(“Judicial activism is a term that describes judicial rulings suspected of being based on personal or political considerations rather than on existing law.” ) 故此譯為「將個人政治立場帶入司法」。)

“Judges are called upon to decide cases based upon laws applied to the facts. Judges are supposed to judge and not have political vision because they do not run for office,” said Grassley.

With control of both houses of Congress, Republicans have a limited mandate, according to University of Virginia political analyst Larry Sabato.

“I would call it a mandate to check [rein in] President Obama. There is not a whole lot of governing that is going to go on in the next two years," Sabato said.

Democrats will retain Senate control for the remainder of the year, and are expected to try to confirm as many Obama nominees as possible before handing over power to Republicans.

維吉尼亞大學的賴瑞‧薩巴托(Larry Sabato)分析認為,共和黨控制了國會兩議院,等於是得到了人民一定限度的授權(mandate)


「我想將此解讀為人民授權給共和黨來約束(check; rein in)歐巴馬。接下來兩年,歐馬巴的政府將不會 有太大空間。」


在今年剩下的時間(the remainder of...)民主黨仍保有參議院的控制權,預料民主黨在把權力轉交給(hand over power to...)共和黨之前,將會盡可能通過歐巴馬所提名的人事案。

Language Notes

1. assume (v) 承擔;就任

2. chamber (n) 議院  *chamber另一個常見的意思是「寢室、房間」

3. exterior (a) 外部的

4. toil (v) 苦幹;努力地作

5. afoot (a) 在進行中的;活動著的

6. the floor (n) 議會場所,議員的席位;發言權

7. outspoken (a) 坦率的;直言不諱的

8. blunt (a) 耿直的,直率的;直言不諱

9. fiscal (a) 財政的;會計的

10. judiciary  (n) 司法、司法制度  * judiciary也可作為集合名詞,指「法官」,例The judiciary has/have been consulted. (已諮詢過法官們意見。) 新聞中令有形容詞judicial  ,指「司法的」與「有關審判的」

11. scores of . . . (phr) 眾多的. . .

12. mandate (n) (選民對選出的代表、議會等的)授權,委任


Check your vocabulary!

Fill in the blanks with a word or phrase from the list above. Make necessary changes. After you finish, select the text below to reveal the hidden answers.

1. I've been toiling away at this essay all weekend.

2. There were plans afoot for a second attack.

3. Scores of reporters gathered outside the courthouse.

4. The exterior walls need a new coat of paint.

5. Jim Paton will assume the role of managing director.



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