臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 316 期 發行日期 2017-03-15

  How About Some Tasty Woolly Rhinoceros for Dinner? Read more on VOA.

How About Some Tasty Woolly Rhinoceros for Dinner?


Ancient DNA from dental plaque is revealing intriguing new information about Neanderthals, including specific menu items in their diet such as woolly rhinoceros and wild mushrooms, as well as their use of plant-based medicine to cope with pain and illness.

      來自牙菌斑(dental plaque)裡遠古的DNA揭露了關於尼安德塔人(Neanderthal)有趣的(intriguing)新訊息,例如我們很明確地得知他們在飲食上有長毛犀牛和野生菇類這些菜色,還有他們會用草本藥物來對抗疼痛與疾病。



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跨文化溝通Intercultural Communication Workshop

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Feature of the Week


吃是人生一大樂趣,但如果是自己動手做菜,很多人都嫌麻煩。Yummly 這個網站會改變你的看法,讓下廚變得更簡單!Yummly 提供多樣化的食譜,並且可以依照個人喜好、手邊有的食材和配料篩選食譜。趕快來看看今晚要做哪道菜吧~

Interactive Learning Resources
From Fail to Win! Learning from Bad Ideas

Capstone: From Fail to Win! Learning from Bad Ideas: Buildings and Structures

在 Capstone Interactive Library 裡,我們可以找到 From Fail to Win! Learning from Bad Ideas: Buildings and Structures 這本書。本書羅列了十項世界上具代表性的建築疏失,例如:義大利的比薩斜塔 (The Leaning Tower of Pisa)、法國的博韋主教座堂 (Beauvais Cathedral) 與美國洛杉磯聖弗朗西斯水壩 (The St. Francis Dam) 等。俗話說得好:「失敗為成功之母。」,透過本書的介紹,我們能了解造成這些建築失敗的原因,同時亦學習如何避免這些失敗。

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HOW TO OBSERVE like Sherlock Holmes - 5 Hyper Observant Techniques


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How About Some Tasty Woolly Rhinoceros for Dinner?
VOA News
March 08, 2017 5:14 PM (source

How About Some Tasty Woolly Rhinoceros for Dinner?


March 08, 2017 5:14 PM


Ancient DNA from dental plaque is revealing intriguing new information about Neanderthals, including specific menu items in their diet such as woolly rhinoceros and wild mushrooms, as well as their use of plant-based medicine to cope with pain and illness.

Scientists said on Wednesday they genetically analyzed plaque from 48,000-year-old Neanderthal remains from Spain and 36,000-year-old remains from Belgium. The plaque, material that forms on and between teeth, contained food particles as well as microbes from the mouth and the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts.

At Belgium's Spy Cave site, which at the time was a hilly grassy environment home to big game, the Neanderthal diet was meat-based with woolly rhinoceros and wild sheep, along with wild mushrooms. Some 12,000 years earlier, at Spain's El Sidron Cave site, which was a densely forested environment likely lacking large animals, the diet was wild mushrooms, pine nuts, moss and tree bark, with no sign of meat.

The two populations apparently lived different lifestyles shaped by their environments, the researchers said.

The researchers found that an adolescent male from the Spanish site had a painful dental abscess and an intestinal parasite that causes severe diarrhea. The plaque DNA showed he had consumed poplar bark, containing the pain-killing active ingredient of aspirin, and a natural antibiotic mold.

"This study really gives us a glimpse of what was in a Neanderthal's medicine cabinet," said paleomicrobiologist Laura Weyrich of Australia's University of Adelaide, lead author of the study published in the journal Nature.

The findings added to the growing body of knowledge about Neanderthals, the closest extinct relative of our species, Homo Sapiens, and further debunked the outdated notion of them as humankind's dimwitted cousins.

"I definitely believe our research suggests Neanderthals were highly capable, intelligent, likely friendly beings. We really need to rewrite the history books about their 'caveman-like' behaviors. They were very human-like behaviors," Weyrich said.

The robust, large-browed Neanderthals prospered across Europe and Asia from about 350,000 years ago until going extinct roughly 35,000 years ago after our species, which first appeared in Africa 200,000 years ago, established itself in regions where Neanderthals lived.

Scientists say Neanderthals were intelligent, with complex hunting methods, probable use of spoken language and symbolic objects, and sophisticated fire usage.

The researchers also reconstructed the genome of a 48,000-year-old oral bacterium from one of the Neanderthals.

"This is the oldest microbial genome to date, by about 43,000 years," Weyrich said.

來自牙菌斑(dental plaque)裡遠古的DNA揭露了關於尼安德塔人(Neanderthal)有趣的(intriguing)新訊息,例如我們很明確地得知他們在飲食上有長毛犀牛和野生菇類這些菜色,還有他們會用草本藥物來對抗疼痛與疾病。


比利時的Spy Cave遺址在當時是一個多丘陵(hilly)、多草的環境,也是大型獵物(big game)的家,此地的尼安德塔人以肉食為主,會吃長毛犀牛和野生的羊,但也會吃野生的菇類。而早於Spy Cave遺址約1萬2千年的西班牙El Sidron Cave遺址則是一個樹木叢生的(densely forested)環境,可能沒有大型的動物,在這裡的尼安德塔人則食用野生菇類、松子、苔蘚(moss)和樹皮,而沒有吃肉的跡象。


研究人員從西班牙的尼安德塔人遺址的一個青少年男性身上發現,他患有會引起疼痛的牙膿腫(dental abscess),還有會導致嚴重腹瀉(diarrhea)腸道寄生蟲(intestinal parasite)。他的牙菌斑上的DNA顯示出他曾食用白楊樹的樹皮,這種樹皮含有能止痛的(pain-killing)阿司匹林(aspirin)活性成分和一種含天然抗生素的(antibiotic)黴菌(mold)

澳大利亞阿德雷得大學(University of Adelaide)古代微生物學家(paleomicrobiologist)蘿拉‧威瑞奇(Laura Weyrich)說:「這個研究讓我們有機會能一窺(glimpse)尼安德塔人的藥櫃」。蘿拉‧威瑞奇是此研究的第一作者,此研究發表於《自然》(Nature)期刊。

滅絕的(extinct)尼安德塔人是在演化上距離我們現代人的人種──智人(Homo Sapiens)──最近的物種。這些新發現不僅增加了我們現有對尼安德塔人的認識,也更進一步駁斥(debunk)了他們是人類愚蠢的(dimwitted)表親的這個過時的(outdated)概念。





威瑞奇表示:「這個基因組大約有4萬3千年的歷史,是到目前為止(to date)最古老的微生物的(microbial)基因組了。」

Language Notes

plaque [plæk] (n) 牙菌斑

*本字另一常見的意思是「銘牌;牌匾」。另一個容易與本字混淆的字是 plague [pleg],意即「瘟疫」。兩字在拼法與發音上皆不同,須注意!

intriguing [ɪn`trigɪŋ] (a) 吸引人的,有趣的

*intrigue [ɪn`trig] (v) 激起. . . . . .好奇心(或興趣);耍陰謀,施詭計。須注意動詞 intrigue 和形容詞 intriguing 兩者最後一音節的 "u" 皆不發音

remains (n) 遺體;遺骨


microbe [`maɪkrob] (n) 微生物

*microbial [maɪ`krobɪəl] (a) 微生物的。新聞中出現的 "paleomicrobiologist"「古代微生物學家」分別是由 "paleo-"「遠古的」、"micro-"「微小的」與 "biologist"「生物學家」三部分組成

game (n) 獵物


abscess [`æbsɪs] (n) 膿瘡;膿腫

pain-killing (a) 止痛的;鎮痛的

*pain-killer (n) 止痛藥,止痛劑

glimpse (n) 一瞥;瞥見

debunk [dɪ`bʌŋk] (v) 揭穿. . . . . .的真相;駁斥


dimwitted [ˏdɪm`wɪtɪd] (a) 笨的,傻的

 *注意本字重音在第二音節,亦有 "dim-witted" 的拼法;dimwit [`dɪm͵wɪt] (n) 傻瓜

robust [rə`bʌst] (a) 強壯的;結實的


genome [`dʒiˏnom] (n) 基因組

Check your vocabulary!

Fill in the blanks with a word or phrase from the list above. Make necessary changes. After you finish, highlight the blanks to reveal the hidden answers.

She has a really intriguing personality.

They hunted game in Alaska.

Marilyn was portrayed as some sort of dim-witted blonde.

I only caught a fleeting glimpse of the driver of the getaway car, but I know I would recognize her if I saw her again.

The writer's aim was to debunk the myth that had grown up around the actress.

Human remains were found in the woods.


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