臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 396 期 發行日期 2020-11-01

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World Food Program Wins Nobel Peace Prize for Efforts to Combat Hunger


The U.N. World Food Program has been awarded this year's Nobel Peace Prize for its efforts in combating hunger and in recognition of its actions "to prevent the use of hunger as a weapon of war and conflict."

聯合國(United Nations)世界糧食計劃署(World Food Program)獲頒今年(編按:2020 年)的諾貝爾和平獎(Nobel Peace Prize)。該署以對抗飢餓的努力和「避免飢餓成為戰爭與衝突的武器」所進行的行動獲得表彰(recognition,註 1)



◎ 混成式課程:【英語報告達人】、高效率迎戰雅思聽力 7.0】開始報名!!!





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English Listening


1. 學術作文考圖表,不知道怎麼構思下筆 
2. 報告句子明明都寫對,還是沒辦法拿高分 
3. 想引用專家觀點,不清楚怎麼改寫才正確




English Listening


針對突破錄取最低門檻所設計,只要兩個月的時間,幫你突破瓶頸,輕鬆拿高分! 藉由9套的模擬題庫,全面掌握雅思聽力所有題型,並提供精實的考前密技,除了有效了解聽力測驗盲點,還能拿到一張漂亮的成績單。 學習不再是無效率的自我摸索自學: 本混成式短期課程將提供學員線上自學軟體課程,同時,報名學員可以參加 1 場實體工作坊,讓您的學習更有效率精益求精。






◎ 109-1 菲律賓語短期課程 (11/23-12/28)

109-1 菲律賓語短期課程開始報名了,本學期邀請外文系俞燕妮老師為各位同學上為期六週的菲律賓語課程,在六週的主題規劃中,同學們可由淺入深,透過菲律賓在地文化、思維及生活型態學習基本的菲律賓語,對菲律賓文化有興趣的同學,千萬別錯過!

English Listening


報名截止時間:2020/11/23 12:00前
※ 出席四次以上並且最後一次有出席的同學,最後一週上課會給予證書

Feature of the Week




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Apps for Learning English



Quizizz: Play to Learn

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English Learning Video


English Learning Video

Why Studio Ghibli films have that extra magic | Inside Cinema - BBC

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周樹華老師英語學習 Q&A



英語發音練習:L 及R

英語發音可以自學。不必去上補習班,也不用靠老師。現今有了製作精良的英語發音短片,有耐心有信心,就可省錢省力省時間,學到準確的發音。我們的發音都很不錯,只是有的音可能會混擾,如L 及R 唸法。L 及R 字首發音沒有問題,但唸第二個字母時,如 play 的 l 就會唸成 r pray 變成另外一個字了。因此要請同學們特別練習提供有 l 及 R 的字,對著鏡子,看嘴型,發音部位對了,字就唸正確了。




訓練英語「說」系列:英文哈啦聊天室:不怕How are you?之後沒話聊

How are you ? Fine ! 然後咧?腦袋一片空白嗎? 用這裡的句子填滿你空白的英文對話倉庫吧! 英文單字量不夠?口語表達不好?英文有太多種說法搞不清楚! 或者是開不了口,找不到話題聊天嗎? 就讓 Steve 老師來教你 80 個必學的聊天話題, 代替那些死氣沉沉無法活用的英文說法吧! 透過這本書,不管是誰,都可以在三分鐘說出英文來。 讓你可以輕鬆應用英文對話!




World Food Program Wins Nobel Peace Prize for Efforts to Combat Hunger
VOA News|Europe
October 09
, 2020 10:45 AM (source)

World Food Program Wins Nobel Peace Prize for Efforts to Combat Hunger


October 09, 2020 10:45 AM

Lisa Schlein


The U.N. World Food Program has been awarded this year's Nobel Peace Prize for its efforts in combating hunger and in recognition of its actions "to prevent the use of hunger as a weapon of war and conflict."

In announcing the award, the Norwegian Nobel Committee recognized the World Food Program's intensified efforts in providing life-saving assistance to the surging numbers of hungry victims of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The WFP called the award a proud and humbling moment. It said it is a moving recognition of the work of its staff in bringing food and assistance to nearly 100 million people whose lives are torn apart by instability, insecurity and conflict.

WFP spokesman Thomson Phiri [sic] said the agency works in 88 countries around the world, most in conflict-affected countries. He said COVID-19 has left few places untouched and few lives unchanged. He added that global hunger is increasing as is acute malnutrition, especially among children and women.

"The economic fallout as a result of COVID has meant that more people than we have had to assist are now looking to ask for assistance. … Food is indeed the best vaccine that we have until a time when we have a vaccine. It is our hope that we will continue to work together, not only with donor governments but also with foundations, with the private sector in helping defeat hunger,"  Phiri said.

This is the 12th Nobel prize awarded to the United Nations and its specialized and related agencies. Two U.N. Secretary-Generals, Dag Hammarskjold and Kofi Annan, are among the recipients of the peace prize. It has been awarded twice to the UNHCR, the U.N. refugee agency.

U.N. Deputy Spokesman in Geneva Rheal LeBlanc said this year's award to the WFP is a great honor for the United Nations and international community.

"This is going to give a tremendous push to the second sustainable development goal, which is to achieve zero hunger and a goal to which all countries committed to in 2015 when they adopted the SDGs (sustainable development goal)," LeBlanc said. "This is really going to put this objective in the limelight and give it some impetus.”

The WFP warned that COVID-19 will push millions of people to the brink of starvation. It pledged to do its best to provide a lifeline to the many in need, but noted that where there is conflict, there is hunger and without peace, it will not be possible to achieve its global goal of zero hunger.

聯合國(United Nations)世界糧食計劃署(World Food Program)獲頒今年(編按:2020 年)的諾貝爾和平獎(Nobel Peace Prize)。該署以對抗飢餓的努力和「避免飢餓成為戰爭與衝突的武器」所進行的行動獲得表彰(recognition,註 1)

藉由宣佈獎項得主,挪威諾貝爾委員會(Norwegian Nobel Committee)肯定了世界糧食計劃署在提供挽救生命(life-saving)的援助上所付出的加倍努力。受新冠肺炎所苦的飢餓受害者數量正在持續攀升(surge)

世界糧食計劃署形容獲獎為驕傲且謙虛的時刻。該署述說這對其員工而言是相當動人的(moving,註 2)讚賞。這些工作者為近 1 億名生命受不穩定性、不安全性和衝突所苦的人提供食物與協助。

世界糧食計劃署發言人湯姆森.菲里(Tomson Phiri,音譯)表示,該組織於全球 88 個國家運作,其中多數位於受衝突影響(conflict-affected)的地方。菲里提到,在新冠肺炎疫情下,僅有少數地區未被影響、少數生命未被改變。此外,在全球飢餓(global hunger)的狀況加劇之際,急性(acute)營養不良(malnutrition,註 3)的問題,尤其是在孩童與婦女之間,也日益嚴重。

「由新冠肺炎造成的經濟衰退意味著,比起以往我們需要幫助的人,現在有更多的人正向我們尋求協助。…直到我們有疫苗(vaccine)之前,食物確實是最好的疫苗。我們希望能繼續與各界合作,一起戰勝飢餓。這些單位除了有提供捐助(donor,註 4)的政府機關,也包括基金會和私人機構。」菲里說道。

該獎是聯合國及其隸屬組織所獲頒的第 12 座諾貝爾獎。道格.哈馬紹(Dag Hammarskjold,音譯)和科菲.安南(Kofi Annan,音譯)2 位(前)聯合國秘書長也名列諾貝爾和平獎的得主之中。

該獎更曾兩度頒給聯合國難民署(UNHCR, the U.N. refugee agency)。

聯合國日內瓦(Geneva)辦事處副發言人雷亞爾.勒布朗(Rheal LeBlanc,音譯)表示,世界糧食計劃署今年能獲得這個獎項對聯合國與國際社會而言是一大殊榮。

勒布朗表示:「這對推廣永續發展目標二(second sustainable development goal)將有極大的幫助。這項目標致力於實現「零飢餓」(Zero Hunger),是各國在 2015 年通過聯合國永續發展目標(sustainable development goals)時所承諾的其中一項目標。」他繼續說道:「這確實會讓眾人關注永續發展的目標(objective,註 5),並帶給它一些推動力(impetus)。」

世界糧食計劃署警告,新冠肺炎將把數百萬人推向饑餓(starvation)邊緣(brink)。該署誓言(pledge)盡其所能(do one's best)地為需要的人提供援助,但也指出有戰爭的地方就有飢餓(的人),以及沒有和平的地方,其「零飢餓」的全球目標將無法達成。

Language Notes

註 1: recognition 於本文指「賞識,讚賞;表彰」;本字也常指「承認;認可;接受」;注意重音在第 3 音節

註 2:moving 於本文指「動人的,感人的」;本字也常指「行進中的;活動的」

註 3:malnutrition 注意重音在第 3 音節

註 4:donor 於本文指「捐助者,捐贈者」;本字也常指「捐血者;器官捐贈者」

註 5:objective 於本文為名詞,意指「目標;目的」;本字也可作形容詞,意指「客觀的;如實的;不帶個人感情的」


Check your comprehension!

Choose the BEST answer to each of the questions below. After you finish, highlight the parentheses to reveal the hidden answers.

1. A ) Why did the World Food Program win this year's Nobel Peace Prize? 
            (A) For the work it has put into fighting hunger
            (B) For the effort it has put into inventing a vaccine out of food
            (C) For helping over 100 million people worldwide
            (D) For adopting the goal of Zero Hunger in 2015
2. B ) According to the article, which of the following descriptions of malnutrition is CORRECT
            (A) It has been rising among children and men.
            (B) It has been rising among children and women.       
            (C)It has been rising among men and women.
            (D) It has been rising among children, men, and women.
3. D ) Why were former U.N. Secretary-Generals Hammarskjold and Annan mentioned in the article? 
            (A) They pledged to meet the U.N.'s Sustainable Development Goals.    
            (B) They developed the Zero Hunger Goal.
            (C) They are the awardees of the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize.  
            (D) They are examples of the Nobel Peace Prize's U.N. awardees. 

編譯:外語教學暨資源中心 編輯小組